The dock is very lively today.

Many tourists came to visit Inazuma by boat to enjoy the fireworks tonight.

At a glance, the colorful ships filled the entire sea, and there was almost no end in sight.

The huge armored beast broke through the sea, and the deafening roar resounded throughout the port.

In order to prevent traffic paralysis, Tianling Fengxing specially sent people to maintain public order.

Fang Xun also rushed to the dock early, wanting to pick up Ganyu as soon as possible.

He looked up and planned to find the ship that Ganyu was on among the many ships.

In fact, it is also easy to find,

because the sails of the ships will be painted with patterns to prove their identity,

you just need to find the unique pattern of Liyue.

Fang Xun glanced around, and soon, he locked his eyes on a ship that was about to dock.

The sail of that ship was a rock pattern unique to Liyue.

After determining the target, Fang Xun disappeared on the spot.


At the same time, on the ship of Liyue.

Xiao folded his arms across his chest, looking indifferently at the approaching Inazuma Castle.

To be honest, Xiao had no intention of attending the fireworks party,

because he thought it would be noisy with too many people, and it was not in line with his status as an immortal,

but he could not resist the invitation of Zhongli and Fangxun, and after repeated consideration, he decided to go.

Looking at the various festivals on the street, Xiao whispered softly: "Is this a human festival? I can't understand such happiness."

"But... since Lord Emperor and Mr. Fangxun both want me to adapt to human life, then I will try to understand."

Seeing the ship about to dock, Xiao originally planned to use elemental power to leave the ship,

but on second thought, he gave up.

Since you want to understand humans, you should behave like humans.

He will get off the ship the same way everyone else gets off.

This is the first step to integrate into human life.


Xiao was not the only one who was thinking about getting off the ship.

Ganyu, standing on the deck, wanted to get off the ship as soon as possible,

because she wanted to see Mr. Fang Xun as soon as possible.

Although she had only been separated from Fang Xun for a few days, it seemed to Ganyu that they had been separated for a long, long time.

And the reason why Ganyu had been working overtime at Yuehai Pavilion was to keep herself busy,

because only in this way would she not miss Fang Xun.

Ganyu was a little nervous about meeting Fang Xun, and the strand of hair on her head was shaking with her mood.

Ganyu lowered her head to check her clothes to see if she was dressed neatly today.

Then she took out a mirror and looked at herself to see if there was anything wrong with her condition.

When she thought about meeting Fang Xun soon, Ganyu wanted to present her best self.

Just at this moment, the ship docked and the passage opened.

Ganyu, who had been ready for a long time, was the first to get off the ship.

Then she saw Fang Xun who had been waiting for a long time.

The two did not speak when they met, and Ganyu threw herself into Fang Xun's arms.

"I miss you..."

"These days, Ganyu has been missing my brother..."

Looking at Ganyu who was aggrieved in his arms, Fang Xun couldn't help laughing.

It was really not easy for Ganyu, who was socially anxious, to muster up the courage to hug him actively.

This also shows that Ganyu missed him to the extreme.

Looking at Ganyu's cute appearance, Fang Xun smiled and said, "It's only three days, not a long time."

Ganyu shook her head and said seriously, "I don't know what three days means. I only know that I haven't seen my brother for 72 hours and 4,200 minutes."

Fang Xun gently stroked Ganyu's head, saying gently, "I miss you too, Ganyu."

"I'm sorry that I left you alone in Liyue these days."

"I won't leave you alone again in the future. I will accompany you."

"If you work overtime, I will accompany you to work overtime. If you rest, I will accompany you to rest."

"In short, I will accompany you and be by your side."

Hearing Fang Xun's words, Ganyu hugged Fang Xun tighter.

Just at this time, brilliant fireworks bloomed in the sky.

With the crackling sound, Fang Xun also realized that the fireworks would officially start.

He took Ganyu's hand and ran towards the direction of Mingshen Taisha.

"Ganyu, we have to hurry over there, or we might miss a lot of things."

"There are a lot of people here, you have to hold on to me, or it will be troublesome if you get lost."

Ganyu nodded and said seriously, "Okay, I will hold on to my brother's hand and won't let go."

Fang Xun looked back at Xiao behind him and added, "Xiao, you should also hurry up and catch up, don't fall behind!"

Fortunately, Fang Xun has been in Inazuma for a few days. Although he is not too familiar with the terrain here, the route to Narukami Taisha is very convenient.He still remembers it.

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