"Thank you, Brother Fang Xun..."

Little Ningguang quietly wiped away her tears.

If Brother Fang Xun found out that she was crying again, it would be too embarrassing.

"Come, let me see if our little Ningguang looks good with this jade hairpin."

Fang Xun had a faint smile on his face, and he was indescribably doting.

He squatted down and carefully combed Ningguang's hair, and then put the hairpin on her.

Fang Xun stepped back a few steps, looked at Ningguang for a moment, and then nodded with satisfaction: "Well, it looks good."

Little Qiqi also said slowly beside him: "Ningguang... looks good..."

Qiqi originally wanted a hairpin,

but then she remembered that she was wearing a hat on her head.

The hat was used to prevent the talisman from falling off and could not be taken off.

Qiqi had no choice but to give up.

And little Ningguang looked at herself in the mirror, her beautiful eyes flickering.

She is still the same,

But with the jade hairpin as an embellishment, the little girl looks even whiter, more cute and lively.

Ningguang really likes this jade hairpin and can't let it go.

However, when she was happy, little Ningguang took off the jade hairpin and carefully put it in her pocket for safekeeping.

This action naturally made Fang Xun see everything,

He felt very strange,

The jade hairpin was worn well, why did the little girl put it away again?

"Little Ningguang, don't you like the jade hairpin?"

"No, Ningguang likes this jade hairpin very much!"

"Then why don't you wear it, but put it away?"

Little Ningguang blinked her big watery eyes and answered seriously: "Because Ningguang thinks this jade hairpin is too valuable,"

"Not only is it expensive, but most importantly, it is a gift from Brother Fang Xun."

"If the jade hairpin is damaged, Ningguang will be distressed."

After hearing this, Fang Xun suddenly realized,

No wonder Ningguang put the jade hairpin away, it turned out that she thought it was too precious and was afraid of damaging it.

Fang Xun recalled the clothes he gave to Ningguang, or the magic weapon Taolong Jieyingtan,

Little Ningguang seemed to keep them very carefully and meticulously.

Little Ningguang paused and continued, "Ningguang will tell Brother Fangxun a secret."

"Ningguang will put all the things she likes in a small box and then treasure it."

"Looking at the things she likes put together, Ningguang will feel very satisfied and have an indescribable joy."

"Ningguang also wants to set aside a room in the future, or even build a house, to place the things she likes~"

"Ningguang has even thought of the name of the house, it is called Qun Yu Pavilion!"

The little girl blushed a little,

because these are the secrets she has hidden in her heart and has never told anyone.

Fang Xun was the first to know.

Hearing what little Ningguang said, Fang Xun was touched.

Because in the game, Ningguang built the Qun Yu Pavilion just to store the things she likes.

It is consistent with the secret Ningguang is talking about now.

Unexpectedly, the little girl already has the initial idea of ​​building the Qun Yu Pavilion.

This surprised Fang Xun.

Seeing Fang Xun didn't say anything,

Little Ningguang thought Fang Xun thought her idea was unrealistic.

The little girl stuck out her tongue in embarrassment and said quickly: "Brother Fang Xun, in fact, the Qun Yu Pavilion that Ningguang just mentioned is just an imagination,"

"Ningguang knows that she doesn't have that ability..."

Ningguang wanted to continue speaking, but Fang Xun interrupted her first.

"Why is it unrealistic? I think this idea is very good,"

"And I also think that Ningguang can definitely build the Qun Yu Pavilion,"

Hearing that her dream was recognized, little Ningguang's beautiful eyes became particularly bright,

All along, the little girl didn't dare to tell others about this secret hidden in her heart,

because she was afraid of being laughed at.

She was afraid that others would laugh at her for being just a poor girl who didn't have enough food to eat and didn't sleep warmly, and couldn't even make a living,

and laugh at her for building a room dedicated to collecting things as wishful thinking.

But until today, Ningguang mustered up the courage to tell her secret.

Fang Xun did not laugh at her.

On the contrary, Fang Xun fully affirmed her dream.

This touched Ningguang.

"Brother Fang Xun, do you really think Ningguang can build the Jade Pavilion?" The little girl was not confident, so she subconsciously asked again.

"Of course." Fang Xun's answer this time was more firm than before.

"Maybe, the Jade Pavilion built by little Ningguang can float in the air, covering the sky and the sun, so that the people of Liyue will look up to it!"

Fang Xun described the future scene for Ningguang.

"Huh? The Jade Pavilion floating in the air?"

Little Ningguang blinked her big watery eyes, showing a surprised look.

"It sounds good, but... can Ningguang really do it?"

Fang Xun stretched out his hand and gently scratched the tip of Ningguang's nose, and then said softly: "Of course, my little secretary is the best."

