Teyvat continent, Mondstadt.

The sun shines through the treetops, leaving mottled light and shadows on the ground.

The crystal clear wind crystal butterfly slowly rises into the air, flying to a distant place with no end.

The breeze blows gently, making the windmill daisies on the grass turn.

The free wind spreads dandelion seeds to every corner of Mondstadt.

In the sound of the wind, the singing of bards occasionally comes from afar.

These are the Mondstadt scenery that Fang Xun and his party have seen in the past few days.

Originally, the party did not arrive in Mondstadt so quickly, thanks to Wendy's company in the team.

It was Wendy who used the power of the wind element to lead everyone to fly, shortening the journey time.

The most important thing is that everyone only needs to consume a bottle of dandelion wine to fly 100 kilometers.

"Wendy, is this Qingquan Town?"

When passing a small town, Fang Xun called Wendy.

Fang Xun noticed that the residents of this town carried hunting bows on their backs, and it was obvious that they made a living by hunting.

He remembered that it seemed that only Qingquan Town had a large number of hunters.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Fang Xun knew something about Mondstadt."

"You are right, this is Qingquan Town."

Wendy nodded, agreeing with Fang Xun's words.

"Since this is Qingquan Town, there should be a shrine nearby, right?"

When Fang Xun was still a novice, he accidentally found the shrine in Qingquan Town while doing Xiangling's mission,

So he had a good impression of the shrine here.

Fang Xun thought it was simple. Since he passed by Qingquan Town, he might as well open the shrine.

He shook the key in his hand at Wendy: "I have a key here, maybe it can open the Earth Spirit Shrine."

Hearing Fang Xun's words, Wendy seemed very excited: "Opening the Earth Spirit Shrine means that we can find good things, right?"

"Then let's go find the treasure! Maybe there is a treasured wine in it!"

While speaking, Wendy changed the subject: "But... where is the Earth Spirit Shrine in Qingquan Town?"

Looking at Wendy's confused expression, Fang Xun was stunned for a moment: "Aren't you a guide? Why are you asking me where the Earth Spirit Shrine is?"

Wendy scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "Hey, I forgot for a while,"

"After all, Mondstadt's terrain is so complicated that even the best guides can get lost."

Wendy paused and said seriously: "If I can drink a bottle of dandelion wine at this time, maybe it can help me remember~"

Fang Xun would never believe that Wendy forgot the terrain of Mondstadt.

After all, this guy is the God of Wind after all.

It's obvious that he wants to drink for free, this old man.

May the wind god fool you.

This sentence is absolutely correct.

"It's too small, the pattern is small." Fang Xun shook his head.

He began to reversely fool Wendy.

"If we find the Earth Spirit Shrine, will you still worry about not having wine to drink?"

"Maybe there is aged wine in the Earth Spirit Shrine, and that kind of wine cannot be exchanged for any number of bottles of Dandelion Wine, right?"

Fang Xun knew what Wendy wanted, so his words touched Wendy's heart.

"Mr. Fang Xun, I remember!"

Just when Fang Xun thought Wendy was going to lead the way, Wendy answered seriously: "I remember there is a little girl who is more familiar with the terrain of Mondstadt than I am."

"If I remember correctly, she also came to Qingquan Town today."

"Let her take us to find the Earth Spirit Shrine~"

After speaking, Wendy called out in the direction of the town: "Amber, are you here?"

After speaking, Fang Xun saw a petite figure running quickly at the corner of the town.

What was more conspicuous was the red bow on the girl's head and a pair of windproof goggles.

Just looking from a distance, you can see that the girl has endless enthusiasm and vitality.

"Do you need help? Do you need help? I'm here~"

Amber ran to Wendy, and it seemed that they had known each other for a long time.

In fact, this is not surprising.

Although Wendy does not do any work all day, he can call out the names of everyone in Mondstadt, so it is reasonable for him to know Amber.

As for why Amber appeared in Qingquan Town,

the reason may be that Qingquan Town often holds hunting competitions, and Amber, who likes hunting and excitement, naturally participates in it.

"Amber, we are looking for the earth spirit shrine near Qingquan Town, can you help?"

Wendy squatted down and said to Amber.

Amber has been running around in Mondstadt since he was a child, and he is very familiar with the terrain of Mondstadt.

To some extent, little Amber is more reliable than Wendy.

"Grandpa said that if you want to be a member of the Knights of Favonius, you must be willing to help others, so I am willing to help~"

The innocent and kind Amber didn't even think about it,She agreed to Wendy's request directly.

She paused, tilted her head and said, "But... what is the Earth Spirit Niche?"

After all, little Amber was young and had never heard of the term Earth Spirit Niche.

"The Earth Spirit Niche is a small room in the wild that requires a key to open."

Wendy simply explained it to Amber.

Seeing that Amber still didn't understand, Wendy continued, "It's the building that your grandfather often guards when he goes out on missions."

After Wendy said this, Amber suddenly realized, "Oh, it's that 'big can'~"

Amber thought the Earth Spirit Niche looked like a can, so she called it that.

"I guess so. Can you take us to find the 'big can' nearby?"

Amber nodded repeatedly: "No problem, of course!"

"Grandpa and his men are just over there on a mission. I'll take you there!"

While speaking, Amber looked up at Fang Xun,

"Big brother, are you from Liyue?"

"Hehe, I also speak Liyue because my grandfather is from Liyue."

Amber's grandfather was once a mercenary leader from Liyue.

When he was escorting goods from Liyue to Mondstadt, he was attacked by a wild beast and was seriously injured.

He was then rescued by a doctor from the Knights of Favonius and stayed in Mondstadt, becoming a member of the Knights of Favonius.

Under this premise, Amber mastered both the Liyue and Mondstadt languages.

Although Amber had just met Fang Xun,

there was no strangeness at all in front of the enthusiastic little Amber.

She directly took Fang Xun's hand and wanted to take him to find the Earth Spirit Niche.


There is a lot of information about Mondstadt, especially the information from 20 years ago. It is a bit hard to read.

There is only one update today. Sorry.

Everyone should go to bed early.

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