Just when Fang Xun was about to leave the village, the Knights of Favonius also arrived.

Fang Xun was not surprised by the arrival of the Knights of Favonius.

After all, he had used Heaven Moving All Things to smash a big hole in the ground. It was a big commotion in the middle of the night, and it would be a problem if the Knights of Favonius did not respond.

The knight who rushed to the scene was none other than Amber's grandfather.

As a reconnaissance knight, he went to the scene as soon as he found something unusual.

Then, Uncle An learned the whole story from the villagers.

The bandit group planned to massacre the village, and Fang Xun came to the rescue at the critical moment.

Although the villagers summarized the matter in just a few words, Uncle An's back was still wet with cold sweat. He could imagine how dangerous the scene was at that time.

Fortunately, Fang Xun rescued people in time. If the bandit group succeeded, the consequences would be disastrous...

In fact, this was the second time Fang Xun helped the Knights of Favonius.

The first time was to help solve the four ruins guards, and the second time was to save the villagers tonight.

Uncle An was not good at saying thank you, he just patted Fang Xun's shoulder hard to show his optimism for this young man.

"Chat alone?"

Uncle An narrowed his eyes and looked at the crowd, and then said to Fang Xun casually.


Fang Xun agreed without thinking,

Uncle An rarely acted so mysterious,

Fang Xun guessed that Uncle An must have something important to tell him, so important that he needed to avoid the crowd.

Seeing Uncle An's serious face, Fang Xun also became serious: "Uncle An, are you planning to leave Mondstadt and entrust Amber to me before you leave?"

"Don't worry, I will take good care of Amber and let her thrive in the kindergarten!"

Uncle An was stunned for a moment: "Who wants to tell you about this?"

"I don't plan to leave Mondstadt, don't worry about it."

"Besides, there are so many children in your kindergarten, what if my granddaughter is neglected?"

After speaking, Fang Xun was a little disappointed.

Uncle An didn't talk about Amber for a long time.

However, it is not difficult to hear from these few words that Uncle An does not object to Amber joining the kindergarten, provided that Fang Xun can take good care of Amber?

Fang Xun thought that these are all small things. What he is best at is to treat everyone equally and take good care of every child.

In this way, the matter of Amber joining the kindergarten can also be put on the agenda.

Uncle An did not notice Fang Xun's thoughts, but continued to talk to himself: "Have you noticed? This village is not rich, on the contrary, it is somewhat poor."

"Logically speaking, even if the thieves want to take action, their targets should be rich people. There is no reason for them to rob people who are poorer than themselves."

Fang Xun nodded and agreed with Uncle An's statement.

This village is relatively backward in terms of houses and villagers' clothing.

The thieves can't do something that is thankless.

At this time, Uncle An suddenly lowered his voice and said seriously: "I guess there should be a force pushing the waves in the dark."

"This thieves group and the previous four ruins guards are likely to come from the same force."

"They awakened the ruins guards, hired the thieves group...deliberately created a big commotion to put pressure on the Knights of Favonius."

Because there is no substantial evidence for all this, it is just Uncle An's personal inference, so he would talk to Fang Xun about this in private.

Fang Xun nodded. In fact, without Uncle An's special reminder, he could guess that someone was deliberately making trouble in the dark.

During this period, "Doctor", one of the eleven executive officers of the Fatui, was in Mondstadt.

This matter must be related to him.

"Fang Xun, I guess their next target may be you."

Uncle An said this without warning.

"You will solve the problems of the ruins guards and the thieves group. They will definitely focus on you."

Fang Xun frowned slightly: "Do you mean they are going to attack me?"

Uncle An shook his head: "Not necessarily becoming an enemy, but also extending an olive branch to you."

"I guess they should take action soon, you have to be prepared."

After saying this, Uncle An waved his hand and left without looking back.

Only Fang Xun was left there, looking thoughtful.

What does it mean?

The Fatui are going to extend an olive branch to him?

So should he agree to become the twelfth executive officer?

What's a good name?


Fang Xun thought, he just wanted to run a kindergarten in Liyue in peace and stability, and really didn't want to get involved in grudges.

Let's talk about the future later, Fang Xun didn't want to think too much now.

He looked up at the skyIt's almost dawn, it's time to go watch the sunrise with Ganyu.


"Hello, is this Mr. Fang Xun?"

As soon as Fang Xun entered Mondstadt, a man wearing a mask and a black windbreaker came forward to greet him.

He looked like he had been waiting here for a long time.

Looking at the familiar clothes, Fang Xun immediately realized that the man in front of him was from the Fatui.

Just as Uncle An said, the Fatui began to act.


Family, there is another chapter later.

I'm not sure about the time, try to finish it before 12 o'clock.

If it's too late, everyone should go to bed early, and it will be the same if you read it tomorrow.

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