Let's talk about Fang Xun.

At this moment, he was washing the 'strange three-color dumplings'.

Considering that the three-color dumplings represent Lei's intentions, it would be too unfair to the film if they were thrown away directly.

In this regard, Fang Xun also started a plan to save the three-color dumplings.

He first washed off the black impurities on the surface, and now it looks like a three-color dumpling, but it doesn't look very good.

Then, Fang Xun found white sugar from the kitchen and sprinkled it on the dumplings.

After a series of operations, the appearance of the 'strange three-color dumplings' has changed a lot, at least it is not the original coal ball.

I just don't know how it tastes.

Fang Xun picked up a string of three-color dumplings and put it into his mouth carefully.

For a moment, the three flavors of burnt, bitter and spicy intertwined, this sour and refreshing...

Fang Xun could understand the burnt and bitter tastes.

If the heat is not controlled well when cooking, the sugar will indeed burn and be bitter.

But what about the spicy taste?

Why is there spicy taste in desserts like tri-color dumplings?

Fang Xun could probably imagine the scene of Lei Dianzhen frantically in the kitchen.

Flustered, Ying threw everything around him into the pot without thinking...

After that, Fang Xun also felt a burst of tingling in his mouth.

Good guy, eating tri-color dumplings also gave him an "electric shock".

Looking at the several strings of tri-color dumplings on the plate, Fang Xun was a little embarrassed.

He was afraid that he could not finish so many dark dishes by himself.

But if he threw them away, he would feel bad...

Fang Xun looked at Lei Dianzhen beside him, thought about it and decided to forget it.

He couldn't bear this thing, so he didn't want to cheat him.

Then, Fang Xun looked at Taromaru not far away.

Taromaru was lying on the deck, lazily basking in the sun, occasionally shaking his tail, looking very leisurely.

In response, Fang Xun also said to the dog: "Taromaru, do you want to eat tri-color dumplings?"

Taromaru heard Fang Xun's call and immediately got up and ran over.

Hearing that there was something to eat, the dog cried happily.

But when it saw the tri-color dumplings on the plate, its happy expression disappeared immediately and it went back to lying down.

The dog shook his head when he saw the food made by Ying.

There was no way, Fang Xun could only bear this pain silently alone.

At this time, Wendy's voice came from Fang Xun: "Mr. Fang Xun, is that a dessert in your hand?"

"Hey~ I'm a little hungry."

"Can I have a bunch of desserts? Is that okay?"

"In return, I can sing a ballad for you."

Wendy's big eyes looked straight at Fang Xun, with expectation in his tone.

He didn't know that these three-color dumplings were made by Lei Movie, but he just felt that they looked good.

Ruo Tuo stood next to Wendy with a simple smile.

Fei Tuo was also hungry and followed Wendy out to find food.

"Of course, no problem, eat if you want." Fang Xun handed a bunch of three-color dumplings to Wendy.

Fang Xun was still thinking about how to deal with these three-color dumplings, but Wendy came.

Good brothers should share weal and woe!

At this moment, Wendy had not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

He took a big bite of the tri-color dumpling into his mouth.

At that moment, the three flavors of burnt, bitter and spicy, accompanied by the state of electric shock, made Wendy stunned.

Is this a dessert?

Mr. Fang Xun, listen to me, you...

At this time, Ruo Tuo, with a simple face, looked at Wendy and asked curiously: "How does it taste?"

Wendy remained calm and silently took a string of tri-color dumplings to Ruo Tuo Dragon King.

"It tastes great, you should try it too!"

Ruo Tuo Dragon King believed it and swallowed the tri-color dumplings into his stomach.

The next second, Ruo Tuo Dragon King felt his stomach churning...

What about the most basic trust between people?

Society is simple, but people are complicated.

After that, Wendy and Ruo Tuo Dragon King left without looking back.

No matter how Fang Xun tried to keep them, the two insisted on not touching the tri-color dumplings again.

Only Ying's cooking skills could make the freeloader Wendy and the dragon king Ruotu who likes to eat without doing anything avoid him.

Looking at the many tricolor dumplings left, Fang Xun fell into silence.

He really couldn't eat a single bite, it was too torturous...

At this time, Fang Xun heard the system's prompt in his mind.

"Eat 'strange tricolor dumplings', lightning element damage bonus +10%!"


Ying's food can also increase lightning damage?

Fang Xun looked at the tricolor dumplings on the plate and suddenly feltIt's not that hard to swallow.

It's still very delicious to increase lightning damage.

As long as the lightning damage reaches a certain level, and Fang Xun uses Wuxiang's sword, he can cut out a "Wuxiang Blade Slit" in a minute.

What demon god, they are all younger brothers!

Fang Xun thought that these foods should be helpful to Keqing and Beidou,

But then he thought that the children are not grown up yet, and I'm afraid they can't bear the side effects of the three-color dumplings.

Forget it, let him bear this pain alone.

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