At this moment, Fang Xun did not notice the words of the Knights of Favonius.

His attention was attracted by a fruit shop not far away.

I saw a little girl with long blue hair, trying to tiptoe to negotiate business with the owner of the fruit shop.

"Hello, I want to buy two apples."

The little girl's voice was not loud, it sounded soft and sticky, and she was indescribably well-behaved.

She just stood there quietly, giving people a feeling of elegance and dignity, like a princess.

The busy boss said "OK" without raising his head, and happily prepared to give the little girl apples.

However, when he raised his head and saw the little girl's appearance clearly, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared,

Replaced by a kind of defense and alienation.

"No, no, all my apples are sold out, you can buy them somewhere else."

The girl did not speak, her eyes looked at the full of apples on the shelf,

The apples were not sold out at all, but the fruit shop owner did not want to sell them to her.

As if she was used to it, the girl ran to a nearby fruit store to buy apples, but was rejected for the same reason. The shelves were also full of apples. The little girl stood there helplessly, her hands twitching the corners of her clothes nervously. She didn't know why the store manager rejected her with a cold face, but turned around and smiled and sold the apples to another child. At this time, a group of children appeared on the street. They chased and played in groups. The whole city of Mondstadt was filled with their laughter. Seeing this, the little girl had a hint of envy in her eyes. She also wanted to run freely in the streets and alleys of Mondstadt like these children. She also wanted a group of friends who laughed and played together. It must be fun to walk together. However, before the little girl could speak, the laughter of the group of children stopped abruptly. They left in a hurry after seeing the girl, as if they were deliberately avoiding her and didn't want to get close to her. The little girl lowered her head, her eyes dim.

Her mouth moved, but she said nothing in the end.

This scene was a bit lonely, and the people on the street saw it all.

But most people treated her coldly, not feeling sorry for the girl.

Even, many people secretly said to their children: "That person is from the Lawrence family. If you see her, you must leave quickly, and you are not allowed to play with her. Do you hear me?"

"Mond welcomes everyone, except the Lawrence family."

"The Lawrence family is deeply sinful, and she is the descendant of sinners, and she deserves to be punished..."

The girl heard all these highly targeted conversations.

But her expression did not change at all. Her sadness and tears had long been dried up because of these things.

The girl raised her head and looked around, facing the eyes of those people and said: "I will remember this grudge!"

Hearing the little girl's words, many people's faces changed and they became a little angry.

They were about to criticize this girl from the Lawrence family,

but they saw the tears in the girl's eyes.

The crowd that was discussing just now felt indescribable in their hearts and lowered their heads to do other things.

They didn't want to treat a little girl so cruelly,

but who let the girl be born in a family like Lawrence?

Lawrence's blood destined her to suffer injustice and exclusion in Mondstadt in this life.

"That child... is it Eula?"

Looking at the figure of the little girl, Fang Xun said softly.

Many years ago, the Lawrence family once ruled Mondstadt brutally.

Although the first generation of the Knights of Favonius overthrew the rule of the Lawrence family, the people's hatred for the Lawrence family has not diminished at all and continues to this day.

Because of the blood of the Lawrence family, Eula has been regarded as a descendant of a sinner since she was a child, and she has been excluded wherever she goes.

Merchants don't do business with her, children don't play with her,

Even the lively and cheerful tavern will immediately sink with the arrival of Eula, and no one is willing to share a table with her.

Looking at Eula's lonely back, Fang Xun suddenly felt that this little girl was very pitiful.

He always felt that Eula's life should not be like this.

At this time, Fang Xun suddenly felt someone gently pulling the corner of his clothes.

Turning his head, he saw Ganyu's clear and innocent big eyes.

Ganyu was obviously an immortal who had lived for thousands of years, but her eyes were like those of a young girl who had not experienced much of the world.

She would believe whatever Fang Xun said.

Ganyu was a little embarrassed when Fang Xun looked at her: "Everyone, everyone is talking to you."

Fang Xun realized that he was distracted and walked up to chat with the Knights of Favonius.

In fact, Fang Xun didn't know how to chat with the Knights of Favonius. After all, it was their first meeting, so it was not good to be polite.Find a topic.

But from Fang Xun's many years of social experience, it's always right to talk about the God of Wind at this time.

"Mr. Fang Xun, I didn't expect you to be so interested in the affairs of Lord Wind God. May the God of Wind protect you." A member of the Knights of Favonius said with a smile.

Fang Xun heard it and waved his hand: "Don't fool me, fool everyone, fool everyone."

Fang Xun sent his blessings in his poor Mondstadt language.

While talking, he inadvertently looked in the direction of the fruit stand,

Little Eula, who was sad alone, had disappeared.

People came and went on the street, everyone was talking and laughing, and the whole Mondstadt was filled with relaxation and joy.

With the arrival of the Wind Flower Festival, everyone should be happy.


Little Eula is also a character that the author likes more. I hope it can be written well.

Everyone go to bed early, good night.

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