Original Seeker

Chapter 215

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“You guys have persisted for three years, which greatly exceeded my expectations of Sakazuki, but unfortunately, you still lost.” Deep in northern Siberia wasteland, a mass of fluid-like substance was talking to itself.

“But if it didn’t make me fall short 2 years ago, how could it take you so long to refine …”

“You can’t destroy humans …” Inside it came 3 faint voices.

“It would not be possible if there was such an existence that passed by 2 years ago, but the eyes from the entire planet told me that no, this planet is no longer able to stop my creatures.”

“Eyes? You don’t even want to let these offspring off ?!” The faint voice became dumber.

“That’s your descendant, has anything to do with me? That’s all to me.”

“You haven’t figured it out yet? Simply and I are not creatures. The 3 skills you found in the ruins are just food treatments that I deliberately released.” I am sure that I have won, and it no longer hides Tell something secret.

“We humans won’t lose … Bang! Bang! Bang!” There were three slight explosions coming from its within the body. The three people who knew that they would be defeated decided to choose Self in order not to make themselves an enemy. -destruction.

“A meaningless move.” Sakazuki didn’t care about their Self-destruction at all, because it had devoured each other’s existence more than 95%.

With the complete disappearance of 3 people, wasteland began to explode with huge energy fluctuations. The fluctuations were strong, and even the circle of 100 kilometers can be clearly felt.

“One generation they finally succeeded!”

“Old Ancestor finally took that step.”


“Finally no longer hidden!”


Many Vampire Races stationed in the headquarters deep in the snowfield felt heartfelt excitement after feeling the strong fluctuations from the three-person retreat position.

For hundreds of years, they have suffered from the disadvantage of force. As long-lived species, they can only be transferred continuously to avoid the doubts of those in power. The Vampire Race, who can only hide behind the scenes of World history, cheers for their spring.

Too long life, for a long time, has made most of them completely forget that they were just ordinary humans at first.

“Are they all there?” Sakazuki quickly arrived at the headquarters of Vampire Race and asked the crowd who greeted it.

“Mr. Longley, most people are here waiting for you. Excuse me, Mr. Teller and Mr. Pass? Where have they been?” A Second Generation Vampire, who is familiar with 3 people, was puzzled to change into one of them. Purpose Sakazuki asked.

He was a little surprised that only one of the three people who had been in good relationship now appears.

“They … will not come again.” Sakazuki said quietly.

The Vampire Race inquiring keenly felt that the other party’s words were a bit wrong, but everything was too late. “Longley”, played by Sakazuki, suddenly opened a big hole in the chest, and an extremely powerful suction appeared in it, which swallowed it instantly.

“You’re not a Longley of a generation!” The rest of the Vampire Race reacted immediately, ready to attack it.

“Insignificant food, still want to resist?” The huge attraction from the black hole made the Vampire Race present almost no resistance.

Especially after years of advanced by leaps and bounds, most of the Vampire Races have completed fluidization of the whole body, and now they are becoming their lifeline.

“Originally, the cooking method for food, the deeper the training, the faster I die, of course, the more comfortable I am.” Under the absolute suppression of the level, Vampire at the headquarters of Vampire Race soon left nothing. Became part of Sakazuki.

“Elemental Summon!” After devouring the reserve grain in Siberia, it became more powerful and began to summon all the remaining Vampire Races of this planet.

“Boom …” Underground Laboratory 2-Layer, Bai Mo, who is integrating the content of “Thousand Souls Scripture”, suddenly felt a violent shock from the floor.

“Ah! Save me!”


Divine sense swept away, and he found that the Vampires in the prison below the ground, whether they were nurtured or the three of them as teachers, were all struggling, their bodies were distorted, as if something wanted to burst out .

“What’s going on?” Bai Mo appeared instantly on the ground floor.

“The body … has something … to come out …” Mary struggled to say a complete sentence.

“Everyone, let go of Life Field’s defense.” Although he didn’t know what happened, he decided to force it down first.

“Bang! Bang!” He barely fell, and two of them self-destruction dropped off. The part that had completed the liquefaction from the body left from within the body, permeating through the only tiny gap in the prison at a horrible speed. Out.

When Bai Mo saw this, he had to separate out a Spirit Energy Clone, and track the escapees all the way, and then use Mental Power to imprison the rioting body of the people living there.

At the same time, there have been many such cases in many cities in Huaya, mostly because of some pursuit of strength and secretly got Bai Mo through the relationship. “Inextinguishable Body” is not recommended cultivation, and then cultivation in private Officer.

Even with the blockade of Mental Power, these parts still instinctively tremble under summon.

“The problem that Augul felt at the beginning should be today.” He quickly recalled what happened then.

“Oh? Someone forcibly resisted my summon in the south?” Sakazuki immediately responded, and then increased the attractive output.

In order to fight against the increasingly powerful attraction, Bai Mo simply activated the Spirit Energy Network System located on the test grounds, and enlarged his Mental Power by 5 times to continue the tug of war across the space with the other party.

It was just two people fighting against each other, but the Vampires as a cable gradually began to be unable to support it. The jigsaw from within the body and outside the body continuously consumed their Life Strength, and no matter how strong the restoring force was, it was meaningless at this moment.

“The other party has a formation, there is no need to waste power to go to summon.” Sakazuki, with his “eyes” on other Vampires, quickly discovered this fact and decided to suspend the attraction in this direction.

“Hu ……” The people who avoided a catastrophe slumped on the ground. In the tug of war just now, they were the most injured. The huge loss of Life Strength caused everyone to stun a lot.

Bai Mo’s clone has been chasing the 2 groups of Liquid Gold that are speeding. Although he has a lot of opportunities to stop them, in order to find the mastermind, not at all chooses to do it.

More than 20 officials were violent, and the cause of death was Self-destruction, which began without reason within the body. Some of them are sitting in the office, and some of them are just in a meeting. Naturally, this weird situation immediately attracted the attention of relevant sections.

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