"Who is that stranger named Fang Xun? Does he really possess the seven elemental powers?"

"If that's the case, then matters concerning Eula must be carefully considered, and a situation like today must not occur."

"We must bring Eula back no matter what, she is the most important part of the plan!"

Inside the Lawrence family, a group of members are having a heated discussion.

As Fang Xun expected, the Lawrence family is still determined to take Eula away.

Even though they know that Fang Xun is someone they can't afford to offend, they will still find ways to take Eula away.

At this time, the patriarch sitting high up slowly cast a glance: "Schubert, as Eula's uncle, you will be fully responsible for her affairs. Is there a problem?"

Hearing the patriarch calling his name, Schubert couldn't help but sit up straight.

"Please rest assured, patriarch, I will definitely bring Eula Lawrence back to the family!"

In fact, Schubert would take the initiative to take on this task without the patriarch's order.

Because in Schubert's view, escaping back to the family in disgrace is a shameful thing.

He must bring Eula back to the family to wash away the humiliation.

Seeing Schubert's determined face, the patriarch nodded in approval, very satisfied.

"Schubert, the family can give you financial support,"

"Just do it, don't have any scruples."

Although the Lawrence family is restricted everywhere in Mondstadt, it seems that even their livelihood has become difficult,

But in fact, the Lawrence family is very rich.

In Lawrence's basement, the antique treasures handed down from generation to generation in the family are piled up like mountains.

You can easily earn tens of millions of Mora by selling any treasure to foreign merchants. If you are lucky, you can sell it even at a sky-high price of hundreds of millions.

Most of those buyers are wealthy businessmen from Liyue, who are not short of money at all.

The two sides form a virtuous circle and benefit each other.

This is also the reason why Lawrence can maintain the expenses of a large family normally and also plans to recruit soldiers.

With financial support, Schubert seems more confident.

Because money can solve most problems in this world.

He is determined to bring Eula back to the family within a week and must not disappoint the expectations of the clan leader.

"No, it's a big deal! Our deal has been cancelled!"

At this time, a clan member hurried into the hall and interrupted Schubert's thoughts.

"Originally, there was a deal tonight, and the rich merchants from Liyue bought our antiques."

"I don't know what happened. Those rich merchants seemed to have discussed it in advance and canceled all the deals today."

"Those buyers also said that they would no longer have any relationship with the Lawrence family in the future."

"Even if the Lawrence family gave away the antiques for free, they would not accept them..."

After the words fell, the whole audience was silent, obviously not expecting this sudden change.

For a long time, the Lawrence family and the buyers have had an extremely stable cooperative relationship.

Something must have happened to cause the buyers to terminate the cooperation and rush to cut off their relationship with Lawrence.

Schubert looked solemn, and he vaguely felt that Lawrence was deeply trapped in the undercurrent at this moment.

Thinking carefully, most of the merchants who bought antiques were from Liyue, and Fang Xun was also from Liyue.

Would there be some kind of connection between them?

Schubert did not dare to think about it any further, and his eyes were throbbing with anxiety.

I always felt that there was an invisible big hand behind him fueling the flames.

In fact, Schubert's guess was correct. When Lawrence was plotting something wrong, Fang Xun had already taken action.

Because Fang Xun's name was already well-known in Liyue,

So, when Fang Xun expressed that he and the Lawrence family were at odds,

the wealthy businessmen of Liyue weighed the pros and cons and finally chose to stand with Fang Xun and draw a line with the Lawrence family at the first time.

Occasionally, someone will be hesitant, and at this time Fang Xun will use his money power.

'Money can solve most problems in the world' is also applicable to Fang Xun.

The difference is that Fang Xun is richer than the Lawrence family.

Sorry, money really can do whatever you want.jpg

Fang Xun's personal involvement undoubtedly broke the 'balance' of the Lawrence family.

The reason why Lawrence can support a large family is because there is both income and expenditure.

Now that the business has been lost, it has become a daily outflow without income, and the expenses alone are a large number.

As time goes on, the Lawrence family will only decline.

Of course, Lawrence can also look for new buyers again,

But finding new buyers is not easy, antiques worth millions are not something that ordinary people can afford.Apart from the wealthy businessmen in Liyue, there are few people who are interested in the antiques of the Lawrence family.

"Hey, are you all busy?"

Just when the Lawrence family was in chaos, a man's low voice came from outside the door.

"Are you from... the Knights of Favonius?"

