Hearing the teasing from Yae Shinko, Ganyu's pretty face became even more embarrassed.

She finally mustered up the courage to confess her true feelings to him,

but others heard her.

For a moment, Ganyu wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into,

it was too embarrassing.

Ganyu looked at the Eightfold God Child and said angrily: "God Child... Why are you here..."

The Eightfold God Child raised his hands and said with a smile: "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation,"

"I just wanted to urge Mr. Fang Xun to write the second part of the novel as soon as possible, and I accidentally ran into this scene."

The Eightfold God Child paused and continued: "How about you continue? I'll take my leave first."

"I didn't see anything about what happened just now."

Ganyu became more and more shy.

This God Child always finds it fun to tease people, and he never gets tired of it.

Ganyu didn't even believe the punctuation marks of the Eightfold God Child's words.

Fang Xun also felt Ganyu's shyness, so he immediately changed the subject.

No matter what the topic is, Ganyu can't be embarrassed like this.

"Miss Ganyu, I want to ask you a favor."

Fang Xun looked at the little Shen He in the house, then looked at Gan Yu, and said softly: "I want to ask you to teach that child immortal arts."

Soon, Fang Xun told Gan Yu the reason.

Fang Xun thought Gan Yu would consider it for a moment, after all, accepting disciples is not a joke.

Unexpectedly, Gan Yu agreed very quickly, and said seriously: "Since it is Mr. Fang Xun's request, I will definitely agree."

Gan Yu paused and continued: "Besides, I just observed the child named Shen He,"

"I vaguely feel that she has a connection with immortals, and she may be a good seedling for practicing immortal arts."

"Maybe even my master Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhen Jun will like Shen He when he sees her and is willing to teach her immortal arts?"

Hearing that Gan Yu was willing to teach Shen He magic, Fang Xun was relieved.

After all, he could not teach Shen He many magics,

Gan Yu must be more comprehensive than him.

At this time, Yae Shenzi beside him said with a sweet smile: "Mr. Fang Xun, does your little apprentice need a third master?"

"For example, to learn the secret technique of Inazuma or something."

"As long as you ask, I don't mind accepting that little guy."

It is hard to tell whether Yae Shenzi is joking or serious.

However, Fang Xun is sure that

If he asks, Yae Shenzi will definitely teach Shen He something.

After thinking about it, forget it.

After all, Yae Shenzi likes to play tricks on people and drive.

Fang Xun doesn't want her to lead Shen He astray.

So Fang Xun politely rejected Yae Shenzi's proposal.

After Gan Yu finalized everything, she was also ready to leave.

Although the master asked her to go down the mountain to hone her skills, she couldn't fall behind in her duties.

When Gan Yu was about to leave, Fang Xun called her from behind.

"Miss Ganyu, do you want to stay and have dinner with us?"

Fang Xun hadn't eaten anything all day, and neither had the kids at home,

so Fang Xun was going to cook.

Now that Ganyu was here, Fang Xun was thinking of inviting her to have dinner with him.

Hearing Fang Xun's words, Ganyu paused slightly,

She wanted to shake her head, but for some reason she nodded.

Perhaps it was because Fang Xun's cooking skills were so good and the food she made was delicious, or perhaps it was simply because she wanted to stay with Fang Xun for a while longer.

Then, Fang Xun looked at Yae Shenzi again.

After all, since Ganyu had been invited, it was obviously not possible to ignore her best friend Yae Shenzi.

Fang Xun made an invitation: "Miss Yae, do you want to have dinner together?"

Ye Shenzi didn't treat Fang Xun with any formality. She just chuckled and said, "Thank you for your hard work, brother-in-law. It'll be fine if we have fried tofu like before."

Asking for the name of brother-in-law, Fang Xun would definitely make arrangements for Yae Shenzi.

At this time, Fang Xun also noticed that Yu Jin was sitting at the door of the hotel not far away, waving a palm-leaf fan in his hand, as if he was admiring the moon.

Fang Xun was also thinking about inviting Yu Jin to dinner today.

After all, neighbors often visit each other, and Yu Jin had helped Fang Xun a lot before.

But he never thought that Yu Jin would show a suspicious expression after hearing Fang Xun's invitation: "Stinky brother, I don't mind, but I'm afraid you will be tired."

"After all, there is no land that can be plowed to death, only cows that are tired to death."

"So, let's do it another day."

Fang Xun: "???"

It seemed that something rolled over his face.

The speed was too fast, and Fang Xun didn't see it clearly.

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