As we all know, Master Liuyunjiefeng has two nicknames,

'Master I Love Invention' and 'Master Good at Chatting'.

Now when she talks about Ganyu's childhood, she can talk from noon to sunset without stopping.

Looking at Ganyu who was sleeping soundly, Master Liuyunjiefeng was immersed in memories.

"Ganyu, that child, always looked up at the stars in the sky when she was a child."

"At that time, she always wanted to pick the stars and said she wanted to make them into a necklace to wear."

"I told her that the stars can't be picked, and you can only wait for the stars to fall from the sky."

"Since then, Ganyu has sat at the door of the fairy house every night, saying that she is waiting for the stars to fall."

"In the end, she didn't wait for the stars to fall, but fell asleep first. It's so cute."

Listening to Ganyu's childhood story, Fang Xun couldn't help but smile.

I didn't expect Ganyu to be so cute when she was a child.

During the chat, Fang Xun noticed two details.

Gan Yu likes the stars in the sky and wants a beautiful ring.

He thought, maybe he could prepare a surprise for Gan Yu.

Just as Fang Xun was thinking, Gan Yu's panicked voice came from the side.

"Liu, Liu Yun Zhenjun... didn't you agree not to mention the past?"

Gan Yu woke up from her sleep in a daze. Before she figured out what happened, she heard Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhenjun talking about her childhood.

For a moment, Gan Yu blushed and felt very embarrassed.

Master Liuyunjiefeng snorted and said dissatisfiedly: "I came down the mountain to see how you practice, but you slept soundly here."

"Thanks to my ability to liven up the atmosphere, I didn't make a wasted trip."

Master Liuyunjiefeng paused and continued: "Besides, Fang Xun is not an outsider,"

"It's not a bad thing to let him know more about you."

"But, but..."

Although what Master Liuyunjiefeng said made sense, Ganyu still felt very embarrassed,

because she cared a lot about her position in Fang Xun's heart.

In Ganyu's view, childhood events were all black history, and she didn't want anyone to know, let alone Fang Xun.

Thinking of this, Ganyu felt her face getting hot, and she was too embarrassed to look at Fang Xun's eyes.

She was afraid that Fang Xun would laugh at her.

However, Fang Xun said seriously: "Why do you feel embarrassed? I think Ganyu was very cute when she was little."

"Just now when I was listening to Master Liuyun telling stories, I was thinking... it would be nice if I could have a daughter as cute as little Ganyu in the future."

After the words fell, Ganyu raised her head, staring at Fang Xun with her clear and flustered eyes.

"Really? Do you really think so?"

"Of course it's true, Wendy is the one who lied." Fang Xun nodded without hesitation,

"If I had a daughter as cute as Ganyu,"

"I think I would watch her grow up day by day, accompany her year after year, and wish her peace and happiness."

Listening to Fang Xun's serious tone, Ganyu didn't think it was a lie.

Or rather, she never doubted what Fang Xun said.

Ganyu has always been embarrassed to tell people about her childhood.

Even when Master Liuyun wanted to talk about her childhood, she would find an excuse to run away.

The reason is that Ganyu feels that her childhood past is too painful to look back on, and it would be embarrassing to talk about it.

But now that she heard Fang Xun's answer, she suddenly felt that she seemed to be able to face it all calmly.

"Ganyu, can you tell me about your childhood story? I want to hear it."

At this time, Fang Xun looked into Ganyu's eyes and asked softly.

Letting Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun tell Ganyu's story and letting Ganyu tell it herself are two different concepts.

Letting Ganyu tell her childhood story herself means that she can face her past directly.

The most important thing is that only with deep enough feelings will Ganyu be willing to tell her childhood embarrassment.

After the words fell, Fang Xun saw Ganyu nodded gently.


Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun next to him couldn't stand it anymore, and flapped his wings to leave.

Seeing this, Fang Xun hurriedly called out from behind: "Master Liuyun, it's time for dinner, why don't you stay and have a meal together before going back."

"No, I'm full."

Master Liuyun Jiefeng said this and turned around and flew back to the Immortal Mansion.

Only Ganyu was left confused.

"I didn't see Master Liuyun eating, how come he's full?"

Fang Xun replied calmly: "I guess he's full after drinking tea here."

"Okay, continue telling your childhood story."

Ganyu said "oh" and began to recall the pastGo.

Fang Xun sat beside him and listened quietly, looking out the window from time to time.

It wasn't that he was distracted while listening, but he was thinking about preparing a surprise for Ganyu tonight.

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