Fang Xun first looked at the people from the Huanglong Gang, and then followed suit and roasted the violets.

He usually cooks at home, so roasting violets is a piece of cake for him.

He first selected the smaller violets, then skewered them one by one, and finally fixed them next to the campfire.

The reason for choosing smaller violets is that the little girls can't eat too many.

Most of them are just trying something new, and they may not want it after eating a few bites, and finally hand it over to Fang Xun for processing.

Of course, eating a few bites and not wanting it is not the case with Paimeng.

Her appetite is as good as a bottomless pit. As long as the food is delicious, she will eat as much as she can, and she will not refuse anything.

Even if she can't finish it at the time, she will take the food away.

Really, you have to take it with you.


Fang Xun brushed a thin layer of oil on each violet melon. The crystal clear cooking oil made a slight sound when it came into contact with the high-temperature flame, which was a beautiful symphony in the chef's ears.

Because there were too many little girls crying for food, Fang Xun had to roast many violet melons at a time, looking like a busy barbecue chef in the night market.

"It smells so good, boss, are you roasting violet melons again?" Yuan Tai moved his nose, attracted by the fragrance in the air.

After eating and drinking, several people lay on the grass and watched the stars, feeling comfortable and not wanting to move.

The best person in the Arakaki faction who roasted violet melons was Arakaki Ito, so Yuan Tai believed that the fragrance must have been created by Arakaki Ito.

"No, I'm already full, why should I roast violet melons?" Arakaki Ito answered carelessly.

"However, this fragrance is indeed comparable to the violets I roasted. Who is roasting the violets?"

Ara Taki Ichito climbed up from the grass and saw Fang Xun busy not far away.

"The case is solved. It's the second-in-command of our gang who is roasting the violets!"

Ara Taki Ichito showed a satisfied expression. Obviously, Fang Xun's skill in roasting violets was recognized by him.

He is worthy of being the second-in-command he carefully selected!

"Oh, the second-in-command roasts so many violets by himself. Can he really handle it?"

Looking at Fang Xun holding a large bunch of violets in his hand, Ah Shou was extremely shocked.

You know, when they usually roast violets, each person guards a bunch, and the violets will burn if they are not careful.

But now Fang Xun can roast a large bunch by himself. It's really amazing!

Before, Ah Shou was still a little indignant, thinking that Fang Xun joined the Arawaki sect later than them, and he should not be the second in command of the Arawaki sect in terms of seniority.

Until he saw Fang Xun roasting violets, Ah Shou was completely convinced.

Fang Xun should be the second in command of the Arawaki sect, because he roasted a lot of violets, and they were especially fragrant!

There was nothing wrong with Fang Xun!

Ah Huang and Yuan Tai were also shocked. They didn't expect that someone could roast two violets at the same time.

In addition to being surprised, Yuan Tai noticed a detail, that is, Fang Xun sprinkled seasonings on the violets from time to time.

I think the fragrance is emitted through the seasonings.

"It's cheating to put seasonings when roasting violets!" Yuan Tai said.

The fragrance emitted by seasonings is not the fragrance of the violet melon itself, and it has no soul!

Fang Xun was stunned when he heard this: "Don't you usually put seasonings when you roast violets?"

After the words fell, Aramaki Ito and his three younger brothers looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Roasting violets... isn't it just putting the violets on the fire to roast? Do you need to put seasonings?" The children of Aramaki were shocked.

Fang Xun's words opened the door to a new world for them.

"Come and try it. The violets with seasonings will taste better." Fang Xun's roasted violets were ready, and he took a few bunches and handed them to everyone in the Aramaki.

Aramaki Ito, who had just said that he was full, was the first to reach out and take the roasted violets and started eating them in big mouthfuls.

Then, he widened his eyes in surprise. It's true that the roasted violets with seasonings are indeed more delicious.

Fang Xun looked at the people from the Huanglong Sect eating voraciously. It was hard to imagine what a hard life those kids had lived before.


As the night got darker, everyone sat around the campfire to keep warm and chatted casually. The topic gradually turned to why they joined the Huanglong Sect.

A Huang: "Once I offended a few hooligans. They blocked me in an alley. It was the boss who showed up in time..."

"The boss took the beating for me. He was knocked down seven times but didn't admit defeat. His strong willpower scared those hooligans away."

"He told me that if I joined the Huanglong Sect, I wouldn't be bullied, so I came."

Yuan Tai: "The boss said, if you join the Aratake faction, you will have endless violets to eat, so I came. ”

A Shou: “I admire the boss’s skill of eating ramen upside down and sleeping with eyes open. He said that if I join the Aratake faction, he will teach me these unique skills.”

As the three chatted, their eyes were on Fang Xun and Goro.

“Second in command and Goro, why did you join the Aratake faction?”

Fang Xun and Goro looked at each other. They didn’t know when they became members of the Aratake faction.

It felt like they had boarded a pirate ship without knowing why.

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