For many years, the relationship between Haigi Island and Mingjin Island has been tense.

Now it is not easy to get both sides to sit down and make peace.

"Fang Xun, do you have anything to say?"

In the hall, the voice of Coral Palace Qianhe slowly sounded.

Fang Xun thought for a while and answered: "Miss Coral Palace, let me tell you two stories next."

"The first story is: a long time ago, there was such a demon god, who brought his believers from the abyss to the ground and taught them how to survive on the ground."

"It is kind and benevolent, and is a great god who loves his people like his own children."

"But!" Fang Xun suddenly changed the subject.

"Why would such a god take the initiative to start a war? Don't you think it's too abnormal?"

Coral Palace Qianhe knew very well that the god Fang Xun was talking about was Orobas, the spiritual belief of Haigi Island.

She stood up and answered word by word: "Because the island was gradually sanctified by the influence of Yuanxia Palace, a large amount of land became barren and unable to grow food."

"The Lord God couldn't watch the people starve to death, so he took the initiative to expand the territory."

"Then the question is." Fang Xun continued to say what Coral Palace Qianhe said.

"There are many ways to obtain food, and there are also ways to solve the problem of sanctification of land. Why did the gods choose to start a war to solve the problem?"

"Think about it carefully, is it more expensive to govern the holy land or the war?"

"This..." Coral Palace Qianhe was speechless.

War and governing the land, these two are completely incomparable.

Anyone with a clear mind knows that the hidden dangers and losses brought by war are far greater than those of governing the land.

She can think of this, how could Oropus hundreds of years ago not think of it?

It really woke people up.

For a long time, Coral Palace Qianhe thought that Oropus expanded the land outward because of the food problem.

Now, under Fang Xun's question, she finally realized that the truth of the matter did not seem to be like this.

"Miss Coral Palace, I know you must be very curious about why Orobasi wanted to start a war." Fang Xun said.

"Now, I can tell you clearly that it is seeking death."

"Seeking death? How is it possible?" Coral Palace Qianhe was more and more puzzled.

Where would there be a god who would actively seek death?

"Because it read a taboo book called "The Past of the Sun and the Moon." Fang Xun explained.

"Whoever reads that book will die, because it contains the secrets of the Heavenly Justice Maintainer. The Heavenly Justice Maintainer will not allow people who know the secrets to exist."

"Then everything that happened afterwards is easy to understand."

"Orobasi knew that the divine punishment of the Heavenly Justice Maintainer was coming. In order not to implicate his people, he took the initiative to challenge General Lei Dian."

"Rather than challenging, it is better to say that he died calmly."

As Fang Xun finished telling this story, the whole hall was silent and no one spoke.

Lei Dianying looked down at the reflection in the water cup, her expression unfathomable.

She recalled the scene of killing the big snake with a knife hundreds of years ago.

When the big snake fell down, she just felt that something was a little strange, but she couldn't tell.

Now, after Fang Xun's narration, she understood.

The strange thing at that time was that Orobas was about to die, but there was no fear before it died.

On the contrary, its eyes were very calm, as if it was relieved and relieved.

It turned out that it acted a play and deceived everyone.

It used its life in exchange for the inheritance of Haiji Island from generation to generation.

"How could it be so?"

Shanhu Gong Qianhe looked dazed, and squeezed out such a sentence after a long time.

She really couldn't accept Fang Xun's statement, but reason told her that this might be true.

"Fang Xun, how do you know that "The Story of the Sun and the Moon" is a taboo book? And how do you know that Orobasi has read "The Story of the Sun and the Moon"? "

Shanhu Gong Qianhe asked in confusion.

In the final analysis, the story just told is Fang Xun's one-sided statement, and the truth or falsehood is still to be discussed.

Fang Xun did not answer Shanhu Gong Qianhe's doubts, but smiled and asked back: "Why do you think the Heavenly Justice Maintainer came to me?"

After the words fell, Shanhu Gong Qianhe suddenly reacted. The appearance of the Heavenly Justice Maintainer was the best testimony for Fang Xun.

Because Fang Xun knew too much, so much that the Heavenly Justice Maintainer could not ignore it.

"Then comes the second story." Fang Xun's fingers tapped the table rhythmically.

"The hatred between Haiji Island and Ming Shen Island lasted for a long time.It lasted for hundreds of years, and finally became an irreconcilable state. "

"Several years later, the Fatui used this relationship to wander between the two sides and fan the flames, and finally a war broke out between the two islands."

"Many people will die in that war, and the Fatui will benefit in the end."

"You mean, in the future, the Fatui want Inazuma to have a civil war? Do they want to make a lot of money through war?"

Shanhugong Qianhe touched his chin and frowned.

If what Fang Xun said is true, it will be troublesome.

After all, war means disaster and death, and no one wants this to happen to them.

"Money is nothing to the Fatui." Fang Xun shook his head.

"What they really want is the God's Heart of General Raiden. To be precise, they want to collect the God's Heart of the Seven Kingdoms."

"For this, they made a lot of preparations. The chef who cooked and the doctor in his childhood were all spies planted by the Fatui on Haige Island. "

Fang Xun paused, then said: "If I'm not mistaken, the Fatui have contacted you and want to establish friendly relations."

Shanhugong Qianhe hummed: "They said they can provide supplies to Haigi Island for free. In exchange, Haigi Island only needs to give them some open space."

"Now it seems that they are waiting for an opportunity to infiltrate Haigi Island."

Fang Xun nodded gently: "Yes, this is why I am here."

"I will give what the Fatui can give, and I will give what the Fatui can't give."

"Why do you do this?" Shanhugong Qianhe asked.

Fang Xun looked at the Leidian sisters around him: "Maintaining the eternity of Inazuma is that simple."

"As long as Haigi Island and Mingshen Island become friends and resume exchanges, the Fatui will no longer have a chance to take advantage of. "

After the words fell, Fang Xun looked at Lei Dianzhen beside him.

The two looked at each other, and Lei Dianzhen instantly understood what Fang Xun meant.

She stood up and took the initiative to extend her hand: "Miss Shanhugong, we come with the sincerity of seeking peace. What do you think?"

Shanhugong Qianhe hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to shake hands and make peace.

"I don't know whether the decision I made today is right or wrong. But my intuition tells me that I can trust you. "

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