"Fang Xun, aren't we going to Haiji Island today?"

On the way down the mountain, Lei Yingying turned his head to look at Fang Xun beside him.

After Fang Xun told her about his plan, Ying thought they were going to Haiji Island today,

For this reason, she changed into a shadow warrior's outfit that was easy to move, and her waterfall-like hair was tied up with a wooden hairpin.

Now Lei Yingying looks generous and heroic, and those who don't know him would think he is Fang Xun's full-time bodyguard.

However, when Lei Yingying was ready, Fang Xun said he would go back to Mond.


Fang Xun shook his head and looked at the fiery clouds in the sky.

"We are unfamiliar with Haigi Island, so it is not appropriate to go there at night."

Fang Xun paused and continued, "Ying, I understand your current mood,"

"But the bridge of trust between Mingshen Island and Haigi Island cannot be built overnight, but a process of continuous deepening over time."

"So I made a list and asked Kitsai Palace to help with the purchase,"

"It won't be too late for us to go to Haigi Island after Kitsai Palace has prepared everything."

Lei Dianying thought about it carefully and felt that what Fang Xun said made sense.

After all, it was related to the future of Inazuma, so it was necessary to be fully prepared and foolproof.

It's true that Lei Dianying, who put her hair up and thought seriously, looked more like a good wife and mother than Ganyu.

Of course, the premise for Ying to be a good wife and mother is not to speak,

Because once she speaks, she will become a silly country girl again.

"Mr. Fang Xun, I just read the shopping list you gave to Hu Zhai Palace, and there is one thing I can't figure out,"

"Why did you repeatedly emphasize to Hu Zhai Palace that we must buy the military book?"

"Is it because the military book can play a vital role?"

Lei Dianzhen tilted her head, her face full of confusion.

Like everything written on the list, she could see Fang Xun's intention,

Except for the military book, even a smart person like Lei Dianzhen couldn't figure out Fang Xun's idea.

Fang Xun smiled and replied: "This wave, this wave is just testing the waters."

"The military book is a gift I will give to people in the future."

"Although whether there is a military book or not will not affect the final outcome, it is related to whether the kindergarten can expand again."

"Is the military book related to the kindergarten?"

Lei Dianzhen became more and more confused as he listened,

How is it related to the kindergarten?

Fang Xun smiled and didn't continue talking,

I believe that as long as there is enough time, I will really figure it out.

Fang Xun silently stepped on the steps down the mountain, while organizing his thoughts.

For a long time, the residents of Narukami Island and Umi Island have never had any contact with each other.

The two sides have different positions and beliefs.

The god of Narukami Island is General Raiden, while Umi Island believes in the snake god Orobas.

In Fang Xun's view, it doesn't matter which god you believe in, but it is important to live in peace.

He plans to establish friendly relations with the residents of Umi Island first, and then play the role of a scale to maintain the balance between the two islands.

In this way, the Fatui will not be able to destroy the eternity of Inazuma.

"Let's play the Temari game! There are rewards for finding Temari!"

"Okay, okay, I'll find it!"

At this time, the sound of children playing interrupted Fang Xun's thoughts.

Turning his head, he saw four or five children running on the grass, and the little boy in the lead was holding a pink Temari.

"We agreed in advance that we must not let Kujira Jing hide Temari, because we can't find his hiding place every time!"

"If you don't want to hide, then don't hide. I won't bully you!"

The kid named Kujira Jing snorted in dissatisfaction.

Seeing the children's footsteps getting farther and farther away, Fang Xun slowly stopped.

He almost forgot an important thing.

Fang Xun took out a dull God's Eye from his backpack.

This God's Eye was given to him by Zhongli.

A long time ago, Zhongli made a deal with Fang Xun.

The content of the deal was very simple. Zhongli went to Yunhan Club to perform as the Rock King Emperor.

In exchange, Fang Xun helped Zhongli complete a task.

At that time, Zhongli's commission was very simple, hoping that Fang Xun would find a suitable owner for the ownerless God's Eye.

It can be seen that Zhongli, the sixth child, really wants to retire, and he undisguisedly regarded Fang Xun as the next Rock God.

Letting Fang Xun distribute the God's Eye is actually a disguised transfer of duties.

The general meaning is to let Fang Xun get familiar with the work process first, so that he will not be unfamiliar when he takes over in the future.

Of course, letting Fang Xun distribute the Eye of God has a deeper meaning,

That is to let Fang Xun form his own team to govern New Liyue.

Faced with Zhongli's conspiracy, Fang Xun said he was fooled,

But for Xiao Yunjin, he still agreed.

It's just distributing the Eye of God, not taking over. At worst, he won't trade with Zhongli in the futureThat's it...

Fang Xun comforted himself silently in his heart.

However, distributing the God's Eye is not a casual thing, there are many details involved,

For example, Zhongli is the God of Rock, so the God's Eye he gives is naturally of the Rock type,

It is well known that Rock type characters are mature and stable, and Zhongli requires the person who obtains the God's Eye to have five virtues,

Self-discipline, humility, persistence, diligence, and intelligence.

After thinking clearly about Zhongli's requirements, Fang Xun decided to give this God's Eye to Aragaki Ichito.

That's right.

Fang Xun came to Inazuma this time, not only to accompany the Leidian sisters to revisit their hometown, but also to distribute the God's Eye to Aragaki Ichito.

As for why it was Aragaki Ichito,

It was mainly because Fang Xun believed that Aragaki Ichito met the five virtues required by Zhongli.

Self-discipline: Isn't long-term lack of self-discipline a kind of self-discipline? This uncle is a gangster, and the main job of a gangster is not to do his job properly!

Persistence: Let's eat roasted violets! What does "again" mean? Roasted violets are the most delicious food in the world, and you can never get tired of eating them!

Humble: This is a good question, but I don't know.

Diligence: It took me three days and three nights to catch this special-grade ghost beetle, of course it's amazing!

Smart: He can even ride a bicycle, I must be a genius! Hahahaha!

From this point of view, Ara Taki Ichito is simply a perfect match for the five virtues mentioned by Zhongli.

It was not until the Eye of God appeared on Ara Taki Ichito that Fang Xun returned to Mondstadt.

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