Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

058: To The Brilliant One Dagu, You Must Become The Light Again!

Just when Dagu was trying to break free from the diamond-shaped crystal that trapped him, he suddenly heard mocking laughter coming from around him!

He couldn't help being startled, and subconsciously looked up - he suddenly found that the person appearing in front of him was the Kirialodian who he had defeated twice in a row!

The Kirialode figure appeared in front of him, mocking Dagu mercilessly——

"If it weren't for you, we Kyriarodians would have rescued the stupid humans long before the dark monster was resurrected!"

With stern eyes, Dagu asked them: "You mean...it will be fine if I just obey you!"

"It's too late!"

Another Kiriarod man sneered: "God Kiriarod, has given up on this earth."

"I told you before, don't try to be the patron saint of this planet!"

"————You don't deserve it at all!"



[Silver Wolf: These guys are too low-level. 】

[Silver Wolf: To put it nicely, you can say that you have given up on this earth. 】

[Silver Wolf: Wasn't he actually beaten away? With this level of strength, I'm afraid even if he really continues to stay on Earth, he will only be destroyed by this dark monster. ]

[Hanabi: High EQ: Give up this earth. Low EQ: Can’t do anything for others. 】

[Decia: That’s right! These guys claim to be gods, but they have never made any contribution to mankind! Yet they are trying to brainwash and control them!]

[Dishiya: After being defeated by Diga, they ran away in despair. Now that Diga has lost, they dare to come back shamelessly to ridicule! 】

[Theresa: I have never seen such a shameless person!]

[Falushan: No matter what, Dijia fought hard and was honored even though he was defeated. 】

[Falushan: But these Kirialodians, what qualifications do they have to laugh at Diga? They are so ungrateful!]

On the other side, Captain Hayate, who returned to the earth from the moon, also successfully found the Atdis and brought Masaki Kei with the help of Kirino's psychic communication.


The moment they saw Masaki Keigo, everyone in the victory team was surprised. Dr. Yatsuo even walked directly in front of Masaki Keigo and asked him——

"Let me ask you, that machine you made in Kumamoto Cave..."

Masaki Keigo slowly turned his head and looked at Dr. Yao: "Optogenetic factor converter?"

Dr. Yatsuo nodded: "I want to know how it works."

He looked at the scene on the screen where the frozen Tiga became a stone statue, with a determined expression: "We must resurrect the statue of Tiga... again!"

Not only him, but also other members of the victory team, all looking at Masaki Keigo invariably.

After all, if anyone can save Tiga now - the only one left is Keigo Masaki, who successfully transformed into 557 as a human and became the second Ultraman.

Blinded by ambition...the genius among geniuses!

Masaki Keigo remained silent and did not agree directly.

He just silently watched the scene of Tiga turning into a stone statue, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Dr. Yao continued to speak out his preparations: "We have an energy supply device!"

Hearing this, Masaki Keigo moved his eyes from the screen to Dr. Yao's face, and there seemed to be a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Dr. Tango on the side was shocked: "Energy supply device? Do we have it?"

"Of course!"

Dr. Yatsuo said proudly, then lowered his head: "Right under our feet.

[Vilvi: Dr. Eight-tails should be talking about the Mags power system. From the perspective of ordinary people, this is indeed an epoch-making invention. 】

[Aponya: With Vivi’s approval, it seems that the Mags power system is indeed quite outstanding. 】

[Eden: Yes, it is really amazing to be recognized by Velvet. 】

[Screw Gum: Perhaps, the reason why humans can survive the invasion of aliens and monsters is not only because of Tiga, but also because of the unremitting efforts of this group of people. 】

[Heita: I like to hear this. Tiga is indeed very powerful, but humans are not bad either! Look, aren't they planning to save Tiga now? 】

[Nacida: I hope they can succeed. 】

[Otto: Human beings are very powerful when united. 】

On the other side, Mayumi was bidding farewell to Mr. Kirino. On the way, after learning about Mr. Kirino’s superpower, Mayumi’s expression looked very longing -

"Ah, you have such amazing power!"

Hearing this, Kirino smiled lightly.

He raised his head and pushed up his glasses: "Actually, I think my power is amazing, and it's just recently."

He stopped and nodded solemnly to Mayumi: "Goodbye."

Mayumi watched Kirino's back fading away, and couldn't help but ask the doubts in her heart: "Where are you going? - Can you tell me?"

Kirino slowly stopped, turned his head to look at Mayumi, and showed a firm smile: "I still have things to do...

"Only I can do that."

As if seeing Kirino's inner determination, Mayumi said nothing more and turned around silently.

