
In the game, she is the leader of the fleet ‘Southern Cross’.

It is rumored that she had killed a monster in the Underworld Sea before she obtained the Eye of God.

Therefore, Beidou has the title of the Uncrowned Dragon King.

In the original setting, Beidou’s character is very generous and righteous, and there are many younger brothers who follow her.

She is definitely the big sister.

Even when Hu Tao from the Rebirth Hall mentioned Beidou,

she also said that Beidou was a celebrity in Liyue and wanted to make friends with Beidou.

In the background story, Tianquanxing Ningguang and Beidou also have a love-hate relationship.

Ningguang said all the good and bad things, but Beidou still went her own way.

Tianquanxing Ningguang also helplessly said that the fines paid by Beidou were enough to buy a brand new ocean-going ship.

From this, it can be seen that

Beidou in the game is a well-known fleet leader who dares to go against Ningguang.

That is, with such a prominent background,

Who would have thought that when she was young, Beidou was a homeless little girl who

had to fight with wild dogs for food.


At this moment, little Beidou was still chasing the wild dog, and at the same time shouted: "Hurry up and give me back the rice nest!"

The residents of the fishing village silently shook their heads and looked disgusted.

How could a dirty little beggar who fought with wild dogs for food come to their village?

Even when Beidou appeared in the village, some people subconsciously stepped back a few steps, frowning.

It was as if they were deliberately keeping a distance from Beidou, fearing that Beidou would make the place dirty.

Little Beidou naturally noticed the strange eyes of the villagers,

Those indifferent or disgusted eyes were like blazing flames,

burning Beidou's skin.

But at this moment, Beidou no longer cared.

Because it hurt so much, he got used to it.

After experiencing too much cold stares, one becomes numb.

Only those who have experienced it will know that,

Compared to being alive,

the so-called dignity is not worth mentioning at all.

Some people can eat delicious food every day and are not frightened by the wind and grass at night.

And some people have tried their best just to survive.

Beidou doesn't care what others think of her,

she just wants to survive.

As long as she is alive, she will have everything,

but if she is dead, she will have nothing.

Although Beidou is young, she sees things very clearly.

At the same time, little Ningguang's big watery eyes are also staring at Beidou,

She doesn't dislike Beidou's dirtiness,

On the contrary, Ningguang sees her own shadow in Beidou.

Once upon a time,

Ningguang was also a Cinderella wearing coarse cloth and selling goods barefoot everywhere.

She often suffers from cold and hunger and lives a hard life.

She can understand Beidou's current situation because she has also felt it deeply.

At this time,

Fang Xun started to move.

He reached out to stop Beidou who was chasing the wild dog.

Little Beidou raised her head and looked at the young man in front of her with caution.

She subconsciously thought that Fang Xun disliked her because she was too dirty and wanted to drive her away.

In response, Beidou said: "When I run, I will avoid your village. I will not make your village dirty or knock down anything."

"Give me a few minutes, I will take back the rice nest that originally belonged to me and leave immediately."

Beidou's heart was completely closed after a long period of wandering.

So when she communicated with others, she would subconsciously show a vigilant expression.

After hearing Beidou's words, Fang Xun also knew that she had misunderstood.

In response, Fang Xun also said: "Little girl, I am not a bad person who wants to drive you away,"

"On the contrary, I want to help you,"

Fang Xun paused and continued: "Seeing you chasing wild dogs to take back the rice nest, I guess you must be very hungry now."

"Wait here for a while, I will buy you some dry food."

Because Beidou has been subjected to too many cold words and has closed her heart,

Fang Xun also chose to help her in a simple way that would not make Beidou resist.

In the city of Liyue, Mora can solve many problems.

For a moment, Beidou was stunned.

Fang Xun did not want to drive her away, but wanted to help her?

It was different from...the people she had met before.


Let's talk about Fang Xun.

He asked the villagers directly and soon found the village chief.

In the original setting, the village chief was a very kind person.

It was he who gave Beidou dry food so that Beidou would no longer be hungry.

He also took Beidou in and ended his wandering life.

At present, Fang Xun plans to buy some dry food from the village chief.

It can not only help Beidou, but also improve the living conditions of the village chief.It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

However, after hearing Fang Xun's request, the village chief shook his head.

"Sir, I originally planned to give that poor child some dry food, so I naturally can't let you spend money to buy it."

Although the village chief lives in poverty, he has principles.

He is unwilling to take advantage of Fang Xun's kindness to make money.

In response, Fang Xun also said: "Village chief, let's deal with it one by one,"

"You give yours, I buy mine, there is no conflict between the two."

While speaking, Fang Xun put 10,000 Mora on the table and added: "I took the dry food. This money should be enough to buy dry food, right?"

The village chief looked at the 10,000 Mora on the table, and was stunned at first, and then shook his head in panic.

"Sir, you gave too much. Those dry food are not worth the money at all!"

"Please wait a moment. I will give you the change."

The village chief of the fishing village is also an honest and down-to-earth person.

He doesn't like to take advantage of others. Business is about equality.

Now Fang Xun gave too much, which made him anxious and at a loss.

In response, Fang Xun just smiled and said, "Village chief, this money is not much. You deserve it."

"Because kind-hearted people should get extra rewards."

Fang Xun also didn't let the village chief change the money. He took the dry food and gave it to Beidou.

"Little girl, you eat these dry food first,"

"If it's not enough, I'll buy more."

Looking at the simple dry food, Beidou seemed to see delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

She quickly took the dry food and ate it in big mouthfuls.

There was no way.

She was really too hungry.

For Beidou, this crude dry food has become a delicacy in the world.

Xiao Ningguang was also very careful. She was afraid that Beidou would choke if he ate too fast or too dry, so she even brought a cup of warm water from the village chief's house. Qiqi blinked her big pink eyes and said softly, "Eat slowly..." "Be might choke..."

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