Faced with two such cute little kids, Fang Xun naturally couldn't refuse their request.

"Okay, then you all sit down, I'm going to start telling a story."

"Yeah, sit down~" Xiao Ningguang nodded obediently, and then sat on Fang Xun's left hand side.

And Qiqi, on the other hand, leaned closely on Fang Xun's right hand side.

At this moment, the two little kids looked up, looking forward to Fang Xun's story.

Soon, Fang Xun began to tell a story.

"Once upon a time, there was a mountain, and there was a temple in the mountain,"

"There was an old monk and a young monk in the temple, and the old monk said to the young monk, there was a mountain, and there was a temple in the mountain..."

Seeing the two little girls listening attentively, Fang Xun suddenly had a bad taste and wanted to tease the two girls.

He used a trick of nesting dolls repeatedly.

Little Ningguang also immediately realized that Fang Xun was not telling a story, but was simply teasing them.

In response, the little girl pouted and said angrily: "Brother Fang Xun is bad!"

"You actually deceived the children!"

Originally, Ningguang was still concentrating on listening to the story, but she found that Fang Xun was not telling a story at all.

Really too bad!

A bad brother!


At this time, Qiqi gently pulled the corner of Fang Xun's clothes, and then asked weakly: "Fang Xun... Then... What did the old monk say?"

Little Qiqi was very simple and didn't realize that Fang Xun was fooling her at all.

Little Ningguang couldn't bear to let the innocent Qiqi be deceived, so she immediately said,

"Qiqi, Brother Fang Xun didn't tell a story, he was teasing us!"

"Tease us..." Qiqi blinked her big watery eyes and tilted her head in confusion.

"But... Qiqi thinks this story is... interesting..."

Little Qiqi may have never heard of the story before, so she thinks Fang Xun's story is wonderful.

Looking at Xiao Ningguang's slightly dissatisfied expression and the cute Qiqi,

Fang Xun couldn't bear to continue joking, so he became serious: "No more joking, now I'm going to tell you a story about Mondstadt."

"Mondstadt? Great!" Xiao Ningguang's eyes brightened when she heard it.

She has never been to Mondstadt, but she heard that it is a country full of wind and freedom.

To be honest, the little girl is quite interested in Mondstadt and wants to know the local customs and practices there.

Qiqi also nodded, and then said softly: "Mond... Such a familiar name..."

"But Qiqi... I don't remember..."

Looking at Qiqi's annoyed look, Fang Xun reached out and rubbed her head, and then said softly: "Perhaps after listening to this story, Qiqi will have a certain impression of Mond."

Fang Xun paused and continued: "A long time ago, there was a street singer in Mond. He did not do his job every day and just knew how to fish."

"Every time he got into trouble, he pretended to be stupid and dealt with it with a word "hey"..."

Fang Xun slightly modified some of Wendy's stories and then told them to the two little guys.

I don't know how long the story has been told. Fang Xun felt a steady breathing sound coming from the side.

Looking down, he found that Xiao Ningguang leaned on his arm and had fallen asleep.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the delicate and cute little face had a faint smile on her face.

It seems that she is dreaming about something?

Fang Xun couldn't help laughing, picked up little Ningguang gently, and sent her to her bedroom.

Then he carefully covered Ningguang with a blanket.

Perhaps it was because she was too tired during the day, or perhaps it was because she felt safe around Fang Xun.

In short, the whole process did not wake the little girl up.

After doing all this, Fang Xun gently closed Ningguang's door.

The little girl was really too tired, let her have a good rest.

Fang Xun went back and returned to his room.

Little Qiqi was not sleepy, but was still asking Fang Xun questions very seriously:

"Fang Xun... the Diluk you mentioned... can it really spit fire... so powerful!"

"And that lazy poet... is he really very powerful?"

At this moment, Xiao Qiqi seemed to have a hundred thousand whys,

one question after another, popping up continuously.

Because this is a country she has never been in contact with,

it is so strange and so novel.

Fang Xun was also very patient, answering Qiqi's questions one by one.

"Mond has so many interesting things...but Qiqi has no impression of Mond..."

"Qiqi doesn't remember...I don't remember anything about the past..."

Qiqi was a little annoyed while sighing.

She tried hard to remember the past, but in the endIt was all in vain.

Fang Xun also recalled Qiqi's pitiful experience.

Sometimes forgetting the past is a kind of happiness and a kind of relief.

He said to Qiqi softly: "Actually, Qiqi doesn't need to remember what happened in the past."

"Let the past go. We can't change anything. Looking back will only add to the trouble."

"We should look forward, right?"

"Qiqi has no impression of Mondstadt. Actually, it doesn't matter."

"After a while, I will take Qiqi and Ningguang to Mondstadt to play, okay?"

"In this way, Qiqi will have an impression of Mondstadt."

Fang Xun also didn't want Qiqi to fall into pain again, so he used this method to help Qiqi get out.

When Qiqi heard this, her clear eyes flashed with light.

"Let the past go... That's right."

"Qiqi... wants to go to Mondstadt to see..."

"With Fang Xun... and Ningguang!"


Brothers, my mentality collapsed.

Yesterday I added more chapters to ask for gifts. I thought the situation would get better, but today's data is even worse than yesterday.

I was completely stunned when I saw the data in the background.

Maybe there is a problem with the quality of my recent plot, so there is no increase in gifts.

I will update twice for now. I will think about the following plot.

I wanted to drive, but the scale was too large. I thought about it and deleted it. That's why I updated so late. Sorry.

I have read everyone's comments. Thank you for your suggestions. I will speed up the story.

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