Fang Xun looked at Qiqi and asked softly, "Qiqi, how do you feel now?"

Qiqi raised her head, and her big pink eyes stared at Fang Xun blankly.

"Qiqi...feels very warm in my heart."

"That warmth...Qiqi likes it..."

Fang Xun was relieved to see that Qiqi did not resist the Stop Transformation Talisman, and even seemed to like it very much.

Then, he picked up another string of fish balls and handed it to Qiqi.

"Little girl, try it again, you should be able to taste it this time."

Looking at the fish balls in Fang Xun's hand, little Qiqi opened her mouth and took a bite.

The little girl was stunned for a moment, then pulled Fang Xun's clothes, and said in a surprised tone: "Fang Xun...Qiqi tasted the food..."

"The fish balls are very smooth and soft...and taste sweet..."

Although little Qiqi couldn't make any expression, her big peach-colored eyes were full of joy.

Since waking up from amber, Qiqi couldn't taste the food.

Whether everyone thinks the food is delicious or unpalatable, it's the same to her.

This also led to that every time everyone sat together happily to eat, Qiqi could only watch with coconut milk on the side,

without any sense of participation.

Now that her sense of taste has been restored, Qiqi is very happy.

Not only can she feel the deliciousness of the food,

but most importantly, when everyone is happy to eat, she can also participate.

Qiqi doesn't want to be alone.

She wants to be an ordinary person like everyone else.

"Thank you Fang Xun...Qiqi likes it..."

Little Qiqi is not good at speaking.

For her, she will only say she likes it when she is particularly happy.

After regaining her sense of taste, Qiqi quickly finished the oden in her arms.

Seeing this, Fang Xun's face was filled with the smile of an old father.

Originally, he was worried that Qiqi would be sad because she couldn't drink coconut milk these days,

but now it seems that such worries are unnecessary.

It can be seen that Qiqi likes to eat these foods after regaining her sense of taste, and she eats them very deliciously.

At this time, Qiqi pulled Fang Xun's clothes and said weakly: "Fang Xun... Can I have another bowl?"

"Qiqi, I still... want to eat... Can I?"

The little guy hasn't tasted the taste of food for too long, so he is a little reluctant to leave.

Looking at Qiqi's innocent big eyes, Fang Xun has no way to refuse.

Because the little girl is so cute.

In response, Fang Xun touched Qiqi's little head and said with a smile: "Eat, eat, little Qiqi can eat as much as you want,"

"Eat as much as you want, today you can have enough!"

In response, Fang Xun also specially booked this snack stall and asked the boss to give every snack to the little guys.

During this period, Fang Xun looked at Yae Shenzi and Lei Dianying,

asking them if they wanted a bowl of snacks.

However, Yae Shenzi declined.

The reason is that she is taking care of her hair recently and can only eat light food.

Snacks like oden, just watch the little ones eat.

Lei Dianying showed interest in these snacks.

She had stayed in the Pure Land for hundreds of years before.

A hundred years may be just a blink of an eye for gods.

But for the country of Inazuma, it has undergone a sea change.

Even ordinary snacks have become something unfamiliar to Ying.

For Ying,

If you want to get to know Inazuma again, trying snacks may be a good start.

She touched her chin and looked like she was thinking.

"Putting a variety of ingredients in a pot and stewing them together, won't the food taste mixed?"

"Will it really taste good? Why not cook them separately? Wouldn't it taste better?"

Lei Dianying also saw Inazuma's snacks for the first time, and was curious and confused.

Ying was also at a loss for words because the shop owner didn't know how to do it.

Why does it feel like this customer is seeing a snack stall for the first time?

Yae Shinko lowered her voice and explained to the boss quietly: "Please don't care about my sister's strange questions."

"She just left the countryside and came to the city for the first time."

"You know, after all, there are no such snacks in the countryside."

Hearing this explanation, the boss suddenly realized,

This also makes it understandable why Ying is curious about ordinary snacks.

It turned out that the customer came to Inazuma for the first time.

In response, the boss also smiled and explained to Lei Yingying: "My guest, our ingredients will not taste mixed when cooked together,"

"Not only that, as long as the cooking time of the ingredients is controlled well, each ingredient can be made to the most delicious state."

Facing LeiThe boss also answered some questions about the movie one by one.

"Although I don't quite understand it, it still looks very good."

The boss said happily: "Please rest assured, the taste of our shop must be good!"

"Just now there was a guest from Mondstadt...I think he is a bard?"

"He bought a few snacks from our shop, but he didn't use Mora when trading, but used Mondstadt's specialty dandelion wine."

"Although this kind of barter has not been used for a long time, I think it is quite novel and agreed to this transaction."

The boss also looks like a talkative person, happily sharing the interesting things just now.

These days, Mora is basically used for trading,

It is really rare to buy things with wine.

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is attentive,

A bard who likes to drink, Mondstadt,

Isn't that Wendy's old six?

He also came to Inazuma?

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