Facing Wendy's request, Xiao did not hesitate and nodded in agreement.

As an immortal who has been guarding Liyue for thousands of years, he does not lack Mora.

It is no problem to treat Wendy to a meal,

although Xiao does not like to eat.

Of course, the most important thing is that he feels that Wendy's singing has a healing power.

For this reason, Xiao hopes to listen to the whole song.

Xiao paused and turned his head to look at Fang Xun next to him: "Mr. Fang Xun, please come with us."

Facing someone that the Rock King values, Xiao will naturally not neglect him.

Besides, this is also an opportunity to understand Fang Xun.

Hearing that there is a place to spend money, Fang Xun is not sleepy.

It doesn't matter whether it costs money or not.

The main thing is that he likes to make friends.

"It's okay, I'll treat you to this meal today. I'm also interested in the second half of Mr. Wendy's flute."

Fang Xun paused and looked up at the Wangshu Inn in the distance, which was particularly bright at night.

"Then let's go to Wangshu Inn for dinner?"

Wendy is a drunkard. For him, being able to drink alcohol is a very good meal.

He is not so picky about other things, as long as it is not hot and sticky food.

On the contrary, Xiao is particular about food.

He remembered that Xiao was very picky about food and only preferred almond tofu.

And the almond tofu at Wangshu Inn is a must, so Fang Xun chose to eat there.

Seeing that dinner was settled, Wendy's face was filled with a happy smile: "Then let's go now!"

"However, this place seems a bit far from Wangshu Inn. It should take a long time to walk there, right?"

"There is a solution...Mr. Fang Xun, is your name Fang Xun? Please hold my hand tightly."

While speaking, Wendy's whole body was surrounded by green elemental power.

The wind elements between heaven and earth seemed to be inspired by him and all gathered together.

The rich wind element blew the bard high up and flew into the sky.

At the same time, Wendy smiled and extended his hand to Fang Xun.

He saw at a glance that Xiao had the God's Eye of the Wind Element.

The lucky ones who could use the Wind Element did not need to worry about the problem of hurrying on the road.

Wendy only needed to focus on Fang Xun, who looked like an ordinary person but was actually not ordinary at all.

Seeing this, Fang Xun did not hesitate to extend his hand to Wendy.

Although this Mondstadt Wind God was unreliable most of the time,

there were still a few moments occasionally when he could be trusted a little.

Fang Xun took off with Wendy, and he could feel his whole body becoming lighter.

That feeling was completely different from the feeling of using the skill "Chihaya Zhen" of Fengyuan Manye.

Fengyuan Manye's "Chihaya Zhen" was to ride the wind, to put it bluntly, it was to fly on the wind.

And now, under Wendy's guidance, Fang Xun felt like he had turned into a gust of light wind, like a wind seed between heaven and earth.

That feeling of ease and comfort was something Fang Xun had never experienced before.

No wonder Wendy wanted to fish every day after becoming the God of Wind.

If Fang Xun could control the wind element at will, he would fish even more than Wendy,

because it was so delicious.


Soon, the three of them came to Wangshu Inn.

Fang Xun handed the menu to Xiao and Wendy respectively, and said, "You can order whatever you want. You're welcome."

Xiao didn't look at the food on the menu. For him, only almond tofu was barely edible.

Only Wendy looked at the menu seriously.

He fumbled for a moment, then circled the menu with a pen.

Fang Xun took a quick look. The dishes that Wendy circled were the cheapest dishes in Wangshu Inn.

Fang Xun was a little touched by this.

Although Wendy was unreliable and didn't do his job,

but at least when someone invited him to dinner, he was quite polite.

He deliberately didn't order expensive dishes, but only some cheap dishes.

Fang Xun was just about to say that he could order whatever he wanted and that he didn't need to be so polite, when he saw Wendy handing the menu to the inn's clerk and said with a smile: "Please don't order the dishes circled on the menu, and serve all the other dishes." Fang Xun: "???" Why is Wendy so angry? He can't even take out a Mora from his pocket, but he's so generous in ordering dishes. He really doesn't need to be polite to him. Seeing Fang Xun looking at him, Wendy scratched his head in embarrassment: "Mr. Fang Xun, I'm sorry that I'm really too hungry, so I ordered a little more." "But as a thank you, I'll ask you to listen to two more songs later~" "Oh, by the way, if you have the chance to go to Mondstadt, I'll treat you to my collection of cider." Wendy doesn't have any special hobbies, but he likes drinking. When traveling,In the background story of the play, Wendy ran from Mondstadt to Liyue to find Zhongli, which made Zhongli particularly nervous and thought something had happened. He never thought that Wendy just came to share good wine with him. He traveled thousands of miles and ignored his duties just to find Zhongli to drink. It can be seen that wine is really important to Wendy. Now he is willing to share his wine with Fang Xun, which means that he regards Fang Xun as a friend. Fang Xun replied with a bit of laughter: "When I have the opportunity to go to Mondstadt, I will definitely find Mr. Wendy to drink." Soon, a table of steaming hot food was served. Fang Xun thought he couldn't finish it. He had eaten dinner. Xiao was only interested in almond tofu and didn't even look at other food. This means that Wendy needs to finish the meal by himself. Unexpectedly, Wendy actually finished all the food by himself. Not only that, he also drank a lot of wine, and his body was full of alcohol. Drunkenly, Wendy took out the organ from his pocket and prepared to play a song.

Fang Xun was a little worried.

Could Wendy really play a good tune in this state?

But Fang Xun soon found that he was overthinking.

That is, the bard's organ level would not decline because of his state.

On the contrary, the tune played by Wendy after drinking to his heart's content was more empathetic.

Xiao sat there and listened to the song, and then remained silent for a moment.

Perhaps it was because the song reminded him of some past events.

He stood up and slowly said to Fang Xun and Wendy: "Goodbye."

The next second, Xiao turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared.

Now that the song has been finished, he still has to continue to maintain the peace of Liyue.

As for Fang Xun, he was also ready to run away.

But looking at Wendy, who was lying on the table, drunk, he hesitated.

Is this guy really the God of Wind?

I live a more carefree life than anyone else.

At this time, Wendy raised her head and looked at Fang Xun: "Mr. Fang Xun, are you leaving? It's time to leave."

"It's just that it's raining heavily outside, and it's a long way to get back to Mondstadt from Wangshu Inn, and I'm drunk, it's really a headache..."

Wendy paused and looked at Fang Xun: "I wonder if Mr. Fang Xun's family can let me stay for one night,"

"Can I? Can I?"

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