Original Seeker

Chapter 201

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“This punch is for my Master!”

“Bang!” Although he didn’t talk much about his mouth, he still regarded the opponent as a rival. At first, he used 90% of his strength, and behind him, the true white tiger Phantom of Hua Taishan appeared. .

“Courting death!” Li Luo growled.

A siege-like fist slammed into Bai Mo’s chest, but he did not dodge, and stood quietly, waiting for his fist to arrive.

Seeing this kind of scene, even frowned the surrounding marial artist.

However, there was no strong impact sound as expected, but Li Luo punched short, and the whole person fell forward because of the huge inertia.

Then Bai Mo leaned slightly, letting the other side throw him in front of him.

Illusion Technique? Impaired eyesight? The onlookers did not respond for a while, and they also witnessed the entire process. If it was an entity, it would undoubtedly be hit, but the fact was completely missed.

“Others are also surprised, so they should see what I see. None of them present is weak, and it is basically impossible to cast Illusion Technique on all of them, and it is not necessary, basically. Exclude Illusion Technique. “

Li Luo continuously tried to test the enemy’s reality, while Bai Mo basically stood still, only avoiding gently when the opponent flew and then fell towards himself.

“Why the hell! What is his ability! Is our martial arts really better than the variability of the ability users?” 100 wondered, he became a little impatient.

Whether it’s hooking, kicking, sweeping, hitting … He tried all kinds of moves many times, but the opponent is like in another World, all the attacks are without exception, all failed.

If it wasn’t for him to open the mind he obtained when he got through the sixth acupoint, and confirmed that the other party really exists in front of himself, Li Luo would start to wonder if he had hit a fake enemy.

One of the capabilities of Bai Mo Spiritual Diagram Paradise Space Mystery, so close, yet worlds apart, can distort one centimeter of its body surface and stretch it to a variable distance of several meters, which is very easy to deal with unknown melee martial artists. , Can make the other party continuously short.

“Not playing anymore, I still have something to do.” He appeared on the left of Li Luo with a teleportation, bending his fingers lightly beside his left forehead, ready to play.

“My mercy!” Hua Taishan felt uncomfortable, but had no time to stop, and had to remind Bai Mo through Spiritual Fluctuation.

“Peng!” Of course, Bai Luo deliberately kept his hands, Li Luo’s head did not burst like a watermelon, but he fell to the ground heavily.

Seeing this, Hua Taishan just let go of his heart. When he went to his testing grounds to study the Strength Emission Skill, a whole thick brick wall was also penetrated by Bai Mo in a completely unscientific way with a finger. Big hole.

But even so, Li Luo was also hit badly, and the original conspiracy was all broken up with that moment, his eyes were somewhat absent-minded.

The next Hua Taishan just watched quietly, without any consolation intention, waiting for his disciple to digest the failure of this time alone, and become the food to go further.

“Our martial arts, can’t beat the hot weapon before, is it still better than the ability user of mutation?” After half a minute, Li Luo slowly got up from the ground and asked Bai Mo who was about to leave.

“What do you think is martial arts?” He stopped and turned to ask back.

“If it is to be distinguished from the two concepts of thermal weapons and capability user, is Wu just to use physical close-range attacks on pure power?” Bai Mo did not give him time to answer, but continued to say, “That 2 100 million ton level, can the power of the entire city be wiped out with one palm? “

“How could a martial artist have such power ?!” Li Luo immediately retorted, and the people present also said that it was impossible.

“Can you guess that light man can do that?”

Everyone was silent, and gradually remembered that more than a year ago, the existence of that able to support both heaven and earth.

“But that’s not human!” Li Luo insisted.

“What is a person? As far as the structure of the body is concerned, not to mention, the Dissection textbook 5 years ago, the body structure diagram above is at least 30% different from yours.”

“Our appearance hasn’t changed …” This time he felt a little guilty, apparently knowing that he was just talking hard.

“Then the question is, if appearance is the basis of judgment, what is the difference between the various Human Form Demons in a mythical novel like Tale of the White Snake?

“And everyone has the ability to perform subtle manipulations of muscles and skins, and it is not difficult to modify the appearance.”

“The strength of a palm shoot flat Earth is martial arts, and the strength of a punch that can break the nucleus is martial arts. The weak is not martial arts, it is …” The voice in the second half of the sentence is getting smaller and smaller, apparently Bai Mo is not knowing anything Time to leave.

“Zheyi, how’s your recent cultivation?” Asked Xiao Yan, who is also working out in Wuxi City, Huaya Federation.

At that time, when Chen Bo received the news that he was suddenly promoted to the position of national leader, he took advantage of the situation to bring the ties of the Independence Army back to the Federation and reorganize into a new team.

Brothers born and killed in the special forces, Xiao Yan, Xiao Xun, and Li Zheyi and the others, the leader of the independent army, and a group of Chinese of the independent army all returned to the Huaya Federation.

“Okay, finally breaking through to the Life Field Stage, but you are still a little far from Brother Yan.” Li Zheyi faintly smiled.

“Zheyi, don’t look back and smile, although you’re a man, I’m still afraid I can’t hold myself back.” Xiao Yan hurriedly waved his hands, and he had already glanced at Xiao Xun’s eager eyes.

More than a year later, the little boy who was just a little beautiful gradually opened up. Although he is wearing a men’s shirt and a men’s jacket, it is still difficult to hide the neutral beauty.

“If it weren’t for your kid with a throat, and his voice is like a normal man, he would have seduced you as a vixen to our little Yan.” Xiao Xun came over and stared at Li Zheyi with a “kind” look, Then he held Xiao Yan like a hen who protected the cub.

“Sister Xun, I have checked for more than half a year, how is your Xiao Family’s situation now?” Zheyi did not dig deeper into the original topic.

In United States, their siblings already knew that the entire Tianhai was destroyed. Whether they loved it or hated it, it is likely to be turned into loess.

The vengeance of the original ten-year covenant was only a few months later. The enemy was killed by a passing nuclear bomb, and the brothers and sisters lost their goals for life.

And at this time of depression, just happened to meet Li Zheyi, who was also a fallen man from the horizon and unfortunately became the leader of the independent army. The three of them soon became familiar.

“No, I went to inspect the ruins of Tianhai myself. The nuclear bomb explosion center near Xiao Family Mansion is exactly the same, whether it is the house or the former Laboratory.”

After half a year of investigation, the sister and brother confirmed that the entire Xiao Family, except some distant relatives who had not been in contact with it, had been killed, regardless of whether they hated the main family or close family members.

Later, the two silently put a bunch of flowers in the victim’s sacrifice area, and they should bid farewell to everything in the past.

“Ziyu’s filial piety is not there, and the enemy’s revenge has become gray”, leaving such a sentence on the flower.

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