He paused and continued: "Let's take a step back, even if Ningguang can't realize this dream, then I will help to realize it."

"Since Ningguang wants the Qun Yu Pavilion, then it's okay for me to build a Qun Yu Pavilion for Ningguang."

Hearing Fang Xun's words, little Ningguang felt a little wet in her eyes,

She threw herself into Fang Xun's arms, and then said with emotion: "Thank you, Brother Fang Xun..."

The little girl didn't know what to say, she just buried her head in Fang Xun's arms, wanting to hold Fang Xun tighter.

Fang Xun couldn't help laughing and gently pinched Xiao Ningguang's face.

It was this action that made Fang Xun realize that something was wrong with Ningguang.

The little girl looked a little ugly and had some cold sweat on her back.

Fang Xun immediately realized that Xiao Ningguang was sick.

No wonder Xiao Ningguang was a little bit wrong when she first went to the night market.

Sometimes she was distracted, sometimes she was a little depressed, and didn't talk much.

So this is the reason.

The little girl was busy all day and didn't rest, working under the scorching sun.

And in the evening, in order to wait for Fang Xun to come back, she stood at the entrance of the village and got cold in the cold wind.

This cold and hot situation made it easy to get sick.

The little girl was obviously in great pain, but she didn't show any abnormality all night.

Did she hold on all night to prevent Fang Xun from worrying?

Fang Xun blamed himself for not noticing Ningguang's condition in the first place.

He really had no experience in taking care of children.

The most urgent task now was to see a doctor and buy medicine for Xiao Ningguang.


Fang Xun did not go to Bubulu.

The reason was very simple.

Fang Xun was somewhat disgusted with Bai Shu from Bubulu.

Bai Shu took Qiqi in just to use Qiqi.

A person who could set his sights on an innocent child,

Fang Xun really hated him.

But fortunately, Bubulu was not the only pharmacy in Liyue.

There were many other pharmacies.

Soon, Fang Xun found a pharmacy nearby.

After checking Ningguang's condition, the doctor took out a bottle of medicine and told Ningguang that as long as she drank the medicine and rested for a night, she would be able to recover the next day.

It was just a simple matter, but little Ningguang shook her head again and again.

The young face was full of rejection.

"No, Ningguang doesn't want to take medicine,"

"Even if the medicine is not bitter, Ningguang doesn't want to take it. Ningguang doesn't like the smell of medicine..."

Little Ningguang raised her head and looked at Fang Xun aggrievedly: "Brother Fangxun, can Ningguang not take medicine? Please..."

Looking at the little Ningguang with a resistant expression, Fang Xun really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Little Ningguang had gone through such a difficult time before, and she didn't frown or say it was bitter.

But now, the little girl is afraid of taking medicine?

The most important thing is that the medicine prescribed by the doctor is not bitter, but a little sweet.

At most, the smell of medicine is stronger.

I didn't expect that the little girl would resist so much.

Speaking of which, what's the situation with these two cute little kids?

Qiqi cut the rock dragon lizard without blinking, but didn't dare to set off fireworks.

Ningguang silently endured the wind and rain without shedding a tear, but didn't dare to drink medicine.

It turns out that the two cute little kids have such an unknown side.

And now Ningguang has to take medicine,

She must take medicine to get better.

But Fang Xun can't deliberately put on a stern face and order Ningguang,

because the little girl is already very uncomfortable and must be in a bad mood.

If Fang Xun deliberately puts on a stern face again, the little girl will definitely cry in a minute.

In this case, we can only think of other ways.

Fang Xun first comforted Ningguang's emotions. He gently took Ningguang's hand and then said, "Okay, let's not take medicine."

"Then it's okay to drink juice, right?"

"You've been walking for so long, I think you're thirsty, and Ningguang is sick now, so you need to drink more water."

"How about this, I'll buy you some juice."

In order to make the little cute baby get better quickly,

Fang Xun is also worried.

It's not easy to take care of children.

He can only use some tricks.

He left the juice packaging and replaced it with the medicine prescribed by the doctor.


I stayed up late last night to write a chapter. I thought my body was strong enough and I would be fine after a good night's sleep. But I felt dizzy all day and even lost my appetite.

To make matters worse, the first 100,000-word book did not perform well and the revenue was pitifully low.

The author has previously written several books.book, to be honest, this book has the lowest income, I feel like crying.

I still hope that everyone can give more free gifts,

Whether a book can be written long really depends on the readers,

Genshin Impact is a very good game, but the characters in it have more or less regrets, I hope to make up for the regrets of those characters and let everyone have a happy ending.

I won't update today, I'll adjust my mood, sorry.

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