"The Knights of Favonius will hold a banquet at the Morning Tavern tonight,"

"I heard that many knights have come to the banquet, and Grand Master Falga is among them..."

In a dim room, a pot-bellied merchant was carefully reporting the situation of the Knights of Favonius.

Opposite the merchant was a silent man.

He leaned against the chair, one hand supporting his chin, and the other hand gently tapped the armrest.

Because he was wearing a mask, the merchant could not see the man's appearance, but could only see his deep eyes, which seemed to be beating like a dark fire.

The man was an executive of the Fatui, codenamed [Doctor].

To be precise, the man was just one of the [Doctors].

[Doctor] created multiple versions of himself, and each doctor performed different tasks.

At this moment, the doctor sitting on the chair did not speak, but stopped tapping the armrest, obviously dissatisfied with the information brought by the merchant.

"No more?"

At this time, the doctor cast a glance, and there was no fluctuation in his voice.

Just two short words, but the merchant shuddered subconsciously.

The reason was simple. The merchant felt the strong breath of death from the doctor's cold eyes.

For the doctor, anyone who has no use value does not need to exist in the world.

Thinking of this, cold sweat wet the merchant's back.

The merchant said in a panic: "Subordinates... Subordinates have another thing to report!"

"Clips, the owner of the Dawn Winery, he has recently smashed a lot of Mora..."

"It is said that he helped the Knights of Favonius investigate the ruins guards and the thieves."

At this moment, the merchant's heart almost jumped to his throat.

If the doctor is not interested in this information, then Mond's missing persons list will add another person.

Fortunately, the matter of Clips attracted the doctor's attention.

"I don't like people to meddle in other people's business, especially to interfere with my plan."

The merchant didn't dare to say anything. Keeping silent at this time was undoubtedly the right choice.

"Usa hasn't been out for a long time. Let it go out for some fresh air."

"I understand, I understand!"

The merchant immediately understood what the doctor meant.

This was to activate a magic dragon named 'Usa' to deal with the stumbling block of Krips.

After that, the merchant hurriedly left the room.

Until the door closed, the merchant felt that his breathing became smoother. He trembled and took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Dealing with these big shots of the Fatui really felt like walking on a knife's edge. If you are not careful, you may lose your life.

Before leaving, the merchant deliberately looked back at the room where the doctor was.

The room temperature was suitable, but it made people feel freezing cold.

Especially the doctor's cold eyes, no matter how many times you look at it, you will have nightmares and wake up.


At the same time, two carriages were driving on the forest path, heading towards the Dawn Winery.

In the carriage, Krips was chatting with Fang Xun and others to kill time on the road.

"Don't underestimate Diluc because he is young, but he has already obtained the Eye of God."

"Not only that, Diluc has also joined the Knights of Favonius and become a young knight."

Cripps has two regrets in his life. One is that he failed to join the Knights of Favonius, and the other is that he does not have the Eye of God.

But fortunately, his son Diluc has done both of these things, which makes Creeps very happy.

So every time he mentions Diluc, Creeps is full of pride.

Only at this time, Creeps is not a wealthy businessman, but simply a father who is proud of his child.

And Diluc, who is at the center of the topic, just smiled politely after hearing his name, and then attributed everything to 'good luck'.

Fang Xun nodded and said nothing.

Perhaps Diluc's acquisition of the Fire God's Eye was due to luck, but joining the Knights of Favonius was definitely not due to luck.

The assessment of the Knights of Favonius is extremely strict, otherwise they would not have rejected the wealthy businessman Creeps who has worked hard for many years.

Diluk's success was probably due to his good luck, which was probably due to his low-key and humble character, coupled with his intention to hide his own strength.

For a moment, Fang Xun couldn't help but take a closer look at little Diluk.

Although Diluk is still a child, and even his voice is still childish,

but he was born in a wealthy family and is already a little gentleman who can attend any social occasion with ease.

If there hadn't been an accident when he was eighteen, Diluk's life might have been different and wonderful.

Just as Fang Xun was thinking silently, Klips noticed that Wendy, who was traveling with him, also had the Eye of God.

"Wendy also has the Eye of God? And it's of wind attribute?It looks very delicate."

"Can you let me see it?"

Since he doesn't have the Eye of God, Klips is curious about other people's Eye of God.

In Klips's opinion, the Eye of God is something that cannot be bought no matter how much Mora one earns.

"The Eye of God is very important and cannot be taken away casually,"

Wendy showed an embarrassed expression.

After the words fell, Klips took back his hand regretfully. He could understand Wendy's difficulties.

If Klips got the Eye of God, he would not show it to outsiders casually.

The next second, Wendy added: "I mean... add wine. "

Fang Xun saw through it but didn't say anything. Where did Wendy have the Eye of God?

This old man was just fooling Klips with a glass ball to ask for wine.

Klips himself was a winery owner, so he didn't lack wine at all, and readily agreed to Wendy's request.

Klips took Wendy's 'Eye of God' in his hand and examined it carefully.

"Just by simply holding the Eye of God in my hand, I immediately felt the strong wind element..."

"It seems like a gust of wind is blowing in my face, it's incredible!"

Diluk didn't say anything, but just silently pulled the curtains of the carriage tightly.

When the curtains were pulled down, the so-called 'gust of wind blowing in my face' immediately disappeared.

It wasn't the effect of the 'Eye of God' after all this time, it was just that the wind was strong outside.

Klips was a little embarrassed and quickly changed the subject.

"Mr. Fang Xun, what element of the Eye of God do you have? "

Clips felt that Fang Xun must have the Eye of God since he was able to deal with four ruins guards and save the people of a village.

But he didn't know the elemental properties of the Eye of God.

"As for me, I don't have the Eye of God."

Faced with Clips' question, Fang Xun shook his head slightly.

He did not have the Eye of God, but he did have three Hearts of God.

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