Looking at Uncle An and a group of Favonius Knights, the Lawrence family's faces suddenly became particularly gloomy.

Except for Eula, no one in Lawrence has any good feelings towards the Knights of Favonius.

If it weren't for the Knights of Favonius, the Lawrence family would not have declined like this.

Schubert looked at Uncle An with a vigilant look in his eyes: "What are you doing here? Are you here to laugh at us?"

"It can't be said that you are laughing at us. After all, being pulled to work overtime before dinner is also a very distressing thing."

Uncle An spread his hands and shook his head helplessly.

Because the Favonius Knights were short of manpower during the holiday, he, a scout knight, had to temporarily take up other jobs.

"Schubert Lawrence, you are suspected of buying a large number of illegal weapons and endangering the personal safety of the people of Mond..."

"Please come with us and accept the investigation."

Uncle An spoke in a calm tone, but his attitude was particularly tough.

He ordered two West Wind Knights to arrest Schubert on the spot.

"Let me go! You lowly people have no right to touch the nobles!"

Schubert struggled hard and was furious.

The two West Wind Knights looked at each other. They didn't tolerate people like Schubert at all, so they used force to control Schubert.

"You are obviously going to jail, but you dare to put on a high-handed attitude. I don't know what this guy thinks."

"Schubert, I advise you to be honest, otherwise you are very likely to add another crime."

The two West Wind Knights shouted loudly and quickly took Schubert away.

During this process, the faces of the people in the Lawrence family were very ugly.

Several young men gritted their teeth and clenched their fists. They wanted to rush forward to save Schubert, but they were stopped by the patriarch.

Because Uncle An brought a group of West Wind Knights, he was obviously well prepared.

If someone resisted during the process, it would not be just Schubert who was captured.

Uncle An looked around at everyone, and finally set his eyes on the Lawrence patriarch.

The two were silent, but there was a hint of tension in the air.

Uncle An smiled and left without looking back.

It was not until the West Wind Knights left that the Lawrence family started to curse.

"This is too much, this is too much!"

"First, he cut off our family's financial resources, and then he put Schubert in jail,"

"Does that stranger named Fang Xun really think that our Lawrence family is a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by anyone?"

"He is declaring war on the Lawrence family!"

After experiencing the antique incident and Schubert's arrest, the people of Lawrence realized that all this was done by Fang Xun behind the scenes.

The hot-tempered young man could no longer control his emotions, and he completely broke out at this moment.

Now, there is only one thing in their minds, that is, to seek revenge on Fang Xun.

"So what if Fang Xun has seven elemental powers? As long as he is a human, he will have weaknesses!"

"That's right, we can't let a stranger suppress our Lawrence family like this!"

"With so many of us, can't we beat him alone?"

Just as everyone was talking, there was a sound at the door again.

This time, the sound of dogs barking came from outside the door.

Everyone walked out of the door quickly and saw a Shiba Inu sitting at the door.

At this moment, Taromaru had a letter in his mouth.

Seeing the Lawrence people coming over, he immediately put the letter on the ground and pushed it with his nose, signaling the Lawrence family to open it and check.

The Lawrence family felt a little strange, but someone still picked up the letter on the ground.

Opened it and saw a short sentence on it,

"Happy Wind Flower Festival, Fang Xun stay."

When they saw this sentence, everyone in the Lawrence family was almost furious.

Their business was ruined by Fang Xun, and Schubert was also arrested.

As a result, Fang Xun was still here to wish them happiness.

Isn't this pure behavior of Lao Liu?

How could the young people of the Lawrence family swallow this breath? They decided to go to Fang Xun and fight to the death.

Taromaru realized that something was wrong, and immediately took out the sword, held it in his mouth, and looked at the Lawrence people vigilantly.

The meaning is also very clear. If you want to find Fang Xun, you have to get through it first.

However, the arrogant Lawrence family did not take Taromaru seriously at all. Could a dog stop the anger of the nobles?

Soon, the Lawrence family, who underestimated the enemy, was beaten by Taromaru and his dog.The people and horses were thrown to the ground, and not a single piece of armor was left. All of them fell to the ground and wailed.

Fang Xun used three axes on the Lawrence family. These three axes were extremely powerful, killing people and breaking their hearts.

So much so that the Lawrence family was directly demoralized.

Now the Lawrence family is no longer thinking about revenge plans and taking back control of Mond.

Forget about seeking revenge from Fang Xun. The whole family together can't even beat a dog. It's better to go to bed.

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