"You can hide feelings for a while, but not forever."

"It's impossible to keep them from knowing each other's existence. After all, the truth will come out."

"And the news that you are leaving soon will make the already pessimistic situation even worse. After you disappear, they may meet at any time."

"Even I can hardly guarantee that I can successfully prevent them from meeting each other every time."

As the saying goes, those who are involved are confused, while those who are on the sidelines can see clearly. As an outsider, the son of the Eightfold God can look at the problem rationally and soberly at this time.

Before, Fang Xun had been using the "avoid" and "delay" tactics.

It means to do everything possible to avoid the meeting of Ganyu and Leidian sisters, and to delay the relationship problem again and again.

Like a camel burying its head in the soil when danger comes.

The result of this is that the existing problem still exists and will not fade away with the passage of time.

In fact, as time goes by, the problem accumulates more and more.

So much so that Fang Xun has now reached a point where he can no longer avoid and delay.

"The one who tied the bell must untie it, Mr. Fang Xun." Yae Shenzi stretched out her hand to support her chin and said softly.

She looked like a lazy cat, with her curvy figure exuding the unique charm of a mature woman.

"The only thing I can help you with is to relieve your stress."

"Relieve stress? How can I help?" Fang Xun was puzzled.

"How else can I help? Of course, I use my hands. Can I use my mouth?"

Yae Shenzi stretched out her white and slender fingers, like scallions.

Then, she flicked Fang Xun's forehead.

It was obviously just a light movement, but Fang Xun flew backwards heavily.

He did not hit the wall, but an indescribable sense of weightlessness, and the sound of whistling wind sounded in his ears.

The teahouse and Yae Shenzi's figures kept moving away, turning into a small black dot and finally disappearing.

"Go, find the answer in your dreams." Yae Shenzi's voice fell from the sky, all around.

"Looking for answers in dreams? Are you going to send me to Pinocchio?" Fang Xun shouted.

No one responded.

He sank into the deep sea.

Wow, wow, wow.

The sea water hit the beach, and Fang Xun went ashore with wet clothes, with deep and shallow footprints on the road.

Although he was in a dream, Fang Xun could still feel the cold.

"I have to find a place to dry my clothes first, and then see what kind of dream the Son of God put me in." Fang Xun looked around, but found no useful clues except a white beach.

He picked up some dry firewood and used the fire element to quickly ignite it.

Da, da, da.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came from not far away, from far to near, becoming clearer and clearer.

It was a soldier of the shogunate army. He saw black smoke floating in the wild, and guessed that something was happening, so he came to find out.

What came into view was a young man in big shorts, sitting on a big rock and drying clothes.

"Are you... Mr. Fang Xun?" The shogun looked at the man in front of him carefully and spoke hesitantly.

Fang Xun wanted to nod and admit it, but he felt that the shogun looked at him strangely, so he used the elemental combat skill of the grass god Nashida, which was to hear everything.

This skill has the ability to read minds.

[It must be Fang Xun! ]

[If I remember correctly, the general has been looking for him in these years. As long as he is brought to the castle tower, the general will definitely give me a promotion and a raise! ]

Fang Xun remained calm and listened to the shogun's voice silently.

The generals mentioned by the latter must be the Thunder Sisters, but why are they looking for him all the time?

Could it be that this dream simulates the story after he entered the snow mountain?

Fang Xun was not sure, but his intuition told him that it was very likely.

"Sorry, you recognized the wrong person."

Fang Xun denied it flatly.

If this dream is a simulation of what will happen after he leaves, then he should stand aside now and not interfere with anything.

Fang Xun was also very curious about what would happen to Teyvat after he left.

"Did you make a mistake? That shouldn't be the case." The Shogun was stunned, took out a portrait from his pocket, and kept comparing it.

Fang Xun leaned over to check the content of the portrait. It was his photo on top and his information below.

[Missing Person Notice]

[Fang Xun, a Liyue native, can use multiple elemental powers]

[If you have any clues, please contact the castle tower]

"The person in this portrait is you." The Shogun compared it repeatedly and thought he was not mistaken.

"No." Fang Xun shook his head. "Completely two different people."

The Shogun touched his chin and fell into deep thought: "This is you, you are Fang Xun."

"You said he was me?" Fang Xun asked.


"I said he was me too."

Fang Xun bowed slightly: "I'm sorry."


After a while, Fang Xun put on the clothes of the Shogun and walked out with a spear in hand.


Huai Nian wishes everyone a happy new year and good luck in the Year of the Dragon!

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