Gui Zhong looked up and looked at Zhong Li: "Morax, how have you been these years?"

Even though a thousand years have passed,

Gui Zhong's concern for Morax is still the same.

On the contrary, because of the distance between life and death, this concern has become more intense.

Zhong Li said softly: "Gui Zhong, Liyue no longer needs the help of gods and immortals now."

"I often integrate into Liyue as a human, listen to books, walk birds, and meet many friends."

"I am happy with that kind of lifestyle."

The Ryota Dragon King next to him listened with longing,

It turns out that heroes think alike,

Morax's retirement life is exactly the same as his!

Gui Zhong pouted, and his aggrieved look was like a resentful young wife.

Did she want to hear Zhong Li talk about these things?

Gui Zhong said angrily: "Morax, I heard you say so much, but I didn't hear you say anything about me!"

Zhongli was a little surprised and puzzled: "What is it?"

Gui Zhong didn't know whether Zhongli really didn't understand or was just pretending to be confused.

If it were a thousand years ago, the shy Gui Zhong would immediately change the subject and stop talking.

But now she saw the mountains and plains of glass lilies.

Thinking of the promise she made before to express her feelings,

She is not a person who retreats at the last minute.

It's just to express her feelings, so she is not afraid.

Gui Zhong looked at Zhong Li with her beautiful eyes, and then said word by word: "Morax, I have been missing you all these years, so I really want to know if you feel the same way."

Gui Zhong paused, and mustered up the courage to say: "Tell me honestly, have you ever thought of me all these years, even for just a moment."

Gui Zhong raised her head and stared at Zhong Li in a rage.

Her pretty face was full of nervousness and anxiety. She wanted to get Zhong Li's answer, but was afraid of Zhong Li's answer.

For a while, Zhong Li was silent.

Many times he was like an encyclopedia, and could give corresponding and accurate answers to many questions.

Even many researchers in Liyue admired Zhong Li's knowledge reserves.

But now facing the question of a little girl like Gui Zhong, Zhong Li was silent.

He really didn't know how to answer this kind of question.

It was beyond his knowledge.

Seeing that Zhong Li didn't speak, Gui Zhong was frustrated and said weakly, "I know."

Her big eyes dimmed, like a wounded little animal, and at this moment she just wanted to escape from here.

At this time, Zhongli's voice slowly sounded after Guizhong's death.

"Guizhong, I don't know what it means to miss someone."

"But in the past thousand years, I often dream of you."

"I dreamed of the words you said to me, and I dreamed of you humming cheerful songs."

"If this counts as missing, then I have."

As an old cadre, Zhongli actually found it difficult to say such words,

but seeing Guizhong's sad look, his heart, as hard and heavy as a rock, was also touched.

Zhongli did not organize words, but just expressed his most direct feelings.

For a while, Guizhong stayed where he was.

She could no longer control her body, and her shoulders trembled slightly.

The big tears fell down.

You know,

when Zhongli talked about the things in these years without mentioning Guizhong, she did not cry.

When Zhongli was silent in the face of her questions, he did not cry either.

But now, after hearing Zhongli's words, Guizhong cried like a child.

She was crying with joy.

Guizhong was very happy and satisfied to hear Zhongli say such words, without any regrets.

"Morax, I want to live in your memory for the rest of my life."

Guizhong said it very softly and slowly.

Her body flickered, as if it was going to disappear with the wind.

After the spirit lamp made up for the ghost's regret, the ghost would quickly dissipate.

Now Guizhong saw the glass lilies blooming all over the mountains and plains,

She also mustered up the courage to tell Zhongli her thoughts,

It was almost time to leave.

Guizhong realized that she could not hold on for too long,

So she looked at Zhongli and said with a smile: "Morax, do you still keep the earthly lock I gave you that day?"

Zhongli nodded and raised the earthly lock in his hand.

Guizhong's eyes were moist, with a smile on his face: "Morax, you are not allowed to forget me, do you hear me?"

"I will turn into this lock... to stay by your side."

