The whistle of the freighter attracted the attention of many residents. They came to the beach and stared at the huge creature that blocked out the sky.

On Haiji Island, most residents used fishing boats. This kind of sea monster that looked down from a high place was the first time they saw it.

"That's the flag of Zhidong Country. What are they doing in Haiji Island?"

The people gathered together and whispered.

"I don't know, but I always feel that it's not a good thing. Let's inform Lord Coral Palace!"

"Lord Coral Palace is recovering from his injuries. Now all affairs of Haiji Island are in the hands of Mr. Fang Xun."

"Where is Mr. Fang Xun? Invite him here quickly!" Someone asked.

Wu Lang looked around and scratched his head in confusion: "Strange, I just saw Brother Fang Xun..."

While everyone was talking, Fang Xun had already boarded the freighter of Zhidong Country.

He did not sneak onto the ship, but came to the deck openly.

Most of the cargo ship was loaded with supplies, but there were few people.

Fang Xun looked around and saw only three Fatui vanguards standing on the deck,

Thunder Hammer Vanguard, Ice Gun Heavy Guards and Fire Gun Guerrillas.

"I guess you are the diplomat of Haiqi Island, right?"

At this time, the Thunder Hammer Vanguard stepped forward and greeted him politely.

Fang Xun did not borrow any external force, but was able to cross the sea and board the ship with the power of the wind element. This alone was enough to make the Fatui look at him with new eyes.

Fang Xun thought that he had not yet decided what identity to use to show up, but the Fatui had already thought about it for him.

"Well, I did come here to communicate on behalf of Haiqi Island."

Fang Xun neither denied nor admitted his identity as a diplomat.

Because he was indeed a temporary worker hired by the Coral Palace, but he was far from being a diplomat speaking on behalf of Haiqi Island.

As for what the Fatui thought, that was their business.

"Diplomat, we are willing to donate all the supplies on the ship to Haiqi Island. This is a greeting gift from Zhidong Country."

While speaking, the Thunder Hammer Vanguard made a gesture to invite Fang Xun to come in, as if to take Fang Xun to check the supplies on the ship.

However, Fang Xun stood still, staring at the Thunder Hammer Vanguard.

"No merit, no reward. What is the matter with everyone from Zhidong Country visiting Haiqi Island?"

The Thunder Hammer Vanguard prepared a statement in advance: "Oh, that's it,"

"The benevolent and kind Queen Zhidong knows that Haiqi Island is short of supplies and the people are having difficulty living,"

"She specifically ordered to help Haiqi Island improve living conditions."

The Thunder Hammer Vanguard paused, chuckled and said, "Of course, it would be even better if we could meet Lord Coral Palace."

It was not until then that the Fatui showed their true colors.

Helping Haiqi Island was fake, and negotiating with Coral Palace was real.

Fang Xun knew very well that,

Once the Fatui were allowed to enter the Sea Island, the war between the Sea Island and Ming Shen Island would enter the countdown.

In order to maintain the eternity of Inazuma, the Fatui who wanted to interfere must be driven away.

"Sir Coral Palace is ill and does not see outsiders. You can go back." Fang Xun waved his hand and said.

"But..." The Thunder Hammer Vanguard looked embarrassed.

They went to great lengths and came to the Sea Island from afar, but they didn't even see the shadow of the Coral Palace. So they said goodbye and let them go?

"There is no but. Either you wait until Sir Coral Palace recovers, or you talk to me now." Fang Xun said without raising his head.

After a short silence, the Thunder Hammer Vanguard made his decision: "Then... let's wait until Sir Coral Palace recovers."

The Thunder Hammer Vanguard chose the former without thinking.

Because the negotiation with the Coral Palace must not be known to a second person. This is a death order issued by the superior.

Fang Xun nodded, not surprised by the choice of the Thunder Hammer Vanguard.

In fact, he had no interest in the cooperation plan between the Fatui and Haiji Island, as long as the Fatui left honestly.

As for supplies, Fang Xun could give what the Fatui could give, and could also give what the Fatui could not give.

The Fatui was like a time bomb, and Fang Xun had no reason to keep them.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Looking at Fang Xun's departing back, the Water Gun Heavy Guard spoke.

The Thunder Hammer Vanguard shook his head: "The intelligence is wrong, let's not act rashly for the time being, and wait for the adults to re-issue the mission instructions."

"By the way, what was the name of that person just now?"

"He said his name was Wendy, should it be this name?"

The Thunder Hammer Vanguard fell into deep thought: "Wendy... Why does this name sound so familiar? I seem to have heard it somewhere?"


Seeing Fang Xun coming back,The residents immediately came up and asked various questions out of curiosity.

"Mr. Fang Xun, you are back! What did the people from Zhidong Country tell you?"

"Yes, why did they come to our Haiqi Island?"

Faced with the residents' curiosity, Fang Xun took a deep breath, "The Fatui said that Haiqi Island is just a sparsely populated small place"

"If we don't want Haiqi Island to be wiped out, we must hand over the supplies to Zhidong Country."


Too much!

These Fatui are really too much!

Some young and energetic residents couldn't listen anymore, and angrily picked up the harpoon and put it on their shoulders, feeling like they were going to fight to the death with the Fatui.

Many residents were still relatively stable, and immediately hugged those young people, which was how they were able to control the situation.

Then, Fang Xun continued: "They also asked us to hand over the Coral Palace Master, and the Fatui will be arranged to govern Haiqi Island later."

Residents:? ? ?

Damn the Kingdom of Winter, do you think that Haiqi Island is a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by anyone?

The residents who originally tried to mediate and stabilize the situation were now angry, and they all picked up their own weapons, as if they were going to fight with the Kingdom of Winter.

"We are all civilized people, don't be impulsive, don't rely on brute force to solve problems."

Fang Xun said as he took out a piece of paper,

"This paper has the bomb formula written on it. If the people from the Kingdom of Winter come again, you can use the bomb."

Fang Xun told the Fatui that you can wait until Lord Coral Palace recovers before coming,

but he didn't say that the people of Haiqi Island would welcome them.

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