Fang Xun looked at Wendy, and the two of them locked eyes.

Wendy used her fingers to show the number 'ten', meaning that he could beat ten young men like the Knights of Favonius.

With Wendy's statement, Fang Xun immediately took action.

"Just now you said you wanted to drink with me, right?"

"Come on, let's go one by one, let's make a promise first, don't keep fish."

It is said that the first bird to come out of the water is shot, and the leader should be caught first, so Fang Xun found the first suitor who was causing trouble.

While the suitors were still thinking about what 'keeping fish' meant, Fang Xun had already picked up the bottle and 'drank it in one gulp'.

Although all the wine was drunk by Wendy, Fang Xun didn't drink a drop of it,

but this did not affect Fang Xun putting down the bottle to wipe his mouth and savor the taste of the wine,

This is called being comprehensive in acting, the basic accomplishment of an actor.

For a while, Fang Xun's drinking attracted a lot of people's attention, and there were bursts of exclamations from the crowd.

Because Mond wine tastes spicy and irritating, it is not easy to drink it all in one breath.

In the eyes of the people of Mond City, those who can finish a bottle of wine in one breath are all warriors.

At this moment, Uncle An stood in the crowd, watching all this silently.

He probably knew what was going on.

Some young Knights of Favonius were making trouble in the name of "drinking a glass" to give Fang Xun a warning.

This kind of thing should not happen in the Knights of Favonius and should be stopped in time.

However, Uncle An did not come forward to mediate because he felt that Fang Xun would solve the problem in his own way.

"This kid...can drink a lot."

"I didn't drink a drop of alcohol on weekdays, but I didn't expect him to be so fierce when drinking."

"No, I must let Fang Xun drink two glasses with me on the weekend."

Uncle An touched his chin and thought silently.

Seeing Fang Xun drinking so boldly, the young knight swallowed his saliva subconsciously, his face looked a little ugly,


Although the young knight's alcohol tolerance is not bad, he can never drink as much as Fang Xun.

He has a clear understanding of himself, and drinking a bottle of wine in one breath will definitely cause trouble.

What to do?

Should I drink like Fang Xun?

If I learn from Fang Xun, I might die if I try it.

But if I don't learn...

The goddess Lisa I like is watching next to me, and if I don't follow her, I will feel like I am being compared.

The young knight suddenly felt like he was being roasted on the fire.

In the end, in order not to lose face in front of the goddess he likes, the young knight made up his mind, pinched his nose and drank the wine in one gulp like Fang Xun.

The high concentration of alcohol stimulated the young knight's throat and chest, like a flame pouring into his lungs.

The young knight couldn't hold back after drinking half of the wine, put down the bottle and started coughing violently.

The whole person looked embarrassed and lost the demeanor of a knight.

Fang Xun just looked at the young knight quietly, and didn't feel sorry for the knight.

Since he wanted to play a trick on someone, he had to be prepared to be played.

Then, Fang Xun went to find the second knight who was making trouble,

the third, the fourth, the fifth...

Without any suspense, Fang Xun taught all these young knights who wanted to make trouble a lesson.

Some people were not convinced and thought that Fang Xun's alcohol tolerance had reached the limit, so they drank themselves down.

Some people simply surrendered and left in disgrace.

"Mr. Fang Xun has a good alcohol tolerance!"

Seeing Fang Xun drink five bottles of wine in a row, he still didn't change his face or heartbeat, Krips, who had been in the crowd, couldn't help but exclaimed.

He hadn't seen such a good alcohol tolerance for a long time.

Then, Krips looked at Wendy again.

Wendy had only drunk two bottles of dandelion wine, but her face was already red and she smelled of alcohol.

It seemed that it was right not to let Wendy drink more.

This can tell at a glance that she can't drink much.

"Fang Xun, are you okay?"

At this time, Lisa stepped forward to ask about the situation.

Fang Xun shook his head gently: "It's okay, don't worry."

Lisa didn't believe Fang Xun's words: "Are you really okay? Five bottles of wine is no joke."

"If you feel uncomfortable, just say it, don't be stubborn."

Fang Xun thought to himself that he was really not stubborn.

It doesn't matter if there are three or five more guys who make trouble, anyway, the one who is drinking is Wendy.

As a witch, Lisa should be able to see this.

Why did she ask the same question repeatedly?

Fang Xun thought for a moment and immediately figured it out.

Lisa should want to leave early, but she didn't have a proper reason.

But if it was "sending drunk Fang Xun home", this reason for leaving would be justified.

Fang Xun understood: "When you put it that way, I do feel a little uncomfortable and dizzy."The two looked at each other and understood each other.

Lisa smiled and said, "Since you feel uncomfortable, go back and rest..."

"But it may be troublesome for you to go home in your current state. Let me take you home."

No one in the Knights of Favonius said much about Lisa and Fang Xun's departure.

After all, Fang Xun was drunk, so it was normal for him to be taken home.

However, Lisa's admirers were full of mixed feelings at the moment, full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Why could Miss Lisa talk and laugh with Fang Xun? And she even took Fang Xun home?

Fang Xun was indeed a great hero. He saved Uncle An in a critical moment and saved a village of people from the hands of the thieves.

But they could do these things too.

In the eyes of these admirers, Fang Xun was not unsurpassable.

They were confident that they could be better than Fang Xun.

Just when Lisa's suitors were indignant, Uncle An walked to the front of the hall and said, "Please be quiet, and allow me to take up a few minutes of your time." "Next, I have something to announce." For a moment, everyone looked at Uncle An, obviously not knowing what important thing to announce at this time. Uncle An looked around, and then said seriously: "Everyone, do you remember Usa? That evil dragon that has been doing evil for a thousand years..."

"Please don't be nervous, I want to say that Mr. Fang Xun has killed the evil dragon Usa."

"You heard it right, it was killed,"

"The evil dragon Usa has turned into dust and dissipated in the sky of Mondstadt."

"Mr. Fang Xun, the brave man who killed the evil dragon Usa, should be praised and praised."

"From now on, I hope that everyone in the Knights will treat Mr. Fang Xun with the highest knightly etiquette."

"I have said what I want to say, and then continue to play music and continue to dance."

After Uncle An finished speaking, he waved his hand to signal everyone to continue drinking,

However, the whole audience was still silent,

because everyone was so surprised that they couldn't speak.

Fang Xun killed the evil dragon Usa? !

The evil dragon that had been doing evil for a thousand years turned into dust and dissipated? !

Is it true or false?

Many people suspected that they had heard wrongly, but Uncle An's words still echoed clearly in their ears.

Cripps and Diluk also stood up to confirm that all this was true.

At this moment, all of Lisa's suitors were dumbfounded.

Because not long ago, they still swore that they could surpass Fang Xun.

But now that they knew that Fang Xun defeated the dragon Ursa, they were all silent.

Because Fang Xun's record was too dazzling, it was a feat that was enough to be recorded in the history of the Knights of Favonius!

They knew that even if they worked hard for a lifetime, they might not be able to reach Fang Xun's level.

A few people looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

It didn't seem unfair to lose to a love rival like Fang Xun.

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