As Fang Xun arrived, Ganyu did not ask why he disappeared or where he went after disappearing.

Instead, she put a lot of dishes in his bowl and poured a bowl of soup next to him.

Because Ganyu was concerned about Fang Xun rushing over and drinking three glasses of wine, he had to eat something to fill his stomach.

"It is a rare honor to invite Mr. Fang Xun and Mr. Zhongli to come to my Yunhan Society to celebrate the Moon Festival. Please feel free to do as you please. I am happy today. I will drink first to show my respect." The owner of Yunhan Society said and drank it all.

Fang Xun, Zhongli and the owner of Yunhan Society toasted each other, and Yunjin's mother sang a song on the stage to cheer.

While toasting each other, the banquet was halfway through, and Yunjin's mother finished her song. Everyone applauded.

"I am very happy today. Next year, we will sit together to drink and eat like today on the Moon Festival." The owner of Yunhan Society was already red in the face and promised with a glass of wine.

"Definitely." Fang Xun and Zhongli agreed.

After the banquet, Fang Xun and Gan Yu walked home with the children.

Under the street lights, a group of people holding hands looked particularly warm.

"Brother Fang Xun, I ate a lot today, and my shadow has grown bigger." Shen He pointed to the shadow on the ground and said.

"It's not because I ate too much that my shadow has grown bigger, but because Shen He has grown taller." Fang Xun replied with a smile.

Children grow up so quickly that maybe the clothes bought this month will not fit next month.

"I've grown taller too. Will I soon grow up to be an adult like Brother Fang Xun?" Sha Luo asked with his head tilted.

Children seem to have an inexplicable obsession with growing up.

"Yes, as long as you sleep well and eat well, you will grow up to be an adult in no time." Fang Xun nodded.

"Okay, then we will go to bed as soon as we go back, so that we can grow taller again tomorrow!" Several children jumped up happily when they heard that they could grow up.

At this time, Fang Xun felt someone pulling at the corner of his clothes: "Eating...sleeping...Qiqi doesn't like these...Is Qiqi...not growing up?"

Fang Xun knew that it was difficult for Qiqi to grow up because of her physique.

However, she didn't seem to know why she couldn't grow taller. She just felt that other children had grown taller, but she had never grown taller, which was undoubtedly a sad thing for a child.

Looking at Qiqi's sad expression, Fang Xun comforted her: "Qiqi, don't worry, everyone's physique is different. Even if Qiqi doesn't like eating and sleeping, she can still grow taller."

"Really...?" Qiqi asked with wide eyes.

"Of course it's true. When have I ever lied to you?" Fang Xun silently touched Qiqi's head and said affirmatively.

"Fang Xun, I won't...lie. Qiqi will definitely grow taller..."

Encouraged by Fang Xun, Qiqi was happy and looked for Taromaru everywhere to feed the dog dinner.

Fang Xun looked at Qiqi's back and fell into deep thought.

Although he could temporarily stop Qiqi from thinking about this matter, one day Qiqi would be sad about this matter again, so the problem of Qiqi not growing tall must be solved.

Fang Xun thought about it and thought that maybe there was someone who could solve this problem.

The next day, he came to Jueyunjian, Aozang Mountain.

This is where the True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng lives, with towering terrain and surrounded by clouds and mist.

Knowing that the True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng likes food, Fang Xun specially brought some Liyue food and a pot of good wine.

"Hmm, it smells so good, it's the dish that this immortal likes."

Fang Xun had just arrived at the door of the True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng's cave and had not had time to sit down when he heard a voice coming from the cave.

Then a crane flapped its wings and floated over, and then turned into a human form.

A black corset with a long green shoulder strap, hair tied up high with a feather hairpin, and wearing semi-frameless glasses, this is what Master Liuyunjiefeng looks like in human form. He has the demeanor of an elder in his indifference, but he is actually a person who is cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

"I know Master likes to eat these meals, so I prepared them for you." Fang Xun put the food on the stone table under the big tree outside the cave, and the aroma of the food immediately dissipated.

"No one comes to the temple for no reason. Tell me, come to me if you have anything to do."

Master Liuyunjiefeng snorted and sat down, knowing that Fang Xun must not be looking for her for a simple meal.

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