Original Seeker

Chapter 209

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“I said I don’t know what you believe?” On the 2nd day after the attack, Bai Mo was invited to Ziliu Sea to participate in a symposium.

“They are mobilizing teachers and sending a team of elites to take the robbers … What is the use of you as the original owner?”

“If I knew it, I wouldn’t set it up and make a necklace all around.” He laughed, and then flicked Soul Crystal on his chest with two fingers.

The symposium suddenly went cold.

After a while, Cheng Mu, who is still experienced in interpersonal communication, provoked the topic.

“They caught a living mouth that day, and Ye Zi froze him.”

“That Space Ability User?” Bai Mo responded immediately.

“It’s not clear about his ability, but I can’t think of a way to deal with it for a while, because as soon as he wakes up, he will inevitably choose Self-destruction and there is no way to start interrogation.”

“This person gave me to take away, and within 2 weeks, I will submit a detailed report.” Bai Mo gave a deadline to everyone present.

“Since you have a solution, leave it to you.”


“Also, after this time, we have decided to speed up the laying plan of the entire Spirit Energy Network. The impact of the battle of capability users on the stability of society is too great, especially in urban areas. If there is no other party the day before yesterday That barrier, just your Spirit Energy Storm, can paralyze one-fourth Tianqing cities. “

“Accelerate? Let me do my best and give me a target timeline.”

“My people will be there later.”

Whether it is compensation work or aftercare work, these are not the things that Bai Mo needs to care about. Things have been formally identified as terror, and the dead ca n’t be justified. All the pots are detained. He was attacked by more than 20 people, and he became a person who was taken by one stroke, although most of them actually died in his hands.

The pension of the victims was paid by the state, and the related sealing work was also completed immediately, but the storm is clearly just beginning …

In the afternoon, a freighter escorted by soldiers but used to transport chilled items entered the testing grounds where Bai Mo was located, and sent him a live cryogenic Nell.

After confirming that he can still use Skynet to see the other party ’s past conversation records, he picked up a Mysore dictionary, plus some related audio learning materials, and learned Nell’s daily routine from scratch The dialogue is very important, he doesn’t want to fake it with translators.

After ten days of unremitting efforts, relying on his strong learning ability, Bai Mo basically completed the analysis of useful information in the memory of Nell this person, and then kept him refrigerated for further research on his Spiritual Pivot in the future. Space Department Spiritual Pivot is still quite rare.

“The prophet’s ability is really invincible. He finds the answer directly through metaphysics and ignores any reasoning.”

According to Bai Mo’s record of Nell’s communication with other people, they learned that the cause of this operation was the Great Prophet Ramdo of One Wheel Religion. During a divination, he obtained the so-called “revelation of the gods”, claiming that this was the test of God’s believer Those who take Soul Crystal and worship it in the temple will become saints after death!

However, in the conversation between Cachill and Nell, he found that the two were actually father and son, and Nell was the illegal child of Cachill. Cachill, who has always felt sorry for this son, told him a secret he had overheard before leaving:

Soul Crystal is actually a treasure that Great Prophet Ramdo intends to use to truly transform himself into God! The divination he performed with ability is actually a method of divination.

He was also stuck in Perfection’s Perfection, which was stuck. For this divination, Ramdo suffered a huge backlash and was very seriously injured, so he didn’t do it himself.

Otherwise, with the importance of Soul Crystal, he will certainly lead the team to snatch it, and that may be another result.

In order to make up for his years of fault with illegitimate child Nell, Cachill, guilty of guilt, decided to use his life in exchange for his son’s flying sky and obtain Soul Crystal for him, but the result failed, father and son 2 and not understanding the complete Everyone else in truth lives in a foreign country.

But this is not the end. When Ramdo Oracle comes out, there will be batches of fanatical believer coming to Bai Mo for trouble.

According to the specific description given by Cachill to his son, Bai Mo quickly inferred the actual use of Soul Crystal. Using the 100000000 million Remnant Soul in it, he stepped up and reformed his thinking step by step, and finally reached 10000 1000. To the point.

After obtaining such an idea breakthrough, Bai Mo began to write this manual, which he named “Thousand Souls Scripture”, based on his own actual situation and referring to his existing Clone structure and Ramdo’s ideas.

Considering the particularity of one’s own existence, this manual does not involve any aspect of the body at all, and is purely a cultivation of extended thinking.

But as a cost, soul-based cultivation aids have become particularly important. If other people in cultivation have no relevant resources, the corresponding speed will be extremely slow.

The time leap was 5 months. During this period, he had hardly left the basement, and the supervision work of Spirit Energy Network was just thrown to a Clone. After all, the most important design of Rank 1 was completed, and the supervision work was actually very Easy.

As the focus of the Huaya Federation ’s priority Ranked first project, detailed reports are submitted to the central government every week. No one dares to take such a big risk to cut corners. What Clone has to do is to look at the planning and actual construction. error.

After five months of cultivation, Bai Mo has now reached the level of One Hundred Thoughts he set, but the subsequent level of One Thousand Thoughts Ten Thousand Thoughts is still being explored, which is another huge project.

In the appendix of “Thousand Souls Scripture”, he gave himself a relatively vague grading standard: One Thought, Ten Thoughts, One Hundred Thoughts, One Thousand Thoughts, Ten Thousand Thoughts … Among them, One Thought has not been cultivated. ordinary person level.

The brain’s ability user developed by Spiritual Energy Transformation, depending on the specific situation, the thinking is generally between One Thought and Ten Thoughts. The original he is roughly at the level of Ten Thoughts, but after 5 months of targeted cultivation, thinking Reached the One Hundred Thoughts level.

At this time, Bai Mo, the learning speed is almost 100 times faster than ordinary people. In theory, each month can save the amount of knowledge required for a Court Academecian degree.

But this is just one aspect. The strengthening of thinking also has a huge bonus in the use of spirit technique. The previous Spirit Energy Storm is the result of the simultaneous power of multiple thinking threads. Now that Gatling’s rate of missile storm has improved qualitatively again, what he needs to worry about has become a question of the supply of Spiritual Energy within the body.

However, all of this is based on the existence of Soul Crystal. According to Bai Mo’s estimation, the lack of support for soul-based materials, cultivation should be at least as long as ten years to this point.

The most important thing is that Thousand Souls Scripture does not have any physical restrictions. It can be said that even ordinary people who have no ability can do a certain degree of cultivation to improve themselves.

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