Ruota Dragon King...


Why do these two names sound familiar?

It's as if I've heard them many times.

For a moment, Li Sinan looked up suddenly,

He remembered,

He remembered everything,

He was a trace of goodness from Ruota Dragon King,

The brother he had been looking for was Zhongli who was right in front of him!

No wonder he felt that Zhongli was kind and very much like his brother from the beginning,

It turned out that they were the same person.

Zhongli is Morax!

Morax is Zhongli!

Now that he saw his old friend again, Ruota Dragon King, who represented goodness, had thousands of words to say,

But he didn't have time to speak,

because the little girl who represented evil had already moved,

Several dark and thick ink dots appeared around her body,

Those ink dots flew towards Morax like bows and arrows.

Li Sinan had no time to think and quickly stood in front of Zhongli.

This was completely an instinct of the Ruota Dragon King,

an instinct accumulated from thousands of years of friendship.

A pure white light burst out from under Li Sinan's feet, and a heavy stone door emerged from the ground, blocking all the arrows like a shield.

Li Sinan looked at Zhongli behind him and couldn't help laughing.

"Morax, at that moment, I seemed to be back to the time when we fought side by side...those days are really nostalgic."

Li Sinan's voice was childish,

but his tone was very mature, as if he had lived for thousands of years.

Zhongli nodded gently: "The wear and tear of time will make us forget the past, but if there are old friends around, the wear and tear will come more slowly."

"Ruotu, after you said that, I also remember a lot of things in the past."

Li Sinan smiled more intensely: "Morax, you are still the same as before,"

"Like to stay in the past."

Li Sinan paused and looked at the girl emitting black mist in front of him,

"Morax, leave the next thing to me,"

"Since it is the trouble I caused, let me handle it myself."

After the words fell, the white light emitted from Li Sinan became stronger and stronger,

The light resonated with the ore in the mountains and forests,

As the light breathed and changed, the ore also emitted different degrees of light.

The girl representing the evil thoughts of Ruotu Dragon King was filled with thick black mist,

The overwhelming resentment was fully displayed on her,

The collision of black and white, the earth seemed to tremble violently.

The girl representing the evil thoughts of Ruotu Dragon King took several steps back before she stabilized her body.

She stared at Li Sinan and gritted her teeth and said, "Why, why do you want to go against me?"

"If you hadn't influenced my will a thousand years ago, how could I have lost and been sealed by Morax?"

"Are you still going to stand on Morax's side to stop me a thousand years later?"

"The so-called God is just a betrayer, he is not worthy of our following at all!"

The little girl who represented the evil thoughts of the Ruotu Dragon King asked angrily at this moment.

Compared with her loss of control, Li Sinan seemed very calm.

He just looked at the girl, and then said word by word: "Ruotu Dragon King, you can be angry, but you can't deny violating the contract."

"Morax brought us to the ground and made three rules with us, but you violated the contract."

"The wear and tear of the years has made you forget these things completely, so you are so angry and full of aggression,"

"And my existence is to awaken your memory."

Li Sinan paused, and the tone of his speech also changed.

The white light on his body became stronger and stronger, showing everything in the past.

Those scenes kept flashing in the girl's mind.

In the dim underground, it heard Morax's voice for the first time,

With the eyes given by Morax, it saw the light for the first time,

Although it later turned against Morax,

But it is undeniable that

The days of fighting Morax were the happiest time for the Dragon King Ruotu.

In the past, it recognized Morax the most, why did it deny it now?

The girl who represented evil thoughts found herself crying silently

The black smoke on the girl dimmed, as if she had given up struggling.

For a moment, a strong light burst out from Li Sinan's body,

Under the strong light, the black fog around the girl was also shaky, and finally all dissipated,

The girl fell to the ground and fainted.

Fang Xun also immediately went forward to check the situation.

Behind him, Li Sinan's voice sounded: "Don't worry, the girl just temporarily overdrawn her energy and fell into a coma., "

"Everything will be fine after you wake up, and you will forget everything that happened before."

Li Sinan's voice was not loud, but it gave people a sense of steadiness.

After all, he was the incarnation of the Ruota Dragon King, and his words and deeds were very reliable.

"Ruota, did you come to me this time just to tell me that the seal was loosened?"

Looking at Li Sinan whose light was getting dimmer and dimmer, Zhong Li asked.

Zhongli knew that the Ruota Dragon King, who represented good intentions, did not have much time left.

The power that burst out before almost exhausted him.

Hearing Zhongli's question, Li Sinan shook his head,

"Not really, even if I didn't say it, Morax should be able to notice it."

"The reason I came to you was actually to say goodbye to you, Morax."

Li Sinan had a warm smile on his face and said in a relaxed tone: "I'm leaving, going to a very far place,"

"Maybe I won't see you again in the future, so I want to see you again before I leave. "

Li Sinan was obviously smiling and speaking in a lighthearted tone,

but the content of his words was very heavy.

