Little Kakavasa observed this and could not help but whisper:

"Haha, you still seem a little nervous."

Then, little Kakavasa slowly walked towards the gold dust and suggested,"Well... maybe we can try the"palm-to-palm" ritual."

"If you get the blessing of the Mother Goddess, maybe you can relax a little"

"The so-called"palm-to-palm" is a short ritual in our tribe. We put our hands together and offer a prayer to the great mother Fingol, asking for her protection and blessing."

Kakawasha" smiled warmly and said comfortingly,"If you are not familiar with this ritual, I am happy to guide you." In response

, the gold dust smiled indifferently and said,"It's okay, I understand."

"Of course, I will....."

【Genshin Impact-Nielu:"Yes, of course he will"】

【Genshin Impact-Nielu:"If he doesn't know how to do it, then no one else in this world knows how to do it."】

【Original God - Dishia;"As an orphan of the clan....I don't know what to say when I see this scene"】

【Star Dome Railway - March 7:"I am crying. This scene is so painful."】

The scene quickly changes, and we return to the memory.

In that scene, the sky is still pouring down rain.

In this heavy rain, young Kakavasa and his sister are facing the moment of separation.

"We must say goodbye here, Kakavasa. The Katikas are coming soon."A gentle but firm voice sounded.

The young Kakavasa showed a confused expression.


"The Kartikas have taken away all our money and food, and even brutally killed our parents. What else do they want?"

Kakavasya's sister said in a deep voice:"The Kartikas are cruel and greedy."

"They want everything, but in the end they get nothing."

"This is a carefully planned conspiracy, a long-planned revenge"

"Do you remember? Today is Kakawa Day and it is also your birthday."

"The Kartikas knew that the Evijins would hold a grand festival on this day."

"They will use this heavy rain as a cover to destroy our caravan and plunder everything they want."

At this point, Kakavasa's sister's tone suddenly became cold:"However, the Katika people don't know that this time we will rise up in resistance."

"The black men who descended from the sky will stand on our side. The Kartikas will be powerless in front of them. They will pay the price for their arrogance."

"Without the heavy rain, the Kartikas might not have taken action, and we would have lost the opportunity to deal with them."

【Genshin Impact - Keqing:"It's raining. This heavy rain in my memory should be very unforgettable for Mr. Shajin."】

【Star Dome Railway-Gold Placer:"......"】

After speaking fiercely, Kakavasa's sister ended her harsh words, and then she looked at her younger brother with a gentle gaze.

"All of this is a generous gift from the Mother Goddess, and you, as a [Kakavasa] (the son blessed by the Mother Goddess), your good luck will surely bless me to move forward successfully."

She gently stroked the top of Kakavasa's head, trying to soothe his confusion and anxiety.

However, Kakavasa still had many questions:"But...But people will die! You will also be in danger....How can this be called good luck? Why do you do this?...?"

Young Kakavasa could not understand why his good fortune was always accompanied by the shadow of death.

To this, his sister responded calmly:"The Evijin people have a desire for revenge and will take revenge if they have a grudge."

Then, she reached out and gently stroked Kakavasa's forehead, saying in a gentle but firm tone:"The Mother Goddess is calling me, and my parents are looking forward to my return. I must respond to this call.""

"But she gave you good luck in the hope that you can continue to live."

"As long as you are alive, the bloodline of the Evikin will not be cut off."

"So, Kakavasa, you must run bravely, don't be afraid, don't retreat"

"Go to the other side of the mountain and let the rain accompany you. It will bless you to move forward."

"And we will meet again at the next Kakava

(the beginning of the Mother Goddess' reincarnation) when the aurora is bright."

After saying this,

Kakavasa's sister reached out her hand again.

Seeing this, Kakavasa understood what she meant.

He also stretched out his hand and pressed it tightly against his sister's palm, completing this last palm-to-palm touch.

【‘May the Mother Goddess close her eyes for you three times’】

【‘Make your blood beat forever’】

【‘The journey is always peaceful’】

【‘The trick never fails’】

"Goodbye, Kakahuaxia..."

Star Dome Railway - Interstellar Peace Company

Looking at the familiar figure in the picture, Sha Jin fell silent.

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