Guizhong's voice became smaller and smaller,

The soul-guiding lamp also gradually dimmed, indicating that Guizhong was about to leave.

Zhongli also realized that once Guizhong left, he would never see him again.

He wanted to do something, but he was powerless,

Just like a thousand years ago, Guizhong lay in his arms and slowly lost temperature.

Even if he was a great god, he could not resist wear and tear and death.

He wanted Guizhong to stay,

No matter how he stayed.

Such a strong will made Fang Xun feel that the dim God's Heart in his backpack brightened up.

To be precise, the God's Heart burst out with dazzling light.

There seemed to be a layer of carbonized material on the surface, which fell off at this moment.

The golden God's Heart floated in front of Fang Xun, and then entered Fang Xun's body.

Fang Xun was stunned.

He thought that this God's Heart was a fragment of Zhongli,

but he didn't expect that it was his God's Heart.

When the Heart of God entered Fang Xun's body, Fang Xun felt that the world in front of him became particularly clear.

He could see the elemental forces that he had not seen before,

Sky and earth,

Wind and rock and soil,

The most important thing was the rock and soil, and he could resonate directly with the rock and soil.

Just like Zhongli had made the mountains and plains bloom with glazed lilies before, it was also a very simple thing for Fang Xun now.

At the same time, the system also prompted Fang Xun to obtain a talent.

This talent allows Fang Xun to directly create puppets.

Seeing that Gui Zhong was about to dissipate, Fang Xun immediately used his talent to create a new puppet.

This puppet was made completely according to Gui Zhong's appearance and was made in an instant.


Gui Zhong closed her eyes, she could feel her body dissipating with the wind,

She looked at Morax, forced a smile, and waved goodbye.

Knowing that they would not meet again, Gui Zhong was particularly strong when saying goodbye,

Using all her strength.

She saw that Morax's golden eyes were a little dim, and she was indescribably sad.

Gui Zhong was a little confused.

Why should she be sad?

Isn't it a happy thing to be able to see her old friend again?

Besides, she just got Morax's answer and saw the glazed lilies all over the mountains.

In fact, she didn't have anything to regret.

If she really had to say something,

maybe it was that she couldn't be with Morax?

In fact, Gui Zhong wanted to be with Morax, and she was willing to exchange it at any price,

for a chance to be with Morax.

It's a pity that she knew that she couldn't have such an opportunity.

As she disappeared, Gui Zhong tried not to cry. She was trying to smile,

trying not to make the separation so sad.


she also hoped that she would retain a beautiful and lively image in Zhongli's memory.

If she cried too ugly, it would affect her image.

Gui Zhong looked at Zhong Li reluctantly, unwilling to look away.

After all, she had not seen Morax for thousands of years.

But she felt her eyes fighting, and she could no longer control herself, so she closed her eyes.

After an unknown period of time, Gui Zhong slowly opened her eyes.

What came into view was a sea of ​​​​glazed lilies,

and Zhong Li.

She lay in Zhong Li's arms.

After seeing Zhong Li, Gui Zhong burst into tears.

"Morax, are you stupid? Why did you come down with me?"

She thought she saw Morax's soul.

But Zhong Li spoke calmly: "Gui Zhong, you are still in Liyue."

"I... in Liyue?"

Gui Zhong was stunned, wondering if she had heard wrongly.

How could this be possible?

She just clearly felt her soul dissipating.

In that situation, even Morax could not stop it, so how could she still be in Liyue?

The Ryota Dragon King beside him nodded with a simple face: "Guizhong, you and I have a brand new life from now on."

"You are no longer the demon god Guizhong, but an ordinary person Guizhong."

Guizhong was confused, but she could hear that she was resurrected?

Guizhong didn't have time to think about it, she just hugged Zhongli tightly, unwilling to let go.

"Morax, I don't want to leave you."

Zhongli smiled and nodded: "In that case, then you stay with me."

Recently, there are a lot of things, there are only two updates today, everyone should rest early, and there will be more updates in two days when there is more time.

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