After all, she is the eldest daughter of the Kamisato family, and she has a high level of etiquette.

Seeing Kamisato Ayaka introduce herself so formally, Fang Xun immediately responded: "My name is Fang Xun, please give me more advice."

"In the next few days, I hope we can get along well."

He paused, then looked down at Ningguang beside him,

The little guy couldn't understand the Inazuma language, so at this moment, his face showed a very confused expression,

Little head, big confusion.

Looking at the little girl trying hard to understand the content of the conversation between the two, but couldn't understand it at all,

Fang Xun couldn't help laughing, and then explained the situation to her.

After learning that Kamisato Ayaka accidentally came to Liyue by boat and had no way to go home for the time being,

Ningguang also expressed sympathy for this,

She was also willing to get along well with Kamisato Ayaka in the next few days.

Little Ningguang looked serious and said in a baby voice: "Hello, Shenli Linghua, my name is Ningguang, nice to meet you!"

While talking, Ningguang raised her head and looked at Fangxun, stretched out her hand and pulled the corner of Fangxun's clothes,

This is to ask Fangxun to help convey the meaning.

The two little guys want to communicate, and they have to rely on Fangxun to pass the message in the middle.

Yae Shenzi has a vicious heart,

The reason why he taught Fangxun the language of Inazuma is to let him be a messenger,

When Fangxun can't do anything all day, he will be dedicated to passing messages to them.

But now Fangxun can switch between the two languages ​​freely, and there is no pressure to convey the meaning.

After understanding Ningguang's meaning, Shenli Linghua was also very happy,

Because of many factors of the Shenli family, Xiao Linghua didn't have many friends in Inazuma,

Even if there were friends, those friends approached her with some purpose for the Shenli family.

Far from the pure friendship like Ningguang's.

Little Linghua's big eyes flickered, and she said in a soft tone: "Linghua, just call me Linghua."

Shinri Linghua could feel the kindness of Fang Xun and Ningguang,

so she was willing to make friends.


Sister Yae Shenzi seemed to have said that there were many children about her age here,

Now it seems that only Ningguang is seen?

Are there really other children here?

At this time,

There were sounds coming from the bedroom upstairs,

Shinri Linghua looked up subconsciously,

She saw three girls upstairs who were about the same age as her,

One girl had many talismans on her body, and her face was expressionless, but her big eyes were very smart,

Another girl had white hair down to her waist, and looked very quiet, and her smile had a healing power.

There was another girl, wearing a dark purple dress, with a tenacity in her eyes, as if she would never give in no matter what happened.

Probably because they heard someone talking at the door, the three little guys got up.

There is no need to say much about Qiqi, the little guy doesn't need to sleep at all, so he came out the fastest.

Beidou sleeps very lightly and has the habit of getting up early.

She woke up a long time ago, and then sat on the bed in a daze.

The reason why she didn't leave the room was that she was afraid of disturbing everyone's rest.

She didn't leave the room until everyone got up.

As for Shen He,

After combing her white hair three times, her mood reached an unprecedented lightness.

She slept very lightly and woke up quickly after hearing the noise downstairs.

"Brother Fang Xun, good morning!"

"Why did you get up so early, Brother Fang Xun?"

"Fang Xun..."

The three little guys walked out of the room, calling Fang Xun's name at the same time,

and threw themselves into Fang Xun's arms.

It was... quite a sense of déjà vu,

three little ones woke up and looked for their old father everywhere.

The voice was cute,

and her tone was full of deep dependence and coquettishness.

Looking at Shen He's white hair, Ningguang and Beidou were slightly absent-minded,

because they clearly remembered that Shen He's hair was still black and shiny yesterday,

how did it turn snow-white overnight?

And Shen He looked like he had a fairy spirit beyond the mortal world,

looking a bit like a fairy.

But Beidou and Ningguang didn't think much,

because Fang Xun spoke at this time.

Fang Xun also introduced Kamisato Ayaka to the three little ones: "This is Kamisato Ayaka, who came to Liyue from Inazuma by accident,"

"She will stay here for a few days until the rainstorm stops."

For this girl from Inazuma,

the three little cute kids showed some curiosity to a certain extent.

But the world of children is not too complicated,

after Fang Xun's introduction, they also wanted to get close to Ayaka.

After that, Fang Xun alsoKamisato Ayaka introduced: "These three are Qiqi, Beidou and Shenhe."

Although Kamisato Ayaka did not understand Liyue's language, she could clearly feel the hospitality of the three girls in front of her.

While talking, Fang Xun also realized that it was time to make breakfast for the little ones.

The children should eat more now so that they can grow up in the future.

In response, Fang Xun looked at Yae Shenzi, and then at Kamisato Ayaka: "I'm going to cook, you guys stay and have breakfast together?"

When Kamisato Ayaka heard this, she was stunned for a moment, and then shook her head subconsciously.

She was a little embarrassed.

After all, this was the first time she met Fang Xun, how could she eat and drink for free?

It was too rude.

Fang Xun saw what she was thinking, and chuckled and said, "It's okay, it's just a matter of two more pairs of chopsticks, it's not a big deal."

Before Shen Li Ling Hua could speak, Yae Shen Zi beside her also joked, "Then I'll have to trouble Mr. Fang Xun."

While speaking, she also smiled and said to Shen Li Ling Hua, "Mr. Fang Xun's cooking skills are really good and worth tasting."

"Little girl, you are in for a treat."

Fang Xun was not surprised by Yae Shen Zi's agreement,

because this sly fox would eat for free.

Of course, Yae Shen Zi didn't eat for free at every dinner party.

Previously, some businessmen or admirers invited Yae Shen Zi to attend dinner parties,

but Yae Shen Zi was not enthusiastic about those people's invitations and declined politely.

Instead, he came to Fang Xun every few days.

I don't know what this sly fox is planning.

Every time Yae's fox-like cunning eyes cast a look at him, Fang Xun always felt that something bad was going to happen.

Either he is playing tricks on him, or he is on the way to playing tricks on him.

The fox likes to play tricks on people, and it is fun.

But one day, Fang Xun will definitely play tricks on him twice as much,

and make this pink-haired fox cry and admit that he is wrong.


I am stuck.

I have been writing for a long time but I have not been able to achieve satisfactory results. It is a headache.

I am afraid that everyone will wait for a long time, so I will post one chapter first. There will be another chapter before 12 o'clock.

I don't have any manuscripts saved, and it is also uncomfortable to write on the spot every day.

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