Fang Xun looked at Gan Yu's dark red unicorn horns again.

Fang Xun had an indescribable feeling about the unicorn horns.

Looking at the unicorn horns dangling in front of him, he just wanted to play with them.

Fang Xun reached out and gently touched Gan Yu's unicorn horns.

At that moment, Fang Xun could clearly feel Gan Yu's body trembling slightly.

Gan Yu couldn't help but let out a subtle moan,

like a frightened deer.

For a moment, Gan Yu's pretty face became extremely blushing, like a burning cloud in the sky.

For her, the unicorn horns were sensitive.

You know, when Gan Yu was a child, she always had to have Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhen Jun hold her horns before she could sleep.

But when she grew up, Gan Yu would not let anyone touch her unicorn horns,

even her close master Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhen Jun.

The reason is that the unicorn horns are very sensitive.

At the moment, Ganyu felt very complicated about Fang Xun touching the unicorn horn.

She didn't know what was going on.

If it were any other time, she would have retreated in panic and put her hands on her head to protect it.

But when facing Fang Xun, she didn't have that kind of resistance in her heart.

Because if it was Fang Xun, it shouldn't be a problem for him to touch it, right?

It has been many years since anyone touched the horn, and now that familiar yet strange feeling reappeared,

Ganyu suddenly felt sleepy.

It was almost lunchtime,

The biological clock that was accurate to the second made Ganyu sleep regardless of the place or occasion.

This time, Ganyu took the initiative to snuggle in Fang Xun's arms and hugged Fang Xun tightly.

Just like many years ago, she hugged Master Liuyunjiefeng.

Fang Xun looked at Ganyu in his arms with a faint smile on his face.

Before, Ganyu fell asleep and hugged Fangxun subconsciously.

But now, Ganyu hugged Fangxun before falling asleep.

Although they are the same actions, they represent different meanings.

From the latter, it can be seen that Ganyu has already had a place for Fangxun in her heart.

It can be seen from the fact that she hugged Fangxun's arm and tacitly allowed Fangxun to touch the unicorn horn.

This secretary who has lived for a thousand years is steady in external affairs, but privately she is like a little girl.

She is not honest even when she is asleep.

After Fang Xun stopped touching her unicorn horn,

Ganyu was still humming in her mouth, and her little head came up for Fangxun to touch.

Fang Xun couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect that the quiet Ganyu had such a side.

He reached out and gently touched the sheep's horn, and then opened the system backpack.

He looked at the prop he had just obtained, the long rope tied to the moon.

Long Rope Tied to the Moon,

In the game, it is a four-star fishing rod, and its function is to fish.

The fishing rod given by the system has a chance to turn the fish into a treasure after catching it.

For example, Fang Xun feels that he has caught a fish,

After pulling it up, it may be a fish, or it may be a entanglement, or even other treasures,

It smells very good.

For an idle person like Fang Xun, who is only responsible for taking care of the children every day,

there is plenty of time for fishing.

Fang Xun has made a decision to take Ningguang and Qiqi, two little girls, to go fishing tomorrow.

It can also be regarded as making up for not accompanying them today.

After understanding the function of the fishing rod, Fang Xun looked at the entanglement he had just obtained,

Single draw a miracle,

Draw it and it's done!

I saw a blue light penetrate the clouds, and the light quickly turned into a dazzling purple.

This time, no skills were obtained, but an item.

It is a bit similar to the puppet of the magic puppet sword ghost, about the size of a human body.

Fang Xun did not find a way to activate this puppet, so he could only put it in his backpack and study it later.

After doing all this, Fang Xun exited the system interface.

Ganyu in his arms moved slightly, and Fang Xun reached out and gently touched the sheep's horns.

He just sat there quietly, and he didn't know how long he had been sitting.

"Mr. Fang Xun... Sorry, I slept too long!"

Ganyu woke up from Fang Xun's arms in a daze.

She noticed that when she fell asleep, Fang Xun kept sitting in the same posture without moving.

It must be very uncomfortable for Fang Xun to think so, and his hands might have been sore.

In response, Ganyu quickly stood up and apologized with a red face.

Looking at Ganyu's flustered and nervous appearance, Fang Xun thought it was very cute.

He chuckled and said, "I'm fine. Miss Ganyu is very light, and I didn't feel any weight in my arms."

"How was Miss Ganyu's nap this time?"

Hearing Fang Xun's concern, Ganyu's pretty face became more and more embarrassed.

She nodded gently, and then said softly, "I haven't had such a comfortable nap for a long time. Is it because Mr. Fang Xun is by my side?"

"Later, when it's timeWhen you take a nap, you can..."

Ganyu lowered her head after saying this,

She didn't dare to look into Fang Xun's eyes,

Her pretty face was very nervous.

Because this was the first time Ganyu made a request,

She didn't know if she would be rejected,

If she was rejected, what should she do?

Ganyu, who could face many things calmly, was a little overwhelmed at this moment.

But fortunately, Fang Xun smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem,"

"When Miss Ganyu takes a nap, I am willing to accompany her."

Hearing Fang Xun's answer, Ganyu's beautiful eyes became bright, like a child who got candy.

"That's great. If Mr. Fang Xun can help, I think my work efficiency should be improved! ”


I will post two chapters first, and there will be two more chapters tonight.

Dear readers, the data of this book is getting worse day by day, and I still want to ask for some free gifts here.

Whether this book can be written longer really needs your support.

Recently, I have been thinking about the development of the plot in the back of this book. In a few days, there should be a place that will make everyone cry. I emphasize that it is not a knife! Not a knife!

The kind that hurts the enemy by a thousand and hurts yourself by eight hundred.

I may finish the plot there while crying, which can also make up for a regret in the plot.

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