A girl is locked in amber?

When Fang Xun heard the blacksmith report this news, the first thing that came to his mind was the little zombie Qiqi.

Qiqi was originally just an ordinary herbalist,

but an accident got her involved in the war between immortals and demons,

as the saying goes, when immortals fight, mortals suffer,

Qiqi was affected and her life was in danger,

at the moment of death, Qiqi's fear of death, longing for her family, and desire for survival,

the strong desire made her obtain the Eye of God, and burst out with powerful power to end the war between immortals and demons.

After the war, all the immortals felt sorry for Qiqi,

so they each took out a wisp of immortal power and sealed it in Qiqi's body, hoping to revive Qiqi.

Qiqi was resurrected, but not completely,

she became a zombie.

Not only that,

Qiqi's petite and frail body could not bear the power of the immortals at all,

and she became out of control and crazy.

As a last resort, the immortal Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun could only seal Qiqi in amber.

This seal lasted for hundreds of years.

At the moment,

it seems that the girl found by the villagers is almost certainly Qiqi,

but all this is just Fang Xun's inference at present.

We should go and check the specific situation.

Fang Xun looked at the blacksmith, and then politely said: "Excuse me, where did you find the amber? Can you take me there to have a look?"

When the blacksmith heard that it was the immortal's request, he dared not say no,

"Of course, of course!"

"You don't know, immortal, no one dares to go into the cave to find out, they always think it's too cold!"

"Even if a young and strong man goes in, he can't stand the cold for a few minutes and shivers!"

"We came this time, hoping that the immortal can lead us into the cave to check the situation."

As for the strange cave mentioned by the blacksmith,

Fang Xun guessed that it should be caused by the cold air emitted from Qiqi's body.

You know, after Qiqi became a zombie, his body became stiff and cold.

Over time, the cave also became extremely cold.

It is understandable that ordinary people can't stand that kind of severe cold.

Fang Xun didn't say much, just signaled the blacksmith to lead the way.

And Xiao Ningguang followed Fang Xun closely.

Now she basically followed Fang Xun wherever he went.

Like a little tail.

There were many villagers,

who found it incredible to hear that there was a girl trapped in amber,

so they followed him one after another, wanting to find out.


The blacksmith took Fang Xun for a section of the mountain road,

and finally, the group stopped at the foot of the mountain.

The blacksmith pointed to the cave in front, and then said to Fang Xun respectfully: "Fairy, this is the cave we found, and the amber that holds the girl is inside."

Fang Xun nodded, and then prepared to enter the cave.

The cave was well hidden, basically blending into the surrounding environment.

If the villagers hadn't cut down some trees, it would have been difficult to find.

Many villagers stayed at the entrance of the cave, not daring to move forward.

Because just standing at the entrance of the cave, everyone felt the cold air coming towards them.

The cold air would make people shiver if it just touched their skin,

not to mention the lower temperature inside.

Facing the cold air coming towards them,

Little Ningguang also shivered subconsciously.

However, now that she saw Fang Xun entering the cave, the little girl gritted her teeth and followed him in.

Anyway, she would follow Fang Xun wherever he went.

Fang Xun also noticed this and turned his head to warn Ningguang: "Little girl, the temperature in the cave is very low, it is easy to catch a cold, don't go in."

Ningguang pouted and looked disappointed when she heard it.

But since it was Fang Xun's order, she would still obey.

Soon, Fang Xun also entered the cave alone.

The temperature inside was so much lower than that outside that it was not an exaggeration to say that it was summer outside and winter inside.

Fang Xun couldn't stand the cold either.

He put his hands on his chest and used the skill 'Earth Core'.

Solid as a rock.

With a low shout, a rock ridge appeared in the cave.

At the same time, Fang Xun was surrounded by Yuzhang.

Logically speaking, shield skills cannot resist the cold,

but the skill mechanism Fang Xun extracted far exceeded the game settings.

His Yuzhang shield is not only immune to the cold in this cave,

even if he goes to the snowy mountains in the future,

as long as he has the Yuzhang shield, Fang Xun doesn't need to look for fire everywhere.

With the shield on his body, Fang Xun immediately felt that the coldness was reduced a lot.

He looked up at the villageThe amber that the people talked about,

At first glance, he saw a girl sleeping with her eyes closed in the amber,

She wore a hat on her head and a purple dress,

There was a long string of jade beads hanging on the girl's chest, and a bandage was wrapped around her right leg to bandage the wound.

What caught Fang Xun's attention the most was that the girl had a lot of talismans on her body,

Just as he guessed.

The little zombie Qiqi was sealed in the amber.

At the same time, Fang Xun also noticed that there was a seal talisman with the mark of an immortal on the amber,

but because of the wear and tear over the past hundred years, the seal talisman had long become eclipsed and no longer had its original effect.

Fang Xun strode forward and performed "Earth's Core" again.

The amber that sealed Qiqi also shattered at this moment.

As the amber shattered, Fang Xun finally saw Qiqi. The little zombie closed her eyes and lay on her side. She looked peaceful and looked like she had just fallen asleep. After a while, Qiqi sensed the outside world and slowly opened her eyes. Her beautiful pink eyes, like peach blossoms, looked at the world like a newborn child. "Where... is this place?" "Who... am I?" "Ah... I don't remember anything..." The little zombie felt very unfamiliar with everything in front of her. Although her face could not make any expression, her beautiful eyes were full of helplessness and fear. Although she had experienced hundreds of years of sleep, her mind was still that of a little girl of a few years old. Now she was in an unfamiliar environment, and her first reaction was fear. Seeing this, Fang Xun immediately squatted down and said softly to Qiqi: "This is Liyue, Guiliyuan."

"And your name is Qiqi."

Qiqi heard the voice and slowly raised her head, looking at Fang Xun with a pair of clear and bright eyes.

She felt that she had a very long dream,

There was nothing in the dream, just endless darkness.

Qiqi hated the darkness and wanted to end the dream quickly,

but found that she couldn't wake up.

She stayed in that darkness all the time,

There was no light, no sound,

Just...very lonely.

Qiqi was afraid of loneliness.

She hated being alone.

So now seeing humans, Qiqi felt very kind.

Her beautiful eyes flickered, touched by Fang Xun's words: "Liyue... Guiliyuan... I seem to have heard of it."

"Qiqi... Is that my name?"

It was obviously a very short message, but it took the little zombie a long time to digest it.

After a while, Qiqi raised her head and looked at Fangxun: "What's your name?"

Fangxun knew that Qiqi had a bad memory, so he spoke slowly and concisely: "My name is Fangxun."


Fangxun heard Qiqi talking to herself, as if she was sorting out her thoughts.


Qiqi tilted her head and said seriously: "My name is Fangxun...Your name is Qiqi..."

"No...My name is Xunqi...My name is Qixun..."

"Ah...I forgot."

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