After Yun Jin's reminder, the entire troupe looked at Fang Xun at the same time.

It's true.

Fang Xun is very suitable for the role of King of Rock, both in terms of his figure, appearance and temperament.

If Fang Xun is given a costume, he will probably look more like King of Rock than the actor who was injured just now.

"Mr. Fang Xun, you have seen the situation. Yun Han Society is still short of an actor to play the role of the emperor,"

"Looking at the entire troupe, no one is more suitable for that role than you,"

"So, we would like to invite you to perform on stage tomorrow,"

At this time, Yun Jin's father quickly walked up to Fang Xun and made a solemn invitation.

"Of course, we can negotiate the appearance fee, as long as it is within the range of Yunhan Society!"

"I know Mr. Fang Xun is not short of money, but now only you can help Yunhan Society solve the urgent problem."

Yun Jin hugged Fang Xun's arm and said pitifully: "Brother Fang Xun, can you help us?"

The little guy knew that tomorrow's play was crucial to Yunhan Society.

If it failed at this time, not only would all the previous efforts be wasted, but the signboard of Yunhan Society would also be ruined.

That was a situation that no one in Yunhan Society wanted to see.

Fang Xun thought for a moment, and finally shook his head: "It is said that one minute on stage takes ten years of hard work off stage,"

"If I, who knows nothing about Liyue drama, perform on stage,"

"Not only will the audience not pay for it, but it will also make people doubt the professionalism of Yunhan Society,"

Fang Xun's words woke people up from their dreams,

Everyone looked at each other and was speechless.

The current drama troupe has a feeling of desperately trying all kinds of methods.

Everyone only pays attention to the fact that Fang Xun fits the image of the emperor, but ignores that Fang Xun has only a superficial understanding of Liyue drama.

Fang Xun can indeed go on stage to save the day,

But if he really does this, it will be Yunhan Society's own brand.

For a while, the venue was silent and the atmosphere was very depressing.

The actors sitting in the corner frowned and sighed heavily from time to time.

It's too late to rehearse other plays now, there is no way out...

Yun Jin's mother stared at the stage in a trance, silently clenching the spear in her hand.

For tomorrow's performance, everyone has worked hard to rehearse for many days and nights.

Will all the hard work go to waste?

How should they explain to the audience tomorrow?

Little Yunjin pursed her lips and silently took her mother's hand.

She could feel the frustration of her mother and everyone else. She wanted to help but was powerless.

How she wished she could grow up in the blink of an eye, so that she could share the pressure for her mother and everyone in Yunhan Society.

Yunjin's father walked around with his head down.

He smoked quietly, not noticing the cigarette butts all over the floor.

As the owner of the troupe, he was undoubtedly under the greatest pressure at the moment.

The entire Yunhan Society depended on him for food and drink, and he had to give everyone an explanation.

If tomorrow's performance was to go on as usual, someone suitable for playing the role of the Rock King must be found, and that person must have a certain understanding of Liyue Opera and not be an outsider...

Yunjin's father thought about it, but he had no clue.

"Is there really someone in this world who fits the image of the emperor and understands Liyue drama?"

Hearing Yun Jin's father's troubles, Fang Xun said: "Perhaps, I can recommend a candidate for Yun Han Society."

"Guest Zhongli from Wangsheng Hall."

Let the Emperor Yanwang play this play, and I play myself, who can find fault?


Little Hu Tao blinked in surprise. She didn't expect to hear the name of Yangsheng Hall when she went out for a trip.

"Guest Zhongli is sometimes stereotyped like an antique, but I have to admit that he does know a lot of professional knowledge."

Hu Tao approved Fang Xun's recommendation of Zhongli as a candidate.

Yun Jin's father nodded thoughtfully: "Mr. Zhongli occasionally comes to Yunhan Club to listen to opera, and I have communicated with him."

"From his conversation, I can feel that Mr. Zhongli is knowledgeable and knows everything."

Speaking of Zhongli, an actor next to him said: "Mr. Zhongli knows more about Liyue Opera than I do."

"There are some things that I only know the facts but not the reasons, but Mr. Zhongli can explain them very well."

"Last time when I was singing, Mr. Zhongli helped correct a mistake. I once thought that Mr. Zhongli was a colleague..."

When everyone was talking about it, Yun Jin's father's eyes lit up with hope again.

Thinking about it carefully, Zhongli also fits the image of the emperor.

He is polite, mature and steady, and can give people a sense of security like a rock.

The most important thing is that Zhongli has an extremely professional understanding of Liyue Opera, and many actors are ashamed of themselves.These two points add up to Zhongli being the talent Yunhan Society needs most urgently!

"Okay, okay, if Mr. Zhongli is willing to help, then the performance will definitely be fine."

"If Mr. Zhongli can help, the reputation of our Yunhan Society can be preserved."

Now that Zhongli is the right candidate, everyone feels relieved.

Little Yunjin is in a much better mood, looking up and smiling at her mother.

However, Yunjin's father said worriedly, "But... the performance is tomorrow, and I don't know where Mr. Zhongli is now."

"If he is in Liyue, there is no time at all."

"Besides, I don't know if Mr. Zhongli is willing to perform on stage..."

After the words fell, the laughter in the venue stopped abruptly.

The hope that had just been ignited was now like being ruthlessly shattered by a basin of cold water.

"Leave it to me, I will ensure that tomorrow's performance will go on as usual."

At this time, Fang Xun stood up and said.

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