Looking at the spicy dried fish handed over by Barbara, Yun Jin shook her head regretfully.

"Barbara, thank you for sharing the spicy dried fish with me,"

"But... I can't eat spicy food, I can only eat light meals like stir-fried shrimp."

"Why can't Yun Jin eat spicy food? Is she feeling unwell?"

Barbara's face was full of worry: "If Yun Jin feels unwell, please be sure to tell me, Barbara will help you!"

In order not to worry Barbara, Yun Jin hurriedly said: "My current physical condition is not bad, thank you for your concern."

"The reason why I can't eat spicy food is to protect my throat."

"My family often says that singing opera every day is very harmful to my throat, so I must make adjustments in my diet."

"So that's it..."

After listening to Yun Jin's explanation, Barbara blinked curiously,

She probably didn't understand the conflict between eating spicy food and protecting her throat.

Is eating spicy food bad for your throat?

It shouldn't be possible.

She eats spicy food every day, and her throat doesn't feel uncomfortable.

Although she couldn't understand Yunjin's eating habits, Barbara still chose to respect them.

"Spicy dried fish is really delicious! It's a pity that Yunjin can't taste it, it's really a pity..."

After hearing Yunjin say that she needed to take care of her throat, Paimeng felt very sorry.

"In this case, Paimeng has to take Yunjin's place and finish the spicy dried fish."

"No, no!"

Barbara heard this and quickly protected the spicy drink and spicy dried fish in her arms to prevent Paimeng from trying to get them.

"Most of the spicy dried fish was eaten by Paimon,"

"If Paimon continues to eat spicy food, I'm worried that your health might be affected."

"Well...Okay, then Paimon won't eat spicy dried fish."

After Barbara said this, Paimon didn't dare to think about eating spicy dried fish anymore.

She still had a lot of delicious food to try, so she couldn't have any health problems.

After that, Barbara picked up the dried fish and shared it with Fang Xun.

Fang Xun shook his head and declined Barbara's kindness.

The spicy dried fish was almost abnormally spicy.

Fang Xun had eaten a dried fish before, and it was so spicy that tears came out. He drank several bottles of milk to relieve the spiciness before he recovered.

As for Ningguang and other little girls, their situation was similar to Fang Xun.

They were all curious about the spicy dried fish at first, but after eating such a dried fish, they had no more ideas.

There was no way, Barbara could only finish the spicy dried fish by herself, and finally drink a bottle of spicy drink, which was considered perfect.

"Barbara, is it really okay for you to eat such spicy food?"

"I mean, is your throat okay?"

Watching Barbara eat spicy dried fish and spicy drinks in succession, Yun Jin was stunned.

Yun Jin felt it was too spicy just watching from the side, but she didn't expect Barbara to eat with relish and enjoy it.

"It's okay, if you don't believe me, I'll sing for you~"

Listening to the song hummed by Barbara, Yun Jin was even more surprised.

Barbara's singing was not only good, but she didn't need to avoid eating.

Yun Jin suddenly envied Barbara.

Eating was unrestrained, eating whatever she wanted, and there was no problem of bad throat at all.

And she kept going around and around, and she couldn't avoid stir-fried shrimps.

Every day, stir-fried shrimps, every day...

If she could eat spicy food, even if it was just a little bit spicy, it would be fine.

"Little Yunjin, after the Wind Flower Festival is over, I plan to cook a table of food and treat everyone."

At this time, Fang Xun spoke.

"You can tell me what you want to eat directly,"

"Sour, salty, bitter, spicy, sweet, all kinds of flavors are fine,"

"Of course, the premise of cooking is that it will not hurt your throat."

Fang Xun noticed Yunjin's envious expression, so he decided to cook for Yunjin.

Life is short, if even eating is restricted, it would be a pity.

"Really? Brother Fang Xun?"

Hearing that Fang Xun was going to cook a large table of dishes and let Yunjin order whatever he wanted, the little guy's eyes lit up with joy.

"Then it's a deal, no lying!"

Fang Xun smiled and nodded: "No, it's Wendy who is lying."


"A-choo! A-choo! A-choo!"

"Really, who is secretly saying bad things about me?"

Wendy rubbed her nose and muttered.

"Mr. Wendy, are you okay?"

"Is it because of the low temperature that you caught a cold?"

At this time, the voice of a little boy came from behind Wendy.

The boy had blue hair and his eyebrows were somewhat similar to Kamisato Ayaka.

He was Kamisato Ayaka's brother, Kamisato Ayato.Next to Ayato stood a gentle and dignified woman, the mother of Kamisato Ayaka.

Both of them had come from Inazuma to Mondstadt to attend the Wind Flower Festival at Fang Xun's invitation.

"I do have a cold, it would be nice if I could have a bottle of wine to warm myself up at this time,"

"If I could drink two bottles of wine, I think I would be well again, and I could even step up my pace and arrive in Mondstadt tonight."

"I never lie to people, it's Fang Xun who lied!"

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