After chatting with Yu Jin for a while, Fang Xun turned and left the tailor shop.

He was not in a hurry to go back, but planned to go to Cuijue Slope to open the treasure of the Nine Pillars of Jingshi.

As soon as he walked onto the street, Fang Xun immediately noticed something was wrong.

His appearance attracted several malicious eyes, and he could clearly feel the strong hostility.

It seemed that he was being watched.

Fang Xun remained calm and used the mind-reading skills of the Little Auspicious Grass King in the face of the bustling crowd.

I saw a barely perceptible light green in his eyes, and then countless voices came into his ears.

"My daughter is waiting for me at home. I hope I don't have to work overtime during this year's Zhuyue Festival..."

"The recent income is not optimistic. I have to rush for performance at the end of the month..."

"What should I eat tonight? I heard that Wanmintang has recently launched new products. I will try them later..."

Fang Xun eliminated the hidden dangers one by one according to the content of the voices, and finally his eyes fell on the group of people sitting in the teahouse.

"This kid really doesn't know how to live or die. He actually dared to touch our treasure-stealing group..."

"I'll follow him later and find a place where no one is around to do it..."

"Another experimental subject..."

Listening to the voices of these people, Fang Xun immediately understood that this group of people came to help the two thieves who were caught to avenge themselves.

I thought that the matter would end with the arrest of two thieves, but I didn't expect that there was a huge treasure-stealing group hidden behind this.

But it's good this way, I can take this opportunity to uproot them.

Just as Fang Xun was thinking, Xiao Ye Lan ran out from nowhere.

She pulled Fang Xun's arm without saying a word and wanted to take Fang Xun away.

"Brother Fang Xun, listen to me,"

"I just learned that a group of treasure-stealing groups has set their sights on you. They are waiting for an opportunity to make trouble for you."

"We must leave here quickly, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Ye Lan, who has been an intelligence merchant since childhood, hurried to inform Fang Xun of this matter as soon as he learned that Fang Xun was in danger.

Ye Lan was out of breath running to report the news, Fang Xun gently wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"Ye Lan, thank you for coming here to tell me this news."

"Don't worry, we don't have to run away, I will take care of everything."

Fang Xun's voice was very steady, revealing a sense of calmness.

Ye Lan felt an indescribable sense of security, and her heart slowly let go.

Come to think of it, Fang Xun had rescued her ancestor Bo Yang from the depths of the rock abyss hundreds of years ago.

With such ability, the treasure-stealing group is not worth mentioning at all.

Ye Lan thought that she was too anxious, worried that Fang Xun was in danger, but ignored the most critical point, the big brother in front of her was not an ordinary person.

"Little Ye Lan, before you came to me, what was your original plan to do?"

At this time, Fang Xun asked Ye Lan softly.

Ye Lan blinked and answered truthfully: "I was planning to go to Qingce Manor."

"Go to Qingce Manor?"

Fang Xun was a little surprised, because it was a long way from Liyue Port to Qingce Manor.

It was almost dark now, why did Ye Lan go to Qingce Manor?

Ye Lan hummed softly: "My grandfather planted a lot of glass lilies in Qingce Manor, and now is the peak season for selling flowers."

"He planned to pack all the glass lilies and sell them in Liyue, but he was reluctant to spend money to hire workers, so he could only work alone in the fields."

"I want to go to Qingce Manor to see if I can help my grandfather share some of the farm work."

Hearing this, Fang Xun suddenly realized that Ye Lan went to Qingce Manor to help his grandfather with farm work.

"The workload of picking glass lilies is quite large, so it should require a lot of people, right?" Fang Xun asked casually.

Ye Lan nodded gently: "Of course, the more people help pick the fruits, the better."

"Unfortunately, I don't have money and can't afford to hire workers."

Ye Lan's voice became smaller and smaller, her face full of annoyance,

Because she was too young, she didn't have any way to make money, so she could only earn some Mora by selling intelligence,

But even so, she couldn't afford to hire workers to help, so she could only do farm work herself and help her grandfather share the pressure.

"It doesn't matter, I can find free workers for you."

At this time, Fang Xun suddenly spoke.

While speaking, he looked up at the group of treasure-stealing groups that wanted to cause trouble not far away.

Little Ye Lan seemed to understand what Fang Xun meant, and her bright eyes blinked,

This was a path she had never imagined.

Ordinary people would avoid the treasure-stealing groups, fearing that they would get into trouble,

How come in Fang Xun's eyes, the treasure-stealing groups became free workers?

It turns out that it can be like this,

At this moment, Ye Lan opened the door to a new world.


The Spring Festival is approaching, and I miss thisI will update twice a day for the next few days, and if I have enough time, I will update more.

There will be another update tonight.

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