Then, she seemed to notice something and raised her head slightly.

Looking up at the sky shrouded in black mist.

Immediately afterwards, the scene turned to the deep sea.

Horii and Shinjo, who were trapped in the submarine, were already slumped in their seats, almost losing the energy to speak.

Xincheng looked at the ceiling of the submarine with dull eyes, and his voice was weak——

"Is this darkness really going to destroy all mankind?"

Horii looked at Xincheng, his eyes seemed to be thinking.

He was silent for a moment, and then slowly spoke——

"Speaking of darkness, in fact, everyone has a dark side in their heart."

"But...the important thing is that there is nothing but darkness in our...hearts..."

"There's a bright side."

Even though he was gasping for air due to lack of oxygen, "Shui" still firmly said what he wanted to say.

Xincheng glanced at him in surprise and complained: "What a famous quote. Where did you copy it from?"

Horii glanced at him and asked, "Do you still need to copy?"

[Yinlang: These two people really didn’t forget to quarrel until the last moment. 】

[Kafka: They really look like a pair of enemies~]

[March 7: Although it does look very funny, when I think about the two of them being trapped in the deep sea... I can't help but laugh. 】

[Xianyun: After all, let alone rescue them now, even the Victory Team themselves have too much time to take care of themselves. 】

[Ye Lan: The most important point is that--their submarine is too close to Gatanjie. If they rush to rescue him... I'm afraid they will only be swallowed up by the black mist together. 】

[Xiawo Lei: To put it simply, their lives are like candles in the wind. 】

In the picture, the two people at this moment are sweating profusely due to lack of oxygen and stuffy heat. It can almost be said that they are sweating profusely.

Being locked up here for a long time is not only a problem of insufficient oxygen.

The mental torture is even more painful.

Both of them knew that, let alone the winning team, even the humans around the world were too busy to take care of themselves. They were shrouded in the black mist of Gatanje, and it was impossible to rescue them.

This may be their last time in this life.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the minds of the two of them——

"do not give up!"

"It's not time to despair yet."

Hearing this voice, Shinjo and Horii, who were already desperate, suddenly opened their eyes wide.

"Angel?" Xincheng thought he was hearing hallucinations.


Horii made fun of him, and then asked: "Who are you?"

"You should regard me as... someone who has received light in his heart from Dagu."

【Sugar: That’s Mr. Kirino’s voice!】

[Ray Movie: So that’s it, is this what he said, ‘Only he can do it?]

[Ye Shenzi: Using telephony, you can directly ignore the monster's black mist. In this way, you can reconnect the scattered victory team to help Tiga. 】

[Kamizato Ayato: Kirino-san, this is indeed something only he can achieve. 】

[Sinadia: But even Mr. Kirino can’t rescue them now, right? 】

[Mona: Maybe, he has other methods? 】

Through spiritual dialogue, Kirino told Shinjo and Horii that a device would be sent to them soon.

That device is a device that can transmit light to Tiga who turned into a stone statue.

And just when Kirino informed Horii and Shinjo through telepathy, the Atdis on the other side was also preparing to throw the optogenetic factor converter into the sea.

And this device is the work of genius of Masaki Keigo!

"Your talent is truly amazing."

Dr. Yatsuo sighed sincerely.

Even though he is quite confident in his Magus power system, compared to the genius work that can convert the human body into light, Dr. Yatsuo feels inferior. (Caee)

But Masaki Keigo didn't seem to hear Dr. Yatsuo's praise at all. He just walked to the screen step by step and stared at the optogenetic factor converter [suddenly asked

"Can you let me go with you?"

After hearing this, everyone looked at him warily.

Masaki Keigo didn't take it seriously, but continued to say: "I have only conducted the operation experiment of the optogenetic factor converter once...

He turned around and looked at Captain Hui Jian: "I want to make adjustments myself this time."

Captain Hui Jian answered immediately: "But this device has no space to carry other people.

[Kiana: Wait a minute, is it possible that Masaki Keigo is still planning something up to now? 】

[Natasha: Considering his past behavior, this possibility is not ruled out. 】

[Kujo Sora: After all, he himself is a very ambitious person. 】

[Funina: Is it possible that at this time, he is still thinking about his ambition?!]

[Qianzhi: If this is really the case, then he is too ignorant. 】

"Sorry, please listen to me!"

Just when the atmosphere became tense for a moment, Dr. Tango suddenly spoke and said cautiously: "I know... there is no room for me to speak here..."

He cautiously but courageously interceded for Masaki Jingwu: "Mr. Masaki's past...he was indeed wrong..."

