"Ying and Paimon, I'm writing to you."

"When you see this message, I've already left my residence to meet two friends I haven't seen for a long time, and I may not be back until the evening."

"So while I'm out, I'll have to trouble you to help take care of the children, Fang Xunliu."

Reading this, Paimon put down the letter in his hand and turned to look at the traveler beside him, Ying,

"Originally, the plan today was to go to the Knights of Favonius to ask about your brother,"

"But now it seems that the time conflicts..."

"It doesn't matter, we'll go to the Knights of Favonius tomorrow."

Ying smiled and shook her head gently, not looking annoyed,

because she had a vague premonition in her heart that even if she went to the Knights of Favonius, she might not be able to find clues about her brother.

Finding her brother is an extremely long and difficult road, so there is no need to rush.

On the contrary, Fang Xun couldn't do without anyone to take care of the children.

Paimon nodded vigorously: "Yeah, then let's stay at home and take care of the children today!"

"Paimon seems to be full of confidence."

Feeling Paimon's high spirits, Ying joked casually.

"Of course, taking care of children is easier than handing out flyers, right?"

"Plus watching Fang Xun's operation every day, Paimon has now learned how to take care of children!"

Paimon put his hands on his hips and looked confident.

However, this confidence did not last for a day, or even just half a day, Paimon turned from a flying dwarf melon into a wilted eggplant.

If he had to choose between 'taking care of children' and 'handing out flyers', Paimon would definitely choose the latter without hesitation,

because taking care of children is really too tiring, even more tiring than handing out flyers.

The main reason is that the little devils in Fang Xun's family are too naughty and are not afraid of getting into trouble.

Sometimes when there is a dog passing by on the street, these little ones will be curious and want to reach out to touch it.

This scared Paimeng so much that he quickly reached out to stop them.

Since then, Paimeng never dared to take his eyes off these children, even for half a second.

In addition, the little girls are very energetic and can't rest for a moment.

Where there are many people, they will drag Ying and Paimeng to go there, and play all kinds of games...

In a day, Paimeng and Ying ran around and never stopped to rest.

Fortunately, there are Lady Kamisato and Ganyu to help take care of them, otherwise the two of them really can't handle it.

"It seems that Fang Xun takes care of children easily, but it is not easy to do it in practice."

"Taking care of children is really a hard thing."

Looking at those little devils running around and making a lot of noise, Paimeng couldn't help but sigh.

Ying heard this and silently complained: "Paimeng is only responsible for accompanying the children to eat, which seems to have nothing to do with hard work."

"How can you say that? It is obviously a very hard job to accompany the children to eat!"

Paimeng stamped his feet angrily to express his protest.

Looking at the angry Paimeng, Ying found it very interesting: "But when eating, Paimeng looks the happiest."

"It doesn't matter! In short, taking care of children is a very tiring thing!"

"When Fang Xun comes back, he must treat us to a meal. No, no, he must treat us to many big meals!"

"It's okay to have a big meal. It can be arranged tonight."

Just as the two were arguing, Fang Xun came over.

After leaving Inazuma, he took Taromaru back to his residence as soon as possible.

He could imagine the hardships of Ying and Paimeng taking care of the children, so he agreed to treat them to a meal without thinking.

"Brother Fang Xun, we miss you so much..."

"Brother Fang Xun, give me a hug..."

When the little girls saw Fang Xun coming back, they put down their toys, and ran towards Fang Xun with their short legs, asking for a hug.

This scene stunned Paimeng.

Is this still the naughty little devil in her impression?

How come he became a sweet and caring little cotton-padded jacket in front of Fang Xun?

"Okay, hug."

Fang Xun squatted down with a smile, picked up one little girl after another and held them high, while observing the status of each child.

Ningguang was taller than when they first met, and her nutrition had obviously caught up.

Shen He's skin looked whiter and smoother, as if it was soaked in milk.

Shinri Ayaka's face looked chubby, smooth and elastic when pinched.

These were all the growth that Fang Xun saw.

"Are you hungry? Let's go and have dinner."

Fang Xun deliberately went back before dinner.I came here because I didn't want to miss the time to eat with the children.

"Fang Xun..."

At this time, Ying stopped Fang Xun and told her about her schedule for tomorrow.

"You mean... I'm going to the Knights of Favonius tomorrow to ask someone about your brother?"

"It just so happens that I'm also planning to go to the Knights, let's go together."

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