"What a lovely little kid, what's your name?"

Looking at the little Yunjin in front of him, Lei Dianzhen couldn't help but sigh.

Perhaps influenced by Fang Xun, Lei Dianzhen likes kids more and more.

And facing Lei Dianzhen's question, little Yunjin was not shy,

She answered seriously: "Big sister, my name is Yunjin."

"The cloud of Yunshuxiajuan, the jinse'annianjin."

The little guy blushed and said a little embarrassedly: "Although, although I don't know what these two words mean,"

"But my parents told me that I can say this when introducing myself."

Yunjin's voice is soft and cute, coupled with a cute expression, she is definitely a cute little baby.

Then, Yun Jin continued, "Big brother and big sister, if you are here to listen to the opera, I suggest you come back in a few days,"

"Because Yun Han Xuan is not singing today."

After the words fell, Fang Xun and others looked at each other.

They came here to listen to the opera, but now they are told that there is no opera today. It is a bit unlucky.

You know, Yun Han Xuan is the most famous opera troupe in Liyue. It is full every day, and it has been the same for decades.

Now Yun Han Xuan suddenly stopped singing, maybe something happened.

Fang Xun looked at the little Yun Jin beside him, and then asked softly: "Little guy, when will Yun Han Xuan be able to resume singing?"

Yun Jin shook his head gently: "I don't know, I just feel that my parents are busier than usual recently,"

"When they are busy for a while, they should be able to sing normally."

While speaking, Yun Jin seemed to suddenly remember something. She picked up the notice board from the table next to her and read it in a baby voice.

"From now on, Yun Hanxuan will be on leave for a certain number of days, specifically... specifically..."

It can be seen that little Yun Jin tried very hard to read the following content, but it was beyond her knowledge.

"Big brother, I don't know many of the words on it, so please read it yourself."

Yun Jin handed the notice board to Fang Xun.

Fang Xun took the notice and carefully read the content on it.

It probably means that Yun Hanxuan has had some changes recently, and the specific time of return is tentative.

"It seems that we can't listen to this play today, let's come back another day."

After reading the notice, Lei Dianzhen also expressed his understanding.

Lei Dianying nodded and sighed: "It's the only way, but it's a pity that I didn't see the rumored Liyue opera."

Fang Xun comforted: "As long as you are still in Liyue, there will be opportunities in the future."

At this time, Yun Jin's voice came from the side: "Big brother and big sister,"

"If, if you don't mind, I can sing for you!"

"Mother once said that as long as guests come to Yunhanxuan to listen to opera, they should not come with excitement and leave disappointed."

"Now the opera troupe is too busy, I want to sing a short piece for them."

"Are you willing to be my audience?"

For a long time, little Yun Jin has been singing quietly in the courtyard alone.

She feels that she can perform on stage, but she just lacks an opportunity.

Looking at Fang Xun and his group, Yun Jin realized that the opportunity had come.

Fang Xun was somewhat surprised that Xiao Yunjin took the initiative to sing an opera.

He only knew that Yunjin became a famous actor in Liyue 20 years later.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yunjin now is eager to perform on stage.

Just don't know what it will be like when Xiao Yunjin goes on stage. It should be very interesting, right?

Thinking of this, Fang Xun chuckled and said, "Xiao Yunjin, then I'll trouble you to sing a Liyue opera."

"As for the repertoire, we won't choose it. Just sing what you are best at."

"We are looking forward to your performance. Come on."

Originally, Yunjin was still worried that Fangxun thought she was too young and didn't want to waste time with her.

She didn't expect Fangxun to agree so decisively.

This trust encouraged Yunjin.

"Yes, I will sing the opera well."

Yunjin quickly put on her usual opera robes and put on makeup.

After everything was ready, she strode onto the stage.

At this moment, Yun Jin felt her heart beating wildly, and the sound of her heartbeats echoed in her ears.

This was her first time on stage, and although there were only three people in the audience,

it was already a big challenge for Yun Jin.

She was very nervous,

and was afraid that she would mess up her first time on stage.

But the moment she stood on the stage, her aura changed significantly.

She was no longer as nervous as before, but calm and confident.

When she was learning opera, her parents repeatedly told Yun Jin two things.

The first thing was that as long as she was on stage, even if the audience wasEven if there is no one around, you have to finish the whole play.

The second thing is that you have to forget yourself after you go on stage and become the character in the opera.

After hundreds of times of practice, Yun Jin is very familiar with opera.

She enters the state of singing in an instant.

Yun Jin is in the center of the stage, flipping her sleeves and speaking loudly: "A good marriage is destined in the previous life, and the matchmaker has already made it..."

When Yun Jin opened her mouth, the Lei Dian sisters looked at each other with a little surprise,

because this is their first time to listen to Liyue Opera and see the changing opera styles.

No wonder it is said that Liyue Opera is an artistic heritage of Liyue Harbor for many years.

Just sitting here and listening for a while, you can clearly feel what it means to be appreciated by both the refined and the popular.

A high-pitched song may not be unknown to others, and there will be a soulmate and clear lyrics.

At this time, Lei Dianying turned to look at Fang Xun beside him, and then asked: "Fang Xun, what is Yue Lao?"

"Is it a profession? Is it similar to the three major practices of Inazuma?"

Since arriving in Liyue Port, Lei Dianying has discovered many new words,

For example, the word Yue Lao, this is the first time she has heard it.

In response to Lei Dianying's confusion, Fang Xun also smiled and explained: "Yue Lao is a god in the sky, who is responsible for arranging marriages between men and women."

"It is rumored that as long as Yue Lao uses a red rope to tie two people together, then the two can always be together."

Lei Dianying said "oh" as if he understood, and then there was no follow-up.

She sat there quietly listening to Yun Jin singing, looking thoughtful.

After a while, Fang Xun felt someone suddenly hold his wrist.

Looking down, Lei Dianying found a red rope from somewhere,

She was picking up the red rope with a serious face, tying one end to her own wrist and the other end to Fang Xun's wrist.

This country girl,

probably thought that if she found a red string to tie the two together, they would never be separated.

How silly and cute.


Yesterday was Sala’s birthday, and I forgot to send her a blessing.

And today happens to be Hu Tao’s birthday, so let’s send her a blessing together.

Happy birthday to ‘strong tree’ Sala and saint Hu Tao~

Finally, everyone should go to bed early and don’t stay up late.

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