"Goddess, I should go prepare dinner. Can you help look after these children?"

Ganyu, who had been taking care of the children for the whole afternoon, looked up at the clock and said to Yae Goddess beside her.

"Of course, I am best at looking after children."

Yae Goddess smiled. She had been reading light novels all day today. It would be nice to do something else interesting now.

"You, don't bully them like last time." Ganyu was a little worried and told them with worry.

As they spent time together day by day, Ganyu had developed a deep affection for these children.

When Ganyu thought of the little ones crying because of Yae Goddess' teasing, she felt distressed.

"These little ones have always been quirky and cute. I don't even have time to like them, so how can I bear to bully them?"

Yae Goddess spread her hands, as if the person who liked to tease children was not her at all.

"Sister Ganyu, if you are really worried, I can take them to play games, right?"

"They will definitely not cry while playing games."

Seeing the solemn promise of Yae Shenzi, Ganyu hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement.

If it is just to take the children to play games, it should be okay, right?

Before leaving, Ganyu took out candy and distributed it to each little one.

"I am going to cook, let Auntie Yae take you to play games."

Hearing that Yae Shenzi was coming, the little ones almost subconsciously took a step back.

It's not that he doesn't like Yae Shenzi, but that Yae Shenzi always builds his happiness on their crying.

But for the sake of candy, they are still willing to play games with Yae Shenzi.

"Auntie Yae, what game are we going to play?"

Looking at the innocent little Lolita in front of her, Yae Shenzi said with a smile: "Little cuties, let's play the game of writing test papers?"

"Each of you has a test paper, and see who finishes first."

Hearing that the so-called game is to write test papers, the little guys stopped laughing and turned around quietly to escape.

As long as they run fast enough, the homework can't catch up with them.

The children's little movements were all seen by Yae Shenzi, and she smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, let's play hide-and-seek?"

Yae Shenzi found that the game of 'hide-and-seek' is really suitable for taking care of children.

After the little guy hides, he won't run around.

As long as she makes sure that every child is safe, she can free up time to do her own things, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Ningguang stood up and said, "Auntie Yae, we can play hide-and-seek, but we have to draw lots to decide who will find everyone."

Remember the last time they played hide-and-seek, Yae Shenzi didn't look for anyone at all, causing the little girls to hide for a long time in vain.

So they have grown up this time. When playing hide-and-seek with Yae Shenzi, they must not let Yae Shenzi find people.

They must draw lots to keep the game going normally.

Yae Shenzi smiled. She didn't expect these little girls to grow up so fast and not be as easy to fool as before.

"It's up to you."

"Each of you draw a bamboo stick, and the person who draws the red bamboo stick will come to find everyone."

After the words fell, Yae Shenzi snapped his fingers lightly, and a stick tube suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The little girls deliberately checked the situation of each bamboo stick, and after confirming that one bamboo stick was red, they began to scatter the bamboo sticks in order.

Then, everyone took the sticks in order.

Except for Yae Shinko, everyone was nervous,

because no one knew whether the stick they drew would be red.

"The red stick... is here with Qiqi..."

"Qiqi... come find us..."

Qiqi looked at the sticks in her hand, raised her head and said to everyone.

"Qiqi, you must count from one to twenty before you come to us, you can't count less."

"Qiqi... got it..."

Qiqi nodded seriously, indicating that she was familiar with the rules of the game.

She turned her back to everyone and began to count: "One... two... three..."

The little guys looked at each other and began to look for the most suitable hiding place.

Sala used his wilderness survival skills to easily climb up the tree.

Although Hu Tao was not as skilled as Sala in climbing trees, he quickly climbed up the tree on the other side.

Eula watched for a while and decided to hide under the stairs.

Beidou turned and ran into the hotel. She wanted to hide behind the tea table, but when she got closer, she found that Ningguang had already occupied the territory.

The two discussed and decided to share this place.

Keqing looked around and finally hid behind the window.

Here she could observe the overall situation and change her position in time before Qiqi found her.

Shen He firmly believed that the bestDanger is the safest place.

She hid on a wooden box not far from Qiqi, and then secretly poked her head out to look at the situation.

Little Linghua looked around and finally looked at Taromaru who was dozing on the ground.

"Taromaru, don't sleep, help me hide!"

Taromaru: ? ? ?

When the little guys hurriedly hid, Yae Shenzi stood behind Qiqi and had no intention of hiding.

Because she listened to Qiqi counting and found it very interesting.


"Qiqi where did you count...I forgot..."


Qiqi forgot where you counted, so she started counting again.

This process was intermittent, and Qiqi finally counted these twenty numbers.

Qiqi turned around, but she didn't expect Yae Shenzi to be behind her, and she didn't even hide.

"I caught you." Qiqi blinked and said to Yae Shenzi seriously.

"Little friend, you recognized the wrong person."

Yaezao Shenzi seriously fooled Qiqi.

"Oh... Sorry..."

Qiqi believed it and immediately went to look for others.

Looking at Qiqi running away, Yaezao Shenzi suddenly felt that making children happy was more interesting than reading novels.

"Qiqi... found Linghua..."

"This is Shenhe..."

"Ningguang... Beidou..."

Although Qiqi's reaction was always a little slow, fortunately she was able to persevere and find everyone who was hiding one after another.

Even Hu Tao and Sha Luo who were hiding in the tree, Qiqi successfully found them in the end.

"Look, Brother Fang Xun is back!"

"Brother Fang Xun, we miss you so much!"

At this time, the little guys found Fang Xun and his group who had returned, and immediately stepped forward with their short legs to greet them.

Seeing this, Fang Xun immediately squatted down and lifted up each of the caring little cotton jackets.

"Qiqi, what are you looking for?"

Back at the hotel, Fang Xun noticed that Qiqi had been looking down for something since just now.

"Candy... Ganyu gave Qiqi candy..."

Qiqi answered truthfully.

Fang Xun just saw Qiqi climbing a tree, maybe the candy was dropped at that time,

Thinking of this, he really found a candy under the tree.

"Qiqi, is this the candy you dropped?"

Qiqi carefully observed the candy in Fang Xun's hand, then shook her head: "No... Qiqi's candy is not so flat..."

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