Fang Xun also understood,

What the kind-hearted Ruotu Dragon King meant by going far away might be to end his own life.

The thousand-year seal brought it and Morax a lot of troubles,

and it might cause a shock later, which would awaken the evil thoughts of Ruotu Dragon King again,

There are too many uncertain factors,

so Ruotu Dragon King intends to burn his life to put an end to this matter.

This matter started with it and ended with it.

The earth shook violently,

The huge Ruotu Dragon King, who had been sleeping for a thousand years, slowly emerged in the air,

The huge monster that covered the sky and the sun was constantly wearing away under Li Sinan's gaze.

Perhaps Ruotu Dragon King has amazing defense and is indestructible,

but it is not difficult for him to destroy himself.

"Ruotu. "

Watching the white light on Li Sinan becoming dimmer and dimmer, Zhongli asked: "A thousand years ago, did you resent me for sealing you up?"

The kind-hearted Ruota Dragon King just smiled and shook his head when he heard this.

"Morax, in my eyes, you have always been my brother,"

"Although we are not relatives, we are better than relatives."

"So no matter what choice you make, I will understand and support you."

"As long as you think, 'This is the decision made by Morax', there will be no problem."

"There is no such thing as resentment."

"On the contrary, I have always been very grateful to you, Morax."

"I still remember your kindness in giving me the eye. We are the best partners."

The light on Li Sinan's body became dimmer and dimmer,

In the end, it became a faint light that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

Fang Xun and Zhongli could see that his life had come to an end.

"Morax, it's a pity...I can't follow you around in this life. "

"I'm sorry, I violated the contract again."

Zhongli said slowly: "It's okay, you've done a good job."

Li Sinan smiled with relief, then turned around and looked at Fang Xun,

He joked to Fang Xun: "I wanted to take you to see my collection, but now it seems that there may be no chance."

"Those things can't be brought with you when you are born, and they can't be taken with you when you die. In the end, they will become a handful of yellow soil blown away by the wind, so I want to give them to you."

"They represent my eyes. I hope that after I leave, you can take a good look at the world for me."

"Thinking this way, I have no regrets. "

Li Sinan's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally could not be heard.

The light on his body also completely dissipated,

The child Li Sinan also fell to the ground and fell asleep.

At this moment, a green fairy was floating in the sky.

The fairy slowly guided Fang Xun forward and finally stopped in the Fairy Courtyard.

With a thud, a precious treasure chest emerged from the ground.

This is the last gift that Ruotu Dragon King left to the world.

Fang Xun turned his head to look at Zhongli, and Zhongli just shook his head slightly: "Take it, these things are useless to me. "

Fang Xun opened the treasure chest and obtained the wild glass lily.

I unexpectedly got a entangled fate, and many breakthrough materials.

The sound of children's singing seemed to be faintly heard in the valley,

It seemed to be Li Sinan's humming.

Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, the grass was green.


I ask you when you will come back, don't hesitate when you come.

The Ruotu Dragon King turned into golden rain and sprinkled on the earth.

It originally returned from the earth, and now it is also returning to the earth.

Zhongli put his hands behind his back and looked at the golden rain.

"I want to buy osmanthus flowers and carry wine together... It's a pity that the oldWhen can we meet again?"

"Perhaps, this separation is forever."

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is thoughtful.

Fang Xun remembered the puppet doll he won in the previous lottery.

He quickly took the doll out of his backpack.

The doll was only the size of a palm at first, but if it was injected with elemental power,

then the size of the doll would eventually grow to be the same as that of a normal person.

Fang Xun was a little curious.

Can the remaining good thoughts of the Ruotu Dragon King that have not yet dissipated be stored in this doll,

allowing the Ruotu Dragon King to start a new life in another way?

Fang Xun placed the doll under the Fairy Garden, and then looked at Zhongli.

"Mr. Zhongli, this is a unique doll from my hometown,"

"Injecting elemental power can make it grow to the size of an adult and accommodate a soul,"

"Perhaps, we can use this to help the Ruotu Dragon King. "

Zhongli was a little surprised when he heard this.

It was the first time he heard that injecting elemental power could make a puppet grow.

It was unheard of to use a puppet to save people.

However, in this situation, he could give it a try.

Zhongli injected the power of rock element into the puppet according to Fang Xun's words.

The puppet emitted golden light and continued to expand.

It stopped when it grew to the size of an adult.

Then, the light above the Fairy Court entered the puppet.

The puppet lay there quietly without any reaction.

Fang Xun and Zhongli looked at each other, and they realized that the puppet might not have any effect.

Zhongli retracted his gaze and slowly said: "Ruo Tuo has left. I will hold the most solemn ceremony for him through the Hall of Rebirth."

Fang Xun nodded and was about to put the puppet away,

but found that the puppet moved without any warning.

"Morax, I heard that you told people everywhere that I was dead?"

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