After getting the White Shadow Sword, Fang Xun immediately set off for Noel's residence.

I think the little girl must be very happy to see this big sword.

Ying and Paimeng chose to accompany Fang Xun.

After the two of them experienced the work of the breakfast shop, they found that taking care of children would be relatively easy and the salary would be more considerable.

In addition to these, Ying also felt that with Fang Xun's help, she might be able to find her brother faster.

If she could meet her brother earlier, even if she helped take care of the children, Ying would accept it.

Fang Xun felt the decision made by Ying and Paimeng, he smiled and welcomed the two to join.

At this moment, the heavy rain was still falling.

Fang Xun prepared two umbrellas in advance and gave one of them to Ying.

Paimeng lay on Ying's back, one of them commanded with his mouth, and the other executed the order. Both of them were carefully hiding from the rain.

However, the effect was average. The rain drifted diagonally with the cold wind, and the two were still wet.

Fang Xun didn't say anything, and silently took off his coat and put it on Ying. After all, Ying was wearing a white skirt, which was somewhat inconvenient.

Ying was stunned for a moment, and then thanked him softly.

Besides her brother, Fang Xun was the first person to lend her his coat to hide from the rain.

Paimeng next to him pouted his little mouth, looking angry and a little emotional.

Fang Xun only knew to care about Ying, and forgot that there was another person here who was getting wet in the rain!


At this time, Fang Xun called Paimeng's name,

"I'm here!"

Paimeng was no longer angry, she knew that Fang Xun would definitely not ignore her.

"You got caught in the rain today, remember to drink more hot water when you go back."

Fang Xun warned seriously.

Paimeng: ? ? ?

You lent your coat to Ying to keep out the rain, and when it was my turn, you only said to drink more hot water?

This is obviously different treatment!

Ying knew that Fang Xun was teasing Paimeng on purpose, and immediately pulled Paimeng into his arms to keep out the rain together.

Fang Xun's coat was very big, more than enough to keep out the rain for two people.

Ying pulled the coat tight, thinking that he would wash the coat and return it to Fang Xun after returning.

Soon, Fang Xun and his group arrived at Noel's residence.

"Brother Fang Xun, you came just in time, Noel is about to see you!"

"Come and try on this suit and see where it needs to be modified."

Seeing Fang Xun coming, Noel's eyes were filled with joy, and he took Fang Xun's hand and walked inside.

Fang Xun asked in surprise: "Noel, why did you suddenly think of sewing a set of clothes for me?"

Noel blinked and answered seriously: "When I was fishing yesterday, I noticed that Brother Fang Xun's clothes didn't fit him well and might not be very comfortable to wear,"

"So, I re-sewed clothes for Brother Fang Xun."

Fang Xun looked down at the clothes he was wearing after hearing this.

I still remember that this set of clothes was given by Yu Jin not long after he came to Liyue.

At that time, this set of clothes was just right for him.

Later, because Fang Xun often helped the little guys deal with the leftovers, his weight increased day by day, and the clothes naturally began to not fit him.

It can't be said that Fang Xun has gained weight, it is more appropriate to use strong.

Before crossing, Fang Xun was thin, and now he is a relatively healthy weight.

Fang Xun took the new clothes sewn by Noel.

This dress is also the color and style of Mr. Zhong, but the appearance has been adjusted, with a strong Mond style.

It is light to the touch, and the silk used should be of the best quality.

The stitches of the clothes are smooth and not messy at all. It can be seen that Noel was careful when sewing this dress.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Fang Xun would not have believed that this was a dress sewn by a child.

No wonder Noel is a maid of the Knights of Favonius. It turns out that she has mastered many life skills since she was a child.

"Thank you, Noel, I like this dress very much."

Fang Xun put on the new clothes and then thanked Noel.

He thought that the little girl must have spent a lot of time and energy sewing clothes, so he added: "You've worked hard."

"It's not hard." Noel shook his head gently,

"I think it's a very happy thing to let Brother Fang Xun wear the clothes I sewed by myself."

Noel has been like this since he was a child, silently giving without asking for anything in return.

Kind children will be liked wherever they go.

"Noel, I asked a friend to buy the White Shadow Sword you wanted,"

"See if this sword is suitable for you."

At this time, Fang Xun remembered that this trip was to give Noel a weapon.

He turned his wrist, and the golden light condensed into a big sword that appeared in front of him.

When Noel saw the White Shadow Sword, he couldn't take his eyes away.

The little guy smiled with curved eyebrows and held the White Shadow Sword with both hands, looking like he couldn't let it go."I like this sword very much. Thank you, Brother Fang Xun!"

Noel tried to lift the White Shadow Sword. Although it was a bit difficult, he was able to do it.

The grip of this White Shadow Sword was completely different from the weapon made by Wagner.

Holding it in his hand, he felt the heavy weight and felt an indescribable sense of security.

Noel couldn't wait to try the White Shadow Sword's bearing capacity.

Let me talk about the recent situation. The author is in a very bad state and is in an indescribable low mood.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult to write a light-hearted and cheerful plot.

The author will slowly adjust, and I hope he can adjust.

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