Original Seeker

Chapter 233

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Regarding the fact that the true culprit is still at large, everyone finally unified their calibre and made an official explanation in the post-war public report.

In order to fulfill Chen Bo’s assertion at that time, Sakazuki, who had already been ambush, was charged with one of the principal criminals in the nuclear bomb case. At the same time, the public was informed that there was another major criminal who still buried the bottom of the sea. Anyway, the dead would not speak, so insert more The count is okay.

Only the few people in charge of the handover knew the truth behind it. After all, it involved the fall of hundreds of Fusion Stage ability users, and even Chen Bo didn’t want to take misleading responsibility.

Without the guidance of hatred, there are simply not so many ability users who can really fight the enemy.

The truth is finally hidden in a half true half false announcement.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye. During this time, a total of three people in the entire Huaya chose to move forward and embark on this life-and-death breakthrough.

Hong Si, the deputy chief of the special warfare commission, burned and died during the breakthrough. The big explosion caused by the force violently cut off one third of the hills at an altitude of nearly 400 meters in the suburb of Tianqing.

The Special Operations Commission Quartermaster Section Section Wen Jian succeeded in breaking through after paying the price of half a leg, becoming the third person to step into the Mysterious Flower Realm publicly by Huaya.

With the success of the third person’s breakthrough, the pressure on Ye Zi is even greater. The powerhouse administration is a never-ending race. She originally planned to breakthrough after half a year, but she was eagerly looking forward to it, and glare from her political opponents. Like a tiger watching his prey, she had to let her take this step in advance.

As a result, she was lucky, but the severity of her injuries made her disappear into the sight of everyone for a month. However, in this World with various heavenly materials, earthly treasures, as long as there is no death on the spot, Tongtong has the opportunity to recover.

After 3 months of research, Heaven and Earth Seal, a spirit technique that can affect the balance of victory and defeat, has finally been transformed into Universal Spirit Technique by Bai Mo, but unfortunately at this stage, it is only effective against his own low-level ability user, which is a great deal for him. Chicken ribs.

Consumption of a large amount of Spirit Energy, but the result can only block a capability of a lower-level capability user than its own, and it is better to pat it to death with one hand.

The higher he stood, the higher the house building design he designed the cultivation technique on the ground floor. During this time, Bai Mo compiled several cultivation documents about Spiritual Movement and Life Field Stage, connected with the cultivation way of Heaven and Earth Seal, and uploaded them to the contribution point system.

The current contribution point system has been relatively tight in controlling piracy. Huaya Federation has hired a large number of curse system users from all over the world to “process” every valuable piece of information.

Every user who purchases a genuine copy must read the vow before reading the material, and then can open the material.

According to the content of the oath, users can only purchase materials for their own use, and do not have sufficient decryption rights. It is forbidden to communicate with any users who do not purchase materials. Otherwise, the losses caused will occur in a variety of “accidents” in the future. “To compensate.

It was the intimidation of this accident that piracy, which had been banned repeatedly, was almost gone, but there were countermeasures under the policy, and under the huge temptation of huge profits, some people still rubbed into this business.

Behind the scenes, the ambassador spent a little money to hire a large number of people who were short of money to work together, and let them spread the bad luck to achieve the effect of obtaining the highest profit at the least cost.

But even so, there are accidents such as unreasonable things that threaten life. Those who really choose to continue to do piracy are not saved. The gray business that makes money is so many. There is no need to be entangled in this deadly business. .

Increasing the probability of accidents such as being hit by a car, being bitten by a dog, losing a wallet, or being hit by a high altitude object can also be regarded as the true manifestation of bad news.

“How likely is it to develop a classic that can be cultivated for all?” Bai Mo, who was reading a book, suddenly received such an email.

“Here are some of my thoughts …” Xia Ningyi made a document of his thoughts.

2 years ago when Bai Mo went to the underground black market and bought Spiritual Pivot with Ji Xuan, Ji Xuan originally wanted to recommend to Bai Mo the researcher Xia Ningyi who performed Spiritual Pivot surgery for him, but in the event of two accidents, both parties Still unsuccessful, in the end it became a fellow who only exchanged ideas occasionally using email.

“But you also have to consider that once everyone starts to use spiritual energy cultivation, is the entire spiritual energy of Earth sufficient? According to the statistical report, the highest average energy level recorded on record is the day of the tsunami disaster. “

“Since that day, the level of spiritual energy has never increased, and we estimate that it has temporarily reached a balance.”

“Although strong radiation has been proven to be quickly transformed into Spirit Energy in the context of spiritual energy, and then combined into spiritual energy, this is still a waste of money for the endless demand brought by the cultivation of several billion people.”

Bai Mo is actually supportive of the general direction of cultivation for the whole people. The larger the base of thinking, the more shocking and stunning people will provide the results of their thinking, which can better promote the development of cultivation civilization.

But the first thing to solve is the amount of spiritual energy. Once 10000 turns the spiritual energy era into Dharma End Era, it will be a big loss.

Not long after the Autumn of Spiritual Rivers, humans have begun to think about extraterrestrial planets such as the moon and fire star. Are there any problems with spiritual energy?

However, the bombing of nuclear bomb and tsunami has caused unprecedented blows to the scientific research of various countries in the world. A large number of scientific researchers in several major core cities have died. In addition, an innumerable amount of finances have been used for post-disaster reconstruction and preparation for war. Has been interrupted.

It was only recently that Huaya, who experienced several turmoil, began to restart the moon landing plan, and plans to send an expedition team to explore the situation of the moon within 2 years.

A few powerful ability users who can survive in a vacuum environment will be invited to participate in this lunar exploration program.

“But that’s not why I didn’t study it. I am committed to building a fairer world. Your previously published” Thousand Souls Scripture “is a good start, so that everyone has the possibility of cultivation. “She quickly returned the mail.

“The cultivation of Thousand Souls Scripture does not require spiritual energy in nature, and similar problems do not arise.”

“And once the balance of spiritual energy production-consumption is broken, there may even be Dharma End Era. According to my previous research, the concentration of spiritual energy has a huge impact on the progression speed of the two levels of Spiritual Movement and Life Field. , And the Fusion Stage and Mysterious Flower Realm on it, I don’t have enough information to reach a conclusion. “Bai Mo immediately replied.

“Our first-generation capability users, by natural growth alone, do not make any active cultivation, and can also go to the Perfection of Life Field Stage at this concentration of spiritual energy.”

“And once the concentration of spiritual energy decreases, I don’t think there will be such benefits. The cultivation population is definitely on the rise, and one day output will exceed consumption.”

“Even if we are not thinking about others, we should plan ahead and develop a corresponding strategy for environments with low spiritual energy concentrations.” Xia Ningyi said in the email.

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