"Brother Fangxun, see you tomorrow!"

Ningguang packed up the lunch box, waved goodbye to Fangxun,

turned around and disappeared at the end of the road.

Fangxun was a little surprised by Ningguang's farewell,

because he thought Ningguang would immediately open the lunch box and start eating,

after all, when Ningguang was grilling fish, his stomach was already rumbling with hunger,

Fangxun still remembers the little girl's shy face,

However, this little girl who was so hungry,

did not rush to eat after seeing the food, but chose to take it home.

Soon Fangxun also wanted to understand Ningguang's behavior,

Ningguang should have considered that the meal was very rich, so she wanted to take it back to share with her family.

This also made Fangxun sigh that this little girl was really sensible and distressing.

If Fang Xun helped Ningguang before because he wanted to get the chance to meet her and get help from the rich woman in the future,

then now, he wants to help Ningguang more from the bottom of his heart.

Because this little girl is really not easy.

Looking at Ningguang's disappearing back, Fang Xun continued to eat the grilled fish, and then said: "I hope that money can relieve some of her pressure."


In the lunch box handed to Ningguang, Fang Xun secretly put a bag of Mora.

The amount of Mora is not much, only 50,000.

Of course, the money was not given directly by Fang Xun, but lent to Ningguang.

It will be fine when Ningguang has money in the future.


Let's talk about Ningguang.

Little Ningguang will go home much faster tonight than before,

because today she brought two boxes of Wanmintang's food, wanting to share with her mother.

It should be said that the food in Wanmintang is really generous!

Little Ningguang felt heavy in her arms all the way, and it was a bit difficult to hold her.

So much so that her fair and plump forehead was covered with sweat, and her hair was also wet with sweat.

Although she was tired and sweating, Ningguang showed a happy smile on her face.

Because her mother had always wanted to eat the food of Wanmin Hall, but because of her poor family, she had never said it.

Today, she can finally fulfill her mother's wish.


Ningguang's home is a wooden house,

It is not large,

There is only a simple kitchen and a bedroom,

It looks a bit simple and has been in disrepair for a long time, and some wood has signs of decay.

If you smell it carefully, there is a faint smell of dampness and mold in the air.

This is a place where even the treasure-stealing group shook their heads and was too lazy to patronize.

But for Ningguang, this is her safe haven.

Because there is a gentle and kind mother here, Ningguang can feel at ease.

"Mom, I'm back!"

"Guess what I brought back today?"

Ningguang pushed open the door as usual and spoke happily to the inside.

Generally speaking, her mother would come out of the room after hearing Ningguang's voice.

However, today her mother was a little abnormal, and there was no sound from the room.

Ningguang had a bad premonition, and she immediately ran into the room.

Then, she saw her mother lying on the floor, and the whole person was unconscious.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

Ningguang tried to wake her mother up, but found that it was useless.

Ningguang remembered that there was an old doctor in the village where she lived, and immediately invited the old doctor over.

The old doctor also knew that Ningguang's family was not easy. After hearing Ningguang's explanation, he immediately followed Ningguang to the house.

He examined Ningguang's mother for a while, and then said, "Little Ningguang, your mother is in a coma because of overwork."

"I will prepare a prescription for you later. You can get the medicine according to the prescription and let your mother take it for a week."

As the old doctor spoke, he took a pen and paper to write down the prescription.

"Thank you, doctor, thank you, doctor." Ningguang hurriedly thanked him and wanted to give Mora to the doctor as a consultation fee.

However, the old doctor just waved his hand and did not accept Ningguang's consultation fee.

"Little girl, we are all from the same village, so let's forget about the money."

"Besides, everyone knows that your family is not easy to live with,"

"And it will cost at least 50,000 Mora to buy medicine for your mother. You should save some money and find a way to get Mora."

"Her condition cannot be delayed. It will only get worse. She must take the medicine as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

After the old doctor gave his instructions, he sighed helplessly and left.

This sigh also expressed the helplessness and sadness for Ningguang's family.

For such a poor family, how easy is it to come up with 50,000 Mora?

Ningguang's mind also boomed when he heard these words.

My mother's illness can no longer be cured.The patient must be treated in the near future.

However, it will cost 50,000 Moras...

This amount is enough to overwhelm a poor family like theirs.

Ningguang can usually earn 1,000 Moras a day,

that's when business is good,

nothing if business is bad.

Even if business is good every day and she can earn 1,000 Moras a day,

she will have to save for 50 days without eating or drinking to save enough money for medicine.

Ningguang doesn't mind working harder to make money,

but can her mother wait until then?

Borrow money from someone?

But who will lend it to her?

Who can she borrow from?

Brother Fang Xun?

No, she just met him, how can she borrow money from him?

Not to mention 50,000 Moras.

Ningguang felt helpless and desperate.

At this time, Ningguang's mother also woke up from her coma.

Ningguang didn't care about anything else and immediately asked: "Mom, how do you feel now?"

Ningguang's mother didn't answer, but her eyes were wet, and she shook her head gently: "Sorry, child..."

Tears silently passed down her mother's cheeks, and she heard what the old doctor said just now.

"We can't treat this disease, and we can't afford it."

"It can be cured, it must be cured." Ningguang watched her mother cry, and she also cried.

"Mom, don't cry, we can definitely find a way!"

Ningguang wanted to comfort her mother,

She would never give up her mother, no matter what.

Ningguang's mother reached out and stroked Ningguang's tender face, wiping away her daughter's tears.

At the same time, she forced a smile: "I cried because I felt regretful..."

"I didn't see my little Ningguang grow up."

"I'm sorry, mom didn't take good care of you. You have suffered with me since you were a child."

"If I'm gone, bury me with your dad..."

Ningguang's mother's tone was as if she was explaining her funeral affairs,

because she also knew that she didn't have much time left,

However, Ningguang interrupted her mother before she finished speaking.

"I won't help you, don't think about leaving me!"

"There is a way, there must be a way!"

While talking, Ningguang got up to get the food given by Fang Xun.

"Mom, don't worry, eat first."

"I also want to eat, so that I can have the strength to go out and find ways to make money later!"

Ningguang was also determined to cure her mother's illness.

If there is not enough time, then work day and night,

It will definitely be in time!

Seeing Ningguang being so stubborn, the mother had no choice but to sigh.

She knew her daughter's character. Once she made up her mind to do something, she would definitely not compromise easily.

Well, let her daughter do it.

Ningguang is still young now, and many things are not as simple as she imagined...

At this time, Ningguang's mother saw the packaging of Wanmintang, and she was stunned at first, and then she was surprised.

"Girl, these are the meals of Wanmintang?"

"Why did you buy such expensive meals?"

Ningguang also explained: "I met a big brother named Fang Xun today, he is very good to me."

"These two meals were also traded by him and me."

Ningguang said as she opened the package.

Then, she saw a heavy bag of things.

Opening it, it was Mora!

Ningguang counted it a little, exactly 50,000 Mora!

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