Fang Xun could understand Gan Yu's desire to visit her parents' home, and was willing to accompany her to Jueyunjian.

"I was very timid when I was a child. Whenever there were guests visiting Jueyunjian, I would hide in fear."

"Once I hid in a tree, but I climbed too high and dared not come down. I kept hugging the tree and crying. Finally, Master Liuyun heard my cry and rescued me."

Gan Yu was particularly happy today, and she shared her childhood stories with Fang Xun all the way.

Fang Xun listened happily, occasionally taking over a few sentences.

If he had known that Gan Yu was so cute when she was a child, he should have stayed in the past timeline for a while.


On the other side, many guests came to Aozang Mountain today.

All the immortals gathered here, and even the three-eyed five-manifested immortal Xiao, who rarely showed up, came.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Zhongli.

Since his retirement, Zhongli has completely lived a retirement life, drinking tea, walking birds, listening to books in teahouses, and occasionally visiting old friends in Jueyunjian.

This meeting was just one of the reasons for reminiscing about the past.

The real purpose of Zhongli's trip was to inform the immortals that he had retired after completing his mission.

"The Emperor has abdicated?" One of the immortals was surprised.

Although the Emperor's abdication was already known to everyone in Liyue Harbor, for these immortals who have been away from the mortal world for many years, if Zhongli had not announced it personally, this news would hardly reach their ears.

"Why did the Emperor do this?"

The immortals did not understand.

In their opinion, Liyue belongs to Morax, and it can only belong to Morax.

The Emperor holds great power and is supreme, so how can he give it up?

For a while, the immortals behaved differently, and the only thing in common was that they all disagreed with the Emperor's abdication.

Zhongli was indifferent to the reactions of the immortals. He said slowly, "Because I am tired of my current life and want to start over in a different way."

"I will organize a meeting for everyone to meet the new emperor in a while..."

As they were talking, Fang Xun and Gan Yu just arrived at the top of the mountain.

To be honest, Gan Yu was shocked to see this scene. He didn't expect so many immortals to be here at the same time today.

The arrival of the two also instantly attracted the attention of the immortals.

But they only glanced at Gan Yu and Fang Xun and quickly retracted their gazes because they were still worried about the emperor's abdication.

"Please think twice, Lord Emperor. You have been in charge of Liyue for many years. Liyue can do without anyone except you."

An immortal advised earnestly.

"Yes, you asked us immortals to assist someone we don't know. I'm sorry that I can't obey your order."

Another immortal explained with some anger.

"We will only obey your orders, the Emperor, and no one else will."


The immortals were talking at once.

Xiao stood by the tree. Although he was watching without saying a word, his thoughts were basically the same as those of the immortals.

In his heart, he was simply following Morax, not the so-called ruler of Liyue.

If Morax abdicated, he would follow him.

Zhongli did not respond directly to the attitudes of the immortals, but turned to look at Fang Xun, his eyes were as straightforward as if he was saying: What do you think?

Fang Xun looked at Zhongli's attitude of not caring about the end and throwing everything to himself, and he had a deeper understanding of what kind of job he had taken.

Before Fang Xun could respond, True Lord Liuyunjiefeng helped to express his attitude.

"Fang Xun, you came at the right time. Help us comment on the Emperor's abdication. You must have the same idea as us, right?"

Fang Xun was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Ah, yes, yes, yes."

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