Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

006: Transform Again! Both Light And Human!

Just as You Lian and Dagu were communicating, Ye Rui, who had left, returned with curry, and it happened that You Lian's image disappeared at this moment.

Ye Rui, who had just come in, saw the divine light stick on the ground and picked it up in surprise: "What is this?"

He looked at Dagu: "Is it yours, Dagu?"

"Give it back to me, this is mine!"

Dagu took it from Ye Rui and stared at the divine light stick for a long time, with many thoughts.

[Kiana: Haha, even though I said ‘who wants this’, my body still picked it up quite honestly! 】

[Wutao: After all, the Divine Light Stick can help him transform into Diga! If another monster appears, he can continue to transform into Tiga to fight! 】

[Alicia: However, the reason why Da Gu is so resistant to being called Tiga may be because he does not want to bear this responsibility...]

[Xinadiya: Yes, once you become Diga... you will have to shoulder the responsibility of protecting mankind and saving the world...]

[March 7: Protect the world and save mankind... Well, it sounds heavy just by the sound! 】

At this moment, the director’s face appeared on the big screen at the Victory Team Headquarters——

"Victory team listens to the order and sets off immediately!"

After hearing the order, Dagu immediately rushed to the attack location of the Victory Feiyan, but was told that the aircraft body had not been assembled yet!

Since only the Shengli Feiyan No. 1 has been assembled so far, Lina and Zongfang are responsible for driving it and go to the place where the monster appears first.

"Shengli Feiyan No. 1, ready to go!"

Lina's stern voice sounded, and then she tilted her head slightly and said to Zongfang, the co-pilot: "It seems pretty powerful."

Although the load of the Victory Feiyan made Lina and Munakata feel a little uncomfortable as the pilots, the armed laser loaded on it also successfully caused damage to the monster!

"Laser, fire!"


The small light blue laser shot out a violent burst of fire on the monster's hard shell, accompanied by the monster's wail!

[Pella: It really caused harm to the monster! 】

[Jing Yuan: I didn’t expect that human technology in this world is so amazing! 】

[Vilwei: But it only caused slight damage. If you want to really destroy it... this level of laser power is simply not enough, right? 】

[March 7: Ah! Be careful! 】

Following March 7th's words, Lina and Zongfang, who were driving the Victory Flying Swallow, were hit by a monster attack. Although the plane was not destroyed and no one was killed, the impact of the emergency landing also made Lina faint on the spot!

Zongfang, with blood flowing on his forehead, made a quick decision and helped Lina escape from the Victory Feiyan.

However, the monster's pursuit of them did not stop, and the petrifying light spitting out of its mouth petrified the large trucks near them!

It is conceivable that if this petrifying light hits them, they will probably be turned into stone!

However, after all, they were injured and could not escape the monster's pursuit. After an accidental fall, the monster's shadow still shrouded them!

[Padophilis: What, what should I do! If this continues, both of them will be killed by monsters! 】

[Herrscher of Knowledge: Where are my teammates? Where are my teammates! Help! 】

It seems that he heard the words of the Herrscher of Knowledge. Just when the monster was about to kill the two of them, another Victory Swallow appeared in time and launched an attack on the monster!

After Zongfang saw it, he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's Unit 2!"

"The super powerful mode of Shengli Feiyan No. 2 has been completed!"

"Well done!"

In the Victory Feiyan No. 2, Horii cheered: "Dagu, let it taste the power of super powerful light!"

"no problem!"

Dagu pressed the launch button: "Super powerful light, launch!"

The strong light instantly bombarded the monster, causing thick white smoke to rise!

The monster also let out a shrill scream, and its huge body fell to the ground. The next second, the whole body was blown to pieces!

[Theresa: Oh my god, humans really did destroy such a huge monster just by relying on humans! 】

[Vilvi: I take my words back, the humans in this world are more powerful than I imagined! 】

[Silver Wolf: What a cooooool fighter! 】

[Esta: Although it is not as good as the Star Destroyer, but considering the technology of this world, it is indeed quite remarkable to be able to achieve this level. 】

[Funina: Can even ordinary people create miracles...]

[Alicia: However, in this case, there will be no chance for Tiga to appear, right? 】

[Sinadia: Yes, although it is a pity, but from a human perspective, it is not bad! 】

Not only everyone in the chat group, but also the victory team was very satisfied with the result of this victory.

However, just as they were immersed in the joy of victory, they suddenly found that the whole earth was shaking!

"Earthquake?" Lina looked at everyone.

"Could it be a landslide?" Horii guessed.

Only Da Gu seemed to be aware of it and suddenly looked at the collapsed ground in the distance!

I saw another monster even bigger than the previous one emerging from the depths of the ground! Let out a sharp and piercing roar!

This sudden monster caught everyone by surprise!

"There's more than one Kakuma!"

The director looked at the monster with a serious face: "That's the one with those two tentacles!"

[Alicia: I didn’t expect that there were two more monsters! 】

[Navilet: The key to the problem now is that the Victory Feiyan is staying under the feet of the monster Gakuma and cannot get close at all. 】

[Dexia: What can we do? It seems that there are only two fighter jets that can be flown at present, right? 】

[Xinadiya: Is it possible that in the end we can only rely on Tiga? 】

[Wutao: Look, Kakuma is starting to attack humans! 】

In the picture, Gakuma took huge steps and began to approach the gathering place of humans!

The crowd began to run away, but Da Gu ran in the opposite direction to the crowd and hid in a place where no one could see him.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the divine light stick from his arms and stared at it closely.

At the same time, the monster also raised its huge foot and stepped hard on Dagu's position!

[Kiana: Oh no! 】

[Mei: Be careful! 】

For a moment, a strong and grand light shined!

It turned into thousands of rays of light and condensed into the body of a familiar giant - none other than Ultraman Tiga!

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