Today's Yaetang is very lively.

Because in the past two days, Yaetang has been promoting Fang Xun's new book.

Whether it is the high evaluation given by Yae Shenzi or the display of some contents of the novel, they have created gimmicks and attracted the interest of readers.

As a result, there are already a large number of people outside Yaetang today, and it is impossible to squeeze in.

The editors of Yaetang can't handle it at all, and even the Tianling Bugyo has arranged soldiers to maintain order.

Fortunately, Fang Xun is the main person of today's book signing event and the focus of Yae Shenzi's attention.

As soon as Fang Xun arrived, an editor pulled Fang Xun from the side door and walked into the interior of Yaetang.

Fang Xun saw Yae Shenzi at first sight.

At this moment, Yae Shenzi was wearing the iconic red and white shrine maiden costume, sitting on a chair, holding a novel in her hand, and there were desserts and fried tofu on the table.

Seeing Fang Xun coming, Yae Shenzi put the novel aside,

Then he looked at Fang Xun with a fox-like cunning look,

"Oh, the book signing is about to start, Mr. Fang Xun is finally here, I thought you forgot about today's book signing."

"How could that be? I've always kept the book signing in mind, and I came here as soon as I finished breakfast."

Fang Xun smiled awkwardly but politely,

To be honest, he almost forgot about it, but he couldn't say it directly in front of Yae Shenzi,

otherwise, with the teasing character of this fox, he would definitely trick him.

However, Yae Shenzi didn't seem to buy it. She exchanged glances with Fang Xun, then looked away.

"I'll just assume what Mr. Fang Xun said is true."

"The book signing will start soon. Mr. Fang Xun, have you thought about how to meet with the readers?"

In the past, the process of Yaetang releasing new books was that the editor would introduce the content of the new book, and

after the atmosphere was set to a certain level, the author would come forward and communicate with the readers face to face.

Fang Xun thought for a moment, then shook his head: "To be honest, I haven't thought about how to meet with the readers. It's hard to say whether everyone likes this book."

"In short, let's take it one step at a time."

When it comes to letting things go badly, Fang Xun has never been vague.

Lei Dianzhen, who was standing beside him, also spoke for Fang Xun: "Son of God, as an author, Mr. Fang Xun should just write his works carefully, right?"

"Just improvise at the book signing event, you have to believe in Mr. Fang Xun's ability to respond."

Yaezhe Shenzi helplessly held his forehead: "You two are singing the same tune, I don't think I have anything to say."

"Now that things have come to this, we can only take one step at a time."

After that, Yaezhe Shenzi asked the editor to check the printed books,

Check if there are any missing or damaged ones.

The little ones standing by stared at the piles of novels,

They had never read light novels, but they heard the editor tell Sister Shenzi that the content on them was written by Brother Fang Xun,

The little ones were very curious about the content inside.

Ningguang and others got Fang Xun's original manuscripts, and they could read the words on them,

The little ones sat together and began to listen to Ningguang telling the story inside.

Ningguang picked up the manuscript and told everyone what was written on it: "A traveler came to Liyue, and she met Qiqi..."

Qiqi tilted her head and said with a silly face: "Qiqi was sitting here...didn't meet the traveler..."

Ningguang put down the manuscript and explained to Qiqi: "Qiqi, you met the traveler in the story written by Brother Fang Xun."

Qiqi blinked her big eyes and said curiously: "Qiqi is in...the story?"

"Is Qiqi going to be sealed? Qiqi...doesn't want to be sealed."

Qiqi hugged Fang Xun's arm while speaking,

She looked up at Fang Xun, and her big watery eyes looked pitiful.

"Qiqi can't bear to leave Fang Xun...can't bear to leave everyone..."

Seeing this, Fang Xun couldn't help laughing and explained to Qiqi: "Silly girl, I'm not going to seal you,"

"You can understand it as a story about a girl with the same name as you."

After Fang Xun said this, Qiqi could understand a little bit.

She sat back down, but still held Fang Xun's arm tightly, not letting go,

because this made her feel safe.

She looked at Ningguang and said seriously: "Qiqi...I want to hear Qiqi's story."

Ningguang nodded and continued to talk about the general content of the novel.

"In this story, Ningguang became the most successful businessman,"

"Shenhe became a well-trained immortal, Beidou became the captain, in charge of hundreds of people."

"Keqing is responsible for managing Liyue's land construction"Suppose..."

The little ones listened very carefully. It turned out that Brother Fang Xun had placed so many high hopes on them.

For a moment, the little ones secretly made up their minds that they must not disappoint Brother Fang Xun's expectations.

They want to become excellent people like those in the novel.

And Linghua and Sa Luo couldn't understand the story told by Ningguang, but fortunately there was also the Inazuma version of the story.

Little Linghua picked up the story and read it directly.

After a while, she put down the novel and said to Fang Xun with resentment: "Brother Fang Xun, why don't you write Linghua into the story?"

"Brother Fang Xun is partial! Brother Fang Xun doesn't like Linghua anymore."

As she spoke, the little girl was in tears and was about to cry.

In response, Fang Xun immediately stepped forward to comfort her.

"Little one, it's not that I won't write your story, but I put your story in the content of the Inazuma chapter."

Kamiri Linghua looked at Fang Xun aggrievedly: "Why put Linghua in the Inazuma chapter and not in the Liyue chapter? "

Fang Xun immediately coaxed the little guy softly: "Because your hometown is Inazuma, it would be better to arrange you in the Inazuma chapter."

Kamiri Ayaka pouted and said in a baby voice: "Ayaka also has a home in Liyue. Brother Fang Xun will write Ayaka into the story of Liyue, okay?"

Fang Xun nodded: "Okay, okay, I will write the extra chapter and write Ayaka into the story of Liyue."

After hearing Fang Xun's promise, the little turtle felt better.

She looked at Fang Xun and said seriously: "Brother Fang Xun, you must keep your word. You will lose your hair if you lie to children."

Looking at the serious expression of the little guy, Fang Xun couldn't help laughing,

"Well, I promised you and I will definitely do it. "

Sala next to her wanted to read the story written by Brother Fang Xun, but she couldn't understand the words.

Because Sala grew up in the mountains, she basically didn't use words and was at the stage of only speaking but not reading.

Seeing everyone holding novels and reading, Sala felt a little sad. She felt that she was out of place.

Fang Xun also noticed this. He squatted down and said to Sala gently: "Little guy, what's wrong with you?"

"Brother Fang Xun, Sala wants to read the content of the novel, but Sala can't understand the words. "

Fang Xun laughed when he heard it. It turned out that this was the reason why Sala was sad.

"Then let's do this. From today on, I will teach you to recognize words,"

Sala's eyes lit up and her expression was full of joy: "Really? "

Little Sa Luo thought for a moment, then said: "If possible, Sa Luo wants to learn both Inazuma and Liyue languages,"

"But if you can only learn one, Brother Fang Xun thinks that whichever language is easier to teach, Sa Luo will learn that one!"

Fang Xun nodded: "Then I will give you both languages."

After hearing this, Shen Li Ling Hua also hugged Fang Xun's arm: "Brother Fang Xun, Ling Hua also wants to learn Liyue's language!"

"In this way, I can communicate normally with Ning Guang and the others!"

Fang Xun nodded: "Okay, I will teach you all."


Fourth update today, everyone should rest early.

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