Just as everyone in the chat group was complaining, the screen had switched to the victory team's conference room, and Captain Hui told everyone——

At the staff headquarters meeting, the battle plan for the Lightning annihilation war has been approved.

Upon hearing the news, Xincheng looked eager to try it out, as if he was very excited about the implementation of this plan!

Because his relatives were once harmed by lightning people, that's why he hates lightning people so much.

However, at this moment, Lina suddenly spoke——

"Listen to me!"

She looked at everyone and said in a serious and heavy voice: "Lightning people are originally creatures of the earth. The reason why they turned into monsters is because of the large amount of electromagnetic waves produced by humans!"

Xincheng asked impatiently: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Dagu explained on the side: "In other words, if you don't fundamentally solve the problem of electromagnetic waves and just eliminate the lightning people, this is not a permanent solution!"

"I've thought about this too..."

Horii took a deep breath and expressed his point of view: "Because we did not take any countermeasures, incidents happened again and again."

"The result of my consideration is..."

Horii shook his head: "I decided not to think about it anymore."

[Silver Wolf: What do you mean? Should Horii give up thinking too? Became the ultimate creature? 】

[Liu Ying: The ultimate creature? what is that? 】

[Silver Wolf: He is a guy who will be launched into outer space by ordinary humans and cannot return to Earth. 】

[Liu Ying: Uh...]

[Kiana: What are you talking about? I don’t understand...]

Ignoring the inexplicable remarks in the chat group, Lina was a little confused after hearing Horii's remarks——


Horii sat upright and began to educate people seriously: "It's a pity that there is no way to stop using electromagnetic waves in modern society."

Hearing these words, Dagu and Lina both showed strange expressions, seeming a little surprised.

Horii continued: "Of course, it is easy to stop and reduce the use of electromagnetic waves. The question is, can humans live without the use of electromagnetic waves?"

"——Once humans get used to using convenient things, it's hard to go back."

After hearing this, everyone fell into silence.

"...If that's really the case, humans should really feel ashamed." Lina said softly.

"That's right."

Captain Hui Jian also rarely agreed with Lina's point of view: "I really hope that human beings will become more intelligent."

[Otto: Yes, habits are terrible. This is a spiritual suggestion that no human... or even any creature can resist. 】

[Herrscher of Consciousness: Huh? Can it still be compared to the Herrscher of my consciousness? 】

[Fu Hua: Indeed, even if you use Yu Duchen to rewrite a person's habits towards things, his body will still react subconsciously. 】

[Fu Hua: Not even Yu Duchen can change this. 】

[Alicia: Does that mean that the conflict between humans and lightning people...can never be reconciled? 】

[Xinadiya: If we say that we are forced to change our habits, it doesn’t mean we can’t change them, right? 】

[Elhaysen: It is possible, but judging from the current situation - it is almost impossible. 】

[Nilu: Why? 】

[Elhaysen: Judging from the current conflict between humans and lightning people, there is almost no solution to this problem in the short term. 】

[Elhaysen: Even if humans are willing to improve the root problem of electromagnetic waves, it will take a lot of time to find alternative energy sources. 】

[Alhaysen: During this period, are the Lightning Man really willing to compromise themselves to resist the mutation and wait until that time? 】

[Elhaysen: Even if you really want to, who can guarantee that you can really find an alternative energy source that has no side effects? 】

[Elhaysen: Taking a step back, even if such an alternative energy source is really found, who can guarantee that this energy will not harm other creatures on the earth and cause things like the Lightning Man to happen again? 】

Elhaysen's words caused everyone in the chat group to fall into silence.

[Xiang Ling: Could it be said that the conflict between humans and lightning people is completely irreconcilable? 】

[Elhaysen: Unfortunately, judging from the current situation, this is the case. 】

On the other side, facing the words of Dagu and Lina, Zongfang spoke——

"What Dagu and Lina said makes sense and is very understandable."

Then, he put on a serious expression: "But we should face up to the current environment we are in!"

"——These are extraordinary times. Since our mission is to protect mankind from foreign enemies, we should fight to the end!"

Zongfang glanced at the team members one by one. Some of them lowered their heads, while others showed thoughtful expressions with different expressions.

At this moment, Ye Rui, who had always been kind, suddenly stood up and accused Lina——

“Lina, you are so naive!”

Ye Rui seemed to have mustered up the courage and said loudly: "Commander and Horii are right. Only by eliminating the enemies that pose a threat can mankind survive!"

"——So Victory Team and TPC need to be stronger!"

"Member Ye Rui...!" Dagu didn't expect Ye Rui to say such words: "What are you talking about!"

As a result, Lina's reaction was even more intense than Dagu's: "What on earth are you talking about!"

She glared at Ye Rui and finally left the meeting room angrily.

Dagu saw this and immediately followed him.

[Esta: I never expected that the Yerui team members, who have always been so secretive, would be so extreme sometimes. 】

[Heita: Really? I can understand what he said. After all, the Lightning Man is the enemy of mankind, and kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. 】

[Alicia: However, the reason why the lightning people attack humans is not because their frequent use of electromagnetic waves causes the lightning people to mutate? 】

[Mebius: So what? Is it because of them that humans will give up electromagnetic waves? So if one day the lightning people claim that the earth is theirs, will humans have to give up the earth and leave voluntarily? 】

[Padophilis: Uh, um... everyone should calm down first...]

