Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

035: Dagu’S Awakening! Tiga Chooses To Fight For Humanity!

On the screen, the offensive and defensive battle between the monster Joe Bailey and humans continues!

It's just that on the battlefield, Qiao Beilai almost occupies an overwhelming advantage, and human armed forces are simply vulnerable to the monsters.

No matter how fierce the artillery fire was, it could not stop Qiao Beilii from walking towards the gathering place of humans!

Instead, it was Qiao Beili's energy attack that knocked the human side out of his armor, leaving him completely powerless to resist!

[Padofilis: If this continues, the wounded who are unable to move will not have time to retreat! 】

[Navia: What should I do? Tiga! Dagu quickly transform into Diga! 】

[Xiao Gong: But aren’t lightning people also creatures on the earth? If Diga is to protect the earth...then can Diga, a lightning man who is also a creature on earth, really kill? 】

[Mockingbird: Moreover, judging from Dagu’s previous reaction, he seems to still be confused inside. 】

[Sunday: But now, it is no longer time for him to feel at ease and confused. 】

[Liu Ying: Yes, look - Qiao Beili is getting closer and closer to the human army's garrison! 】

In the picture, Qiao Beilai is getting closer and closer to the human army's base camp. However, almost most of the wounded inside have not had time to evacuate!

If he continues at this speed, he may be trampled to death by Qiao Beili before the evacuation is completed!

Beside the wounded soldier's tent, Ye Rui held the light gun tightly and stared at the huge monster getting closer and closer to him.

That was the first time he saw a monster up close, and the shock it gave him was far more breathtaking than what he saw through the screen!

His body was trembling, his teeth were chattering, and even the hands holding the gun turned white!

But even so, he didn't take a step back!

Because he knows that he can't retreat!

In a daze, Mayumi's voice sounded in Yerui's mind - ["If you die, you will never see the person you like again."]

"Am I going to die...?"

Ye Rui asked himself: "Will I die?"

"——How could I not be afraid of death!!!"

He roared loudly, and then rushed towards the monster Joe Bailey without hesitation!


Upon seeing this, Zongfang immediately chased after him!

Da Gu, who was covering on the other side, saw Ye Rui rushing forward and shouted his name loudly: "Ye Rui!!!"

But Ye Rui could no longer hear any sound. He clenched the light gun in his hand and continued to rush forward. The courage in his body seemed to surpass the fear of death!

Seeing Ye Rui's desperate appearance, Dagu also took out the divine light rod from his arms, staring at the divine light rod in his hand, as if he was questioning himself, and also seemed to be questioning Diga——

"Ultraman Tiga, why are you fighting? Why are you fighting?"

The next second, Da Gu raised the divine light stick high——


The dazzling light illuminated the earth, and Dagu transformed into Tiga and joined the battlefield!

[Funina: Finally, Diga showed up...]

[Kuki Ninja: Yes, I just don’t know...if Tiga can really do it. 】

[Nacita: Until the second before the transformation, Dagu was still confused. 】

[Keqing: After all, this time, Diga is not fighting for justice...]

[Hook: Ultraman Tiga...Hook, Hook believes in Ultraman Tiga's choice! 】

[Keli: Keli also supports Ultraman Tiga! 】

On the battlefield, Diga stood in front of Qiao Beilii and pushed it back with all his strength!

Immediately afterwards, Diga waved his fist and hit Qiao Beiliai hard!

On the other side, Ye Rui was getting closer and closer to the battlefield. He hid behind a ruins and looked at the battlefield: "Why is it so tenacious!"

Vice-captain Zongfang rolled over and came to Ye Rui: "Yerui, can you still run?"

"No problem!" Ye Rui replied loudly!


Zongfang just nodded vigorously and then took the lead, rolling forward and crossing the obstacle handsomely.

Ye Rui followed closely behind.

On Diga's side, he still had a fierce battle with the monster Qiao Bailey, but Diga, who had experienced many battles, was no longer what he used to be. He was far superior to Qiao Bailey in both combat experience and combat skills. Aye.

Qiao Bellier was almost suppressed firmly.

However, Qiao Beilii suddenly pushed Diga away, and then fired a light shot into the empty sky. With a bang, the light suddenly exploded in the sky.

Even Zongfang and Yerui, who were getting closer and closer, were almost affected.

Upon seeing this, Diga immediately rushed forward, jumped up - and then used a fierce Ultra hand knife to cut off the tentacles of the monster Qiao Beilii!


As the fire exploded, all the tentacles on Qiao Beilai's head broke!


Qiao Beilai, whose tentacles were broken, let out a deafening roar and launched a frantic attack on Diga. The strength enhanced by the pain caught Diga off guard.

But Diga quickly adjusted his balance, bullied him again, and kicked the monster back several steps with a roundhouse kick.

Then he blocked its attack and hit Qiao Beili with several heavy Ultra punches.

Qiao Beilai, who was in pain, raised his pair of pliers and clamped Tiga hard, refusing to let go!

Diga struggled, but scenes from the past suddenly appeared in his mind - those former companions, former comrades-in-arms, and their efforts and sacrifices for mankind.

Norui, Munakata, Shinjo, Lina, Horii, Megumi, Mayumi...

In a daze, Diga...or Dagu seemed to understand something.

["Is this the answer?"

"Fighting to protect these people?"