"But now he is also worried about the future of mankind!"

"So I think………………

He glanced at the crowd and his voice became smaller and smaller.

Obviously under everyone's eyes, he did not dare to continue talking.

The courage he had just summoned disappeared in an instant.

But at this moment, Lina suddenly stood up——"Okay.

Masaki Keigo turned his head and looked at Lina.

Lina, on the other hand, looked at her with trusting eyes.

Looking at him: "Come with us.

Then, she looked at the people around her: "We can only do our best now, can't we?"

Captain Hui Jian saw this and no longer hesitated.

She asked the director for instructions: "Director, let's go!"

Director Sawai nodded vigorously: "Please!"

Hui Jian looked around at the remaining members and gave the order: "Victory team, let's go!"


[Coral Palace Heart Sea: It can be seen that Dr. Tango really defends Mr. Masaki Keigo. 】

[Black Tower: That’s because he is also a scientist, so he is very aware of Masaki Keigo’s talents, which are definitely beyond the reach of someone like him. No...it can even be said that I don't even look up.

Can't do it. 】

[Mebius: Yes. Rather than saying that Tango defends Masaki Keigo, it is better to say that he hopes that his talents can be fully utilized. 】

[Ruan Mei: After all, it can be said that it is the end of the world now. If this fails...then no matter how talented and talented the genius is, he will not be able to escape being destroyed.

The fate of destruction. 】

[Vilvi: Is it the end of the world... Indeed, it can be called the end. 】

[Navilet: No matter what mistakes Masaki Keigo made in the past, he is indeed working hard for the future of mankind now. 】

While everyone in the chat group was communicating, the victory team also flew its fighter plane to the main battlefield.

As soon as they approached Gatanjie, everyone was surprised.

Although I have seen it through the screen before, but now I see it up close and with my own eyes, I realize how huge the pressure of this monster is!

Thinking of Dagu fighting such a powerful enemy, Lina felt distressed and became even more determined to resurrect Diga!

Not only for all mankind, but also for the ancient times!

In order to attract Gatanje'e's attention and allow the optogenetic factor converter to smoothly enter the depths of the sea, Lina and others from the victory team began to attack Gatanje'e.


The light cannon bombarded Gatanjie's body. Although it could not cause any substantial damage, it really attracted Gatanjie's attention.

It sends Zoga to destroy the Victory Team.

At the same time, Masaki Keigo rode the optogenetic factor conversion device and successfully entered the depths of the sea!

When Horii, who had been waiting for a long time, saw this scene, he immediately reminded Shinjo, who had closed his eyes to relax——

"Here it comes! Something is really coming!"

"It turns out this is not a dream!" Xincheng was also shocked.

At this moment, Kirino's voice came from the minds of the two people again: "There is a man named Masaki in that machine. He can operate it manually [your dolphin adjustment]

The angle is such that the light from the energy box is directed towards Tiga. "

At the other end of the distance, Kirino stared at the endless sea and spoke softly -

"Dago, you are the only one who can't hear my voice."

He pursed his lips and cheered up again: "But I believe you must still be alive!"

"——You must become light again!"

[Alicia: Yes! Dagu, everyone in the family is trying their best to save you... You must become the light again! 】

[Funina: Everyone is looking forward to...the moment when Ultraman Tiga is resurrected! 】

[Liu Ying: It’s not the time to despair yet, it’s not the last moment yet! Never give up! 】

[Hook: Ultraman Tiga! Brother Dagu! Hold on! 】

In the deep sea, Horii and Xincheng successfully connected to the optogenetic factor conversion device, and drove the Dolphin to the stone statue of Tiga.

Aim the illumination port of the device at the timer on Di Bian's chest.

Inside the device, Masaki Keigo, wearing an oxygen mask, stared at the waveform on the screen, his eyes becoming extremely excited!

He took off his mask, stared at the overlapping waveforms on the screen, and murmured to himself

"This is it! This is the waveform!"

He began to operate the optogenetic factor replacement device, his eyes full of trust in Diga: "You must wake up! Diga!!"

At that moment, a grand light shines from the mouth!

And that ray of light was precisely aimed at Diga's timer!

The intense light even dispelled the darkness in the deep sea, and even Lina, who was flying a fighter plane on the sea, could clearly see it!

She stared at the bright light and murmured in a low voice——

"Dago, wake up quickly!"

"By the light we give you!"

As if feeling the grand light, Da Gu, who was sealed in the rhombus crystal and passed out, slowly opened his eyes again!

And what caught his eye————was the grand light that was enough to illuminate the darkness!.

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