[March 7: Yes, yes! Don't quarrel! It is everyone's responsibility to maintain the order of the chat group! 】

[Heita: Okay, okay, I'm too lazy to argue. 】

[Mebius: I have no personal interest in talking nonsense. 】

[March 7: Wow, I always feel that Ms. Black Tower and Ms. Mebius are surprisingly similar in personality! 】


In the picture, Dagu quickly caught up with Lina and called out to her.

Lina heard Dagu's voice and turned to look at him: "Dagu... I'm sorry..."

She lowered her head, looking as if she was a little remorseful: "Am I asking... for team member Yerui... too reluctantly?"

"...Want to talk?"

Dagu heard the confusion in Lina's words, and had a heart-to-heart talk with her.

The two of them walked to a corner, and Lina finally opened her mouth to express the confusion that had been in her heart——

"Why do monsters appear?"

"Finding out the reasons and reasons for its appearance is...the real solution to dealing with monsters, isn't it?"

"You're right."

Dagu nodded, agreed with Lina's point of view, and also expressed his own opinion: "Besides, if you strengthen the equipment, there is no end."


Lina seemed to have thought of something and suddenly asked Dagu: "Why does Diga want to help us humans?"

"...Eh?" Dagu didn't expect Lina to say that suddenly, and couldn't help being stunned.

But Lina just continued blankly: "Help... we are so naive..."

Dagu was silent, not knowing how to answer.

Lina also shook her head and no longer thought about this problem. She seemed to have regained her energy and said to Dagu with a smile: "Let's go back."

[Qianzhi: Yes, the reason why Tiga has been fighting for humans is because humans are the one being violated. 】

[Qianori: But this time...this time the people on earth are not on the side of justice. 】

[Kuki Shinobu: Rather, this situation... is difficult to define using simple justice and evil. Both sides have their own positions, and no one can say who is just. 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: Is it justice...]

[Charlotte: Speaking of justice, don’t we have a God of Justice in Fontaine? How does Lord Water God view this matter? 】

[Funina: Huh? Me, me? 】

[Xiao Gong: Wait, look! It seems that the Victory Team is about to launch a general attack on the Lightning Man! 】

After everyone heard this, they ignored chatting and continued to watch intently.

In the picture, Captain Hui Jian is arranging the preparations for this lightning battle. This time, not only the regular members of the victory team, but also the rear personnel Ye Rui, who is usually on standby at the base, are also under the arrangement of Captain Hui Jian. Headed to the front line!

Soon, the members of the Victory Team set off to the cockpit, preparing to set off on the Victory Feiyan and Atdis!

But in the process of going to the cab, Lina's expression seemed to be thinking about something, and her steps became slower and slower.

Dagu saw this and walked over. Just when he was about to remind her, he heard Lina suddenly speak——

"I think what Horii said makes sense at first glance."

"But, when I think about it carefully... I feel something is wrong..."

Lina looked distressed: "But I just can't figure out what's wrong."

Dagu said the answer in Lina's mind: "Are you talking about the fact that humans are powerless against electromagnetic waves?"

"Yes." Lina nodded aggrievedly.

"Actually, after listening to Horii's words, I also seriously considered it."

Dagu was not in a hurry to rush Lina, but started a serious discussion with her: "Lina, do you want to say...can't we coexist with each other?"



Dagu expressed his opinion: "The earth does not belong only to humans, does it?"

"Yes! That's what it means!"

Lina suddenly understood and smiled: "All living things on the earth should respect each other and coexist peacefully!"

Dagu also laughed: "In fact, the ultimate goal of our work is not just to protect humans, but to protect the earth... Of course it is very difficult to do it."

"——Because we can neither communicate with monsters nor predict when aliens will appear."

"...Maybe Diga just wants to do this!"

Lina suddenly spoke, making Da Gu stunned: "It must be true!"

She smiled to herself: "Ah~ I suddenly felt relieved! Oh, by the way! Dagu, we have to leave quickly!"

Lina, who had solved a problem on her mind, then remembered that she still had a mission, and immediately looked at Dagu with a serious expression, while Dagu recovered from his daze and nodded quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the two walked in different directions.

But before parting, Lina suddenly called out to Dagu: "Dagu!"

"Ah?" Dagu turned around and saw Lina's face.

"Thank you."

Lina smiled shyly, then turned and left.

[Kamizato Ayaka: Coexistence? Although it is easy to say it, but to actually achieve it... I am afraid it is more difficult than finding new alternative energy sources. 】

[Navia: But this is indeed the best way, isn’t it? And as long as everyone works together, I believe we can do it! 】

[Xiavorei: Indeed, after all, coexistence in Fontaine did happen. 】

[Clorinde: Do you mean the Meluxin and the Fontainebleau? 】

[Charlotte: That’s also thanks to the supreme judge, Mr. Villette and the water goddess Funina! 】

[Funina: Uh, it’s nothing...]

[Navilet: I am just fulfilling my duties. 】

[Leosli: But no matter what, the two of you are really responsible for the peaceful coexistence of Meluxin and Fontaine. 】

[Alicia: I wonder if the Lightning and Earthlings...can do it? 】



PS: This is a 4K chapter, please give me flowers and review votes, it shouldn’t be too much ORZ

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