"Back off, everyone, back off, don't push forward!"

"The big brother in front has been squeezed like an old sister-in-law, how can you bear it?"

"Stop squeezing, everyone back off!"

At the scene of Yujingtai, Tianshu, who is the star of Tianshu, is trying to maintain order at the scene.

In this case, only the seven stars of Liyue can come forward in person to stabilize the scene.

At this time, Ganyu also brought the children from the kindergarten to Yujingtai.

"It seems that we are late. We can only see the back of everyone's heads and can't see the scene at all." Ningguang looked annoyed.

Beidou suggested: "Then why don't we go back? Standing here, we can't see anything."

After the words fell, everyone fell into silence. It was really a waste of enthusiasm to come here with excitement and leave in disappointment.

Ganyu also wanted to watch this time's invitation ceremony, but she came too late and could only regretfully miss it.

Just as they were about to leave, the voice of Tianshu came from behind.

"Sister Ganyu, are you here to attend the ceremony of inviting the immortals?"

"There are still places upstairs. I can take you there."

Uncle Tian had been taken care of by Ganyu before. He respected this Liyue secretary who had worked diligently for thousands of years, so he took the initiative to find a safe place for them with a clear view of the table.

This place is a place reserved for the Liyue Seven Stars. Uncle Tian gave up his place to Ganyu.

"Is this really possible?" Ganyu looked a little hesitant.

She is retired now. She is not even a secretary of Yuehai Pavilion. How can she go to the attic reserved for the Liyue Seven Stars?

"Of course, Sister Ganyu's contribution to Liyue Port is unmatched by the Liyue Seven Stars of all generations." Uncle Tian answered without hesitation.

"Just inviting you upstairs to watch the ceremony of inviting the immortals is nothing at all."

"Let's go, let's go. The ceremony of inviting the immortals is about to start. Let's go upstairs to talk."

Uncle Tian respectfully made a gesture to invite in.

The little guys were full of joy and jumped upstairs.

Ganyu walked at the back and said, "I'm sorry to bother you."

"No trouble, didn't Mr. Fang Xun come today?"

Uncle Tian looked around and didn't see Fang Xun.

This shouldn't be the case. Usually Fang Xun would be by Ganyu's side. Why didn't he show up today, such an important day?

"He went out fishing with Zhongli Keqing. He left early in the morning and hasn't come back yet." Ganyu explained.

"Then they are really leisurely and elegant." Uncle Tian joked with a smile.

Even outsiders knew that this invitation ceremony was of great significance. The two chose this time to go fishing. This mentality is really different from that of ordinary people.

Uncle Tian didn't say much, after all, everyone has their own ideas.

"Sister Ganyu, what do you think of this invitation ceremony?"

Uncle Tian looked at the crowded Yujingtai and asked casually.

"I don't know why all this happened so suddenly, but I believe that the arrangement of the Emperor has his own deep meaning."

"It's started!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

For a moment, everyone was quiet.

Then a long dragon with a dark blue body and yellow amber decorations fell from the sky.

Seeing this, the people half bowed their waists and saluted together, revealing the utmost respect in their tone.

This is the god who has protected Liyue for generations, Morax.

At the same time, another dragon fell from the sky. His appearance looked similar to Morax, almost carved from the same mold.

The people were stunned. Is this their new emperor?

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