Although the main attribute of the hourglass is distorted, the four secondary attributes are all valid.

So Fang Xun will use this holy relic for now.

He will change the main attribute after obtaining the item.

After checking the holy relic, Fang Xun opened the card pool again.

He had previously improved Ningguang's favorability and obtained a tangled fate and a gymnastics suit.

Fang Xun took out the gymnastics suit, but the tangled fate was left in the backpack and he forgot to use it.

Now he got another tangled fate, which means Fang Xun can draw two cards.

Fang Xun was lucky the first time he drew a card.

A purple light came out.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the character skill 'Chihaya Zhen'!"

Fang Xun is familiar with 'Chihaya Zhen'.

It is Fengyuan Manye's elemental combat skill.

When released, it can absorb objects and jump into the air at the same time.

Not only that, 'Chihaya Zhen' can also be charged.

The longer the charging time, the wider the absorption range and the longer the air time.

In the game, 'Chihaya Zhen' is a very good skill whether it is brushing the abyss to gather monsters or running in the big world.

It can effectively improve the player's gaming experience.

And the 'Chihaya Zhen' that Fang Xun drew from the card pool is naturally more powerful than in the game.

He can use 'Chihaya Zhen' twice in a short period of time.

Most importantly, Fang Xun does not need to charge to make 'Chihaya Zhen' reach the maximum absorption range.

This means that Fang Xun will be very easy whether he is doing elemental reactions in combat or running in the big world.

In the game, Ye Tiandi's status is second only to the three gods.

It is definitely worthwhile to extract his skills.

Soon, Fang Xun struck while the iron was hot and drew a card for the second time.

The second card draw was blue light.

It was a talisman.

Different from the talismans Fang Xun had obtained before,

This talisman is not used to change the attributes of the holy relics, but a prop to enhance memory.

As long as it is attached to the body, the memory will be effectively improved.

For ordinary people, sticking this talisman can achieve the effect of photographic memory.

If it is a person with a poor memory, then this talisman can also help improve the situation.

Fang Xun thinks that his memory is not bad, so there is no need to use this talisman.

What's more, it looks a bit strange when he sticks the talisman on his body.

On the contrary, it is suitable for Qiqi to use.

Because Xiao Qiqi has a lot of talismans on her body, it will not feel out of place even if there is one more at the moment.

Besides, Qiqi's memory is really too bad.

It is said that fish have a memory of seven seconds,

Qiqi doesn't even have seven seconds.

It is a good choice to put this talisman on her.

Fang Xun took out the talisman from his backpack and walked towards Qiqi.

Qiqi didn't know what Fang Xun wanted to do.

Her innocent and bright peach blossom eyes looked at the talisman in Fang Xun's hand.

She didn't know what it was, but she was afraid instinctively and stepped back subconsciously.

"Fang Xun...are you going to seal Qiqi..."

"Qiqi...don't want to be sealed..."

"Don't seal Qiqi...okay..."

Little Qiqi couldn't make any expression on her face, her voice was full of loss and requests.

"Qiqi... doesn't want to be trapped in amber anymore..."

"There's not even anyone to talk to..."

Looking at the pitiful Qiqi, Fang Xun felt a pain in his heart.

This little girl has been trapped in amber for too long, and there is already a shadow in her heart.

That's why she was so sad after seeing the talisman.

Fang Xun knew that Qiqi had misunderstood, so he squatted down and comforted her gently: "Qiqi, I don't want to seal you in amber."

"This talisman can increase your memory. I'm here to help you."

"Please believe me, okay?"

Fang Xun didn't know whether Qiqi was willing to believe him,

After all, he and Qiqi had just met.

Little Qiqi raised her head, and her clean and clear big eyes met Fang Xun's.

"Help Qiqi..."

"Qiqi believes Fang Xun..."

"Because... Fang Xun is a friend... Qiqi's friend..."

Little Qiqi's voice was very soft, but very serious.

Qiqi has a huge shadow on the talisman, but she is still willing to choose to believe Fang Xun.

Just because the two are friends.

In Qiqi's view, friends are trustworthy.

Fang Xun was touched when he heard it.

In this world,

How could there be such a silly girl?

It is precisely because of this that Fang Xun cannot live up to Qiqi's trust.

Fang Xun put the talisman on Qiqi,

This talisman obtained by drawing a card is still extraordinary,

After the talisman is attached to Qiqi, it will not fall off due to movement or wind.

Even if someone pulls it hard, the talisman will not move at all.

Only Fang Xun or Qiqi can remove the talisman.

After attaching the talisman, Fang Xun looked down at Qiqi and asked softly, "How does Qiqi feel?"

Little Qiqi shook her head: "Qiqi is a feeling..."

" seems that my memory is a little better..."

"What Fang Xun said...Qiqi will not forget it immediately..."

"Thank you..."

Seeing Qiqi's condition improve, Fang Xun smiled with relief.

He knew that the talisman was starting to work.

"Fang Xun...Qiqi is going to pick the glass bag..."

At this time,

Qiqi blinked her big pink eyes and spoke weakly.

Although Qiqi had forgotten everything about the past,

she still kept the habit of picking medicine.

So after she was able to move, Qiqi immediately went to pick herbs.

And now, she was saying goodbye to Fang Xun.

After saying that, Qiqi ran out of the cave with her short legs.

Fang Xun immediately remembered that there were many villagers watching outside the cave.

Those villagers had never seen a zombie before.

If they met Qiqi like this, the scene might become chaotic.

Thinking of this, Fang Xun immediately followed.

When Fang Xun ran out of the cave,

it was already a mess outside.


"So scary!"

"Run away quickly!"

The villagers watching were all scared.

Who would have thought that a pale zombie with a chill would jump out of the cave?

Looking at the villagers running around in front of her, Qiqi's beautiful peach-colored eyes were confused and sad.

She didn't know what was wrong.

She didn't do anything,

but everyone seemed to be very afraid of her.

Qiqi wanted to make friends,

but no one liked her.

"I'm sorry..."

"Qiqi...scare everyone..."

"Qiqi...caused trouble to everyone..."

Qiqi apologized.

She had no expression on her face, but she looked like she was crying.

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