"Because they are my companions - they are the people I love!"]

At that moment, Diga's whole body lit up with a blazing red light, accompanied by a strong high temperature!

At this extremely high temperature, even Qiao Beiliai, who was tightly clamping Diga, was emitting white steam!

There was even a lot of foam coming out of its mouth!

But even so, Qiao Beilii still hugged Diga tightly and was unwilling to let go!

Diga looked at Qiao Beiliai, as if he understood something.

He suddenly clenched his fists, and in an instant, Joe Belial's body emitted a violent explosion and roar.

The entire huge body instantly exploded into pieces!

The moment Qiao Beili was eliminated, the timer on Diga's chest began to flash, and he fell to his knees exhausted.

But soon, he stood up again, like a giant standing on the earth, looking up at the sky, as if in deep thought.

[Funina: Tiga, he won after all...]

[Funina: But, what’s going on with this mood? Why do I feel...so heavy...]

[Nasida: Just now, it was clear that the monster only needed to let go of Tiga to survive... But why would it rather die than let go? 】

[Mockingbird: I think that's because both Tiga and Qiao Beili... have reasons why they can't back down...]

[Alicia: Tiga has been standing there thinking about something? 】

[Xinadiya: I must be thinking about something heavy...]

Just after Diga eliminated Qiao Beilii on the battlefield, on the other side of the battlefield, the victory team was also preparing to launch its strongest attack on the cloud controlled by the lightning man!

However, that blow, which could be called the most powerful blow of human technology, was deflected by the lightning man's cloud!

"What!" Xincheng was shocked.

"Fool! Not ready for the second missile yet!" Horii reminded.

[This is the Atdis, the second launch will take another 5 minutes. 】

Hearing the news, Xincheng couldn't wait any longer: "Horii, in that case let's go on our own!"

"Wait a minute!" Lina suddenly spoke and stopped Xincheng.

"It's over!" Xincheng yelled impatiently.

"The clouds look strange..."

Lina explained.

Xincheng didn't take it seriously and subconsciously retorted: "It's inherently weird!"

But when he focused his attention on the clouds, he suddenly closed his mouth, showing a look of surprise.

Because the clouds are slowly rising into the sky and gradually moving away from the earth.

[Atdis called the Victory Feiyan, and the headquarters sent an emergency notice——]

The next second, Captain Hui's communication came in: "Stop the attack temporarily."

"The clouds observed around the world are gradually rising."

"It seems that they have all left the earth's atmosphere."

"Is this true?" After hearing Hui Jiama's words, Horii couldn't believe it.

"Don't we have to chase?"

Xincheng asked: "Will it come back again?"

"No, they won't come back!"

Lina said firmly: "Never again..."

"Because the Lightning people have completely lost confidence in the earth... no, in us humans, so they decided to leave."

Lina raised her head and watched the clouds drift away and disappear from sight.

"...Maybe that's it." Captain Hui Jian murmured in a low voice.

[Navilet: Did the Lightning Man finally choose to leave voluntarily...]

[Funina: Sure enough, it’s still too difficult to coexist peacefully...]

[Mockingbird: I think it must be because the Lightning Man doesn’t want to... continue this endless war...]

[Sunday: War...it’s really...]

[Leoslie: If you think about it, it's a miracle that the Fontaine people can coexist with Meluxin. 】

[Clorind: Indeed. 】

[Charlotte: This is all thanks to Lady Villette and Lady Fonina! 】

[Zhongli: But the most important thing is the change in the attitude of the Fontaine people towards Meluxin. 】

[Navia: After seeing the conflict between the lightning people and the people on earth, I can better understand the hard-won peace between the Fontaine people and Meluxin. 】

The scene turned and it was already dawn.

On the battlefield after the battle, people were cleaning up after the disaster. Mayumi was holding a heavy box and walking hard.

However, his foot accidentally tilted and he fell to the ground, along with everything in the box.

She looked at the mess on the ground, sighed, and then started to clean it up alone.

At this moment, a figure suddenly stepped forward and helped her collect the dropped items without saying a word.

Mayumi raised her head and found that it was Norui who had had a dispute with her before.

Yerui put the items in his hands back into the cardboard box, then looked up at Mayumi - and stretched out his hand towards her.

Mayumi looked at him, then smiled slightly: "Thank you."

Ye Rui also smiled back, and the two of them held their hands together.

[Xiang Ling: The two of them have also reconciled! 】

[Wudao: Yes, even though the two had disputes before, their original intention was to usher in peace. 】

[Zhongli: Peace is really hard-won. 】

[Keqing: No one doesn’t want peace, but we must also be prepared for a rainy day. 】

[Ningguang: Haha, it really sounds like what Miss Keqing would say. 】

[Jing Yuan: Miss Keqing is right. It is precisely because peace is hard-won that we should cherish and work hard to maintain our current peaceful life. 】

[Fu Xuan: That’s right, so General—when do you plan to abdicate in favor of someone worthy of your position? 】

[Jing Yuan: Haha, Fu Qing, don’t be anxious. 】

[Fu Xuan: Humph, it’s this rhetoric again, I’ve heard it no less than 800 times! 】



PS: The feeling of watching this episode when I was a child is completely different from the feeling of watching this episode when I grow up. When I was a child, I only watched Tiga fighting monsters...I didn't notice the connotation of this episode at all.

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