Looking at the entire Liyue Harbor, the most famous cuisines must be the Li and Yue cuisines. It is not easy to find a chef who is proficient in Mond cuisine here.

Fang Xun has found several chefs, but either their taste is not authentic or their food is not delicious. In short, none of them was chosen in the end.

Since hiring a chef is not feasible, he can only do it himself.

You know, the highest level of banquet for inviting guests to dinner is a family banquet.

Although Fang Xun does not know how to make Mond cuisine, he has helpers around him.

Eula, Amber and Noelle.

These three girls are all native Monds, so it is not too easy to let them guide the cooking.

Especially Noelle, although she is not very old, she has already cooked well.

It can be said that with Noelle's help, Fang Xun saved a lot of trouble.

Time passed little by little, the sun set in the west, and the sky gradually darkened.

The Knights of Favonius and the Coral Palace arrived as scheduled.

Qianhe from the Coral Palace did not come empty-handed when she visited. She specially prepared specialties from the Sea Island for Fang Xun and the children.

As for the Knights of Favonius, Grandfather Amber also prepared gifts. After all, he was a Liyue person, and he had a good grasp of the ways of the world. He knew very well that people of his age should never go to other people's homes to eat empty-handed.

On the contrary, Falgar was the only one who came empty-handed.

At this time, it can be seen that there is a big difference in customs between Mondstadt and Liyue Harbor.

Because in Mondstadt, if a friend invites you to dinner at home, you really go there to eat, and there is no such thing as preparing gifts.

They don't pay attention to any courtesy.

"Come in quickly, the food will be ready soon." Fang Xun walked to the door to greet the guests.

Ganyu silently picked up the tea and made tea for the three guests.

She rarely spoke and seemed to have no sense of existence. But when it came to receiving guests, she was polite and everything was well prepared, which was pleasing to the eye.

Shanhugong Qianhe couldn't help but take a closer look at Ganyu. She only knew that Fang Xun had a group of friends including Ningguang, but she didn't know Ganyu existed.

If Ganyu was the mistress of this room, then what about the previous Lei movie?

Shanhugong Qianhe just thought about it for a while and suddenly understood.

The Leidian sisters came to Liyue with her, but when the ship was about to dock, the sisters suddenly disappeared. Until now, they have not shown up, as if they had evaporated from the face of the earth.

She couldn't figure it out before, but now she figured it out.

It turned out that Fang Xun deliberately avoided the Leidian sisters and Ganyu from meeting.

Shanhugong Qianhe calmly retracted her gaze and said to Fang Xun: "Mr. Fang Xun dealt with a lot of troubles by himself and cooked a table of dishes for us. He is really capable."

Fang Xun felt that Shanhugong Qianhe looked at him with a complicated look, and her words were also intriguing. I am afraid that there is something behind her words.

"I can't say I am capable. I just barely support my family." Fang Xun laughed.

"Have a seat, come and have a taste of my cooking."

"As a local of Mondstadt, I can say with full responsibility that the food that Mr. Fang Xun prepared tonight is exactly the same as the local restaurants in Mondstadt!" Farga was very supportive.

"Qianhe, you said before that you haven't tasted Mondstadt food for a long time and have always wanted to try it. Today, you finally got your wish."

Coral Palace Qianhe nodded and took the first seat.

Farga sat next to Coral Palace Qianhe and moved his chair closer to her.

Fang Xun took out a jar of Liyue's unique wine from the room, which was extremely tempting to Farga and Grandfather Amber.

They always like wine, so it can be said that Fang Xun's wine hit their itch.

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