Seeing the harmonious coexistence of the little ones at home, Fang Xun also had a gratified smile on his face like an old father.

He sat back on the chair, then opened the system's lottery card pool and made a single draw.

I saw a purple light breaking through the clouds.

When the light faded, a skill came into view,

called Shenli Liu·Qing.

This is the normal attack of Shenli Ayaka in the game. The feature is that when using a heavy attack, several sword shadows will be swung forward at the same time.

Wide range, high damage.

To be honest, when Fang Xun saw the skill 'Shenli Liu·Qing', he was a little surprised,

because he had drawn skills before,

whether it was elemental combat skills or elemental bursts,

but it was the first time to draw a normal attack.

Furthermore, ‘Kamiri-ryu·Qing’ is not a simple sword technique.

In the game setting, Kamisato-ryu Tachijutsu is very famous in Inazuma.

Everyone says that if you can comprehend the profound sword meaning contained in Kamisato-ryu Tachijutsu, you can become the world's top swordsman.

For this reason, many people want to learn Kamisato-ryu Tachijutsu, but they don't have that opportunity.

First, Kamisato-ryu Tachijutsu has many changes and is extremely profound.

Move with your heart and change with your thoughts.

If there is no teacher's guidance, you can't get started at all, let alone learn it.

Only people from the Kamisato family can master this profound Tachijutsu.

Soon, Fang Xun also unlocked this skill.

Although Fang Xun has not learned any sword techniques orthodoxly,

But in his mind, at this moment, he has extremely rich skills and practical experience about ‘Kamiri-ryu·Qing’.

Just like he had swung his sword tens of thousands of times before,

He knew every move of Shenli Liu·Qing by heart,

After exiting the system interface, Fang Xun looked at the little guys in front of him,

Qiqi and Linghua were feeding the sparrows, laughing from time to time,

Ningguang and Shenhe were washing the dishes carefully in the kitchen,

Beidou looked at the pouring rain outside the window, wondering what he was thinking.

She was probably thinking, if she hadn't come to this house,

Where would she hide from the rain in the face of this sudden rainstorm?


The heavy rain hit the window with a crackling sound, and there was no sign of abating at all,

Fang Xun had originally planned to take a few little guys to officially start learning skills today, but because of the heavy rain, the plan had to be postponed.

The streets were empty, not even a dog could be seen,

Everyone was avoiding the storm.

Only Qingxin, who grew up on the top of the mountain, swayed with the strong wind, and did not bow her head in the face of the wind and rain.

Looking at Qingxin, Fang Xun suddenly thought of Ganyu.

Yesterday he made an appointment with Ganyu to teach Shen He about the cultivation of immortal arts today.

But now it is raining so hard that it is difficult to move in such an environment.

I am afraid Ganyu will not come.

Just when Fang Xun was thinking this, he saw a figure running quickly towards his home in the distance.

The most obvious feature was the pair of dark red unicorn horns on the head.

In the storm, the girl ran forward with an umbrella.

Although the umbrella had no effect at all in such a bad weather, the girl was wet all over.

But the girl's steps were still very firm and there was no wavering.

Looking at Ganyu who came to the appointment in the rain, Fang Xun immediately took out a towel and ran to Ganyu,

wiping the rain off Ganyu's head and body.

At the same time, Fang Xun couldn't help but say, "Miss Ganyu, it's raining so hard outside, why don't you wait until the rain stops before coming?"

Ganyu looked at Fang Xun, with a smile on her face, and said softly, "Because I promised Mr. Fang Xun that I would come here today."

"Since the contract has been signed, I can't break the agreement."

"Besides...Besides, I can't break my promise, otherwise, Mr. Fang Xun will be disappointed."

"I don't want to disappoint Mr. Fang Xun, so I came here."

Listening to Ganyu's words, Fang Xun was deeply moved.

What a silly girl.

In fact, even if Ganyu didn't come today, Fang Xun could understand it.

After all, it was a storm outside, and it was extremely inconvenient to travel.

But Ganyu still came.

The reason for coming was so simple and direct.

That was that she made an agreement with Fang Xun and didn't want to disappoint Fang Xun.

So silly,

How could there be such a cute and innocent girl,

Fang Xun didn't say anything, just took a towel to wipe the rain off Gan Yu's hair,

Fang Xun also wiped the sheep's horns and the hair on her head with extra care and caution.

Gan Yu didn't say anything either, just turned her head silently to let Fang Xun help wipe it,

If you look closely,The secretary of Yue Haiting had a hint of shyness in her eyes at this moment.

Of course, there was more joy.

Fang Xun quickly helped Gan Yu wipe the rain off her body.

Now there is a big problem, that is, Gan Yu's clothes are soaked.

It must be very uncomfortable to wear such wet clothes.

And in such a rainstorm, wet clothes will not dry for a while.

Fang Xun looked at Gan Yu and said seriously: "Miss Gan Yu, there are no clothes suitable for you to change at home."

"If you don't mind, wear my clothes for a while."

"It's better than wearing wet clothes."

When Fang Xun first came to Teyvat, he was wearing a white shirt.

Later, he followed the local customs and changed into the Zhongli style clothes given by Yu Jin.

The previous white shirt was also washed and never worn again.

In this case, he could lend the shirt to Gan Yu.

Fang Xun brought Gan Yu to the bedroom and handed the white shirt to Gan Yu.

Gan Yu looked at Fang Xun's departing back, then looked at the shirt in her hand.

"I like the scent of this shirt better than the scent of Qingxin and Liulily."


It's still a writer's block, so I'll update the second chapter before 12 o'clock today.

Everyone can rest early and read it tomorrow.

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