Original Seeker

Chapter 236

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But no matter what, this has also qualitatively improved the speed for him to complete many simple tasks. Just less than 20 minutes after connecting to a supercomputer, he has once again completed the reconstruction and optimization of the spirit technique structure.

“Unfortunately, its function is too strong and it has a considerable burden on the body. Although it has no effect on me, ordinary people will undoubtedly commit suicide by using it directly.”

When Bai Mo was studying the information interaction device, he also referred to a lot of research materials related to VR, because the two have a lot of similarities, and also related to the information transmission between living things and computers.

After the conductive capsule successfully manufactures the finished product, he only needs to adjust the equipment parameters of power and other aspects accordingly, and then convert the signal output by the computer into the visual, auditory, and tactile signals that the ordinary person can receive and process. A function A complete VR helmet is now available.

“Putting the core computing server in Tianzhong City, the terminal for personal use does not have the Thought Acceleration effect, and it should not cause too much burden on the body of ordinary people.”

“This supercomputer is completely enough to call all ideas at this stage and ready to start the next real plan.”

After the core issues were all resolved, in less than 2 days, a simple but extremely expensive Virtual Reality helmet was tinkered out by Bai Mo.

It is simple because most of the input and output devices are ordinary components that you can buy on the market, and the connected supercomputer is not a level at all.

And expensive, it means that it is directly connected to the supercomputer host behind it.

At this point, he perceived in the conduction cabin, and there was only one Virtual World in the space hole. Except for the huge amount of data flowing at any time, the entire gray world was empty.

This “helmet” with more than 1 billion hardware is missing a core at this time, a Virtual Reality simulation engine that makes everything come alive.

“Battle power evaluation center …” Bai Mo wrote the source code quickly while mutter incantations.

He deliberately entered the core code of the software he was going to publish into this supercomputer with horror simulation capability at a speed of more than 50 lines per second.

Then Bai Mo, while debugging, experienced the World he designed.

“Sure enough, a group of artists is still needed …” He sighed helplessly in the conduction cabin, watching the abstract-style architecture he sketched out in the software.

Under Chen Xi’s Zhang Luo, an in-house Peak team was invited to Tianzhong City, the core city that Bai Mo expects to complete after Rank 1 of the Spirit Energy network plan is completed.

“Your task is to make this Virtual Reality World realistic enough.” Bai Mo made his rare appearance and appeared in an office in Tianzhong City.

“Virtual Reality? Sir, you mean that you already have a product that can be launched on the market?” The tactile art team leader immediately thought of this.

“I have basically encapsulated the code, and the next step is your work.” Bai Mo took out a plan and wrote his current vision and requirements on it.

“Can we let you experience this set of VR World first?” Everyone present was very excited when they heard it, and they can spend a lot of money to invite their art team to come over the game, it will never be a small production.

“The terminals that ordinary people can use have just started to place orders.” Without saying a word, Bai Mo disappeared into the office.

“Sorry, Boss’s character is like this …” Chen Xi, who was in charge of the transfer, had to walk out and round the field.

“It’s okay, we can all understand, geniuses, always have a weird temper.” The team leader laughed with a smile, lightly pats behind his youngster.

“Please also keep your work confidential for the time being.”

“Of course, we must have these ethics.”

“Then I will trouble you next.”


After Chen Xi left, the atmosphere in the office immediately became active.

“Didn’t expect this beauty anchor is actually the assistant of the strange person, it’s really blind.”

Since Chen Xi was pushed up as a host last time, her popularity has skyrocketed, but she has completely rejected the advertising invitations.

“People are rich and powerful. If they are not good, they are someone who has a secretary. What’s so strange about their personality? Let’s work hard. This time, the work looks very simple.” An old modeler said.

“Do you guys really know who he is?”

“Boss, you don’t have to sell anything. The one you are present is the ability user. What do you mortals know …” People around him are joking about him.

“He is one of the supporting heaven giant pillars of the whole Huaya. The single thought has the ability to crush us, and it is normal to be polite.” The team leader said sternly.

In Huaya’s ability user circle, Bai Mo’s popularity is actually quite high, not only because of his own strength, but also because many materials appearing in the contribution point system are his name.

And this is even the result of an anonymous publication of some of his information.

Most of the first basic reference materials for ability user cultivation are also his works. Under his influence, some people even recognized the anonymous materials published by Bai Mo from his writing style.

As a forerunner, at the level of idea sharing, he is even more famous than the Mo Li Hua Lei 4 who published Martial Technique.

But the ordinary person who cannot cultivation, and the only intersection with Bai Mo should be “Thousand Souls Scripture”. In theory, anyone can cultivation the scriptures. They will not waste valuable contributions and buy those who have nothing to do with themselves. Meaningless cultivation experience.

However, his public “Thousand Souls Scripture” has no signature, so not many people know that this is also his work, which caused Bai Mo’s popularity in the public to be very low.

“Battle power does not necessarily match the level of life. Monkey learns to pull a trigger to kill people, which is one of the reasons for frequent killing of enemies in various novels.”

As the main founder of the existing hierarchy, Bai Mo naturally does not have a good opinion of killing enemies beyond the ranks, because this is actually an invisible face against the power hierarchy he created.

Maybe the person who can overcome the opponents now is still as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, but he believes that over time, continuous improvement and innovation of the method will make more cultivation of their next-generation ability user has the victory over the original Senior’s ability to cultivate simple exercises.

In this case, the single level he has established is likely to require multiple troublesome reforms to continue to adapt to the arrival of the new era.

So he came up with an idea to separate the life level from the battle power level, such as the change from the Spiritual Movement Stage to the Life Field Stage, which is a life level change, and should not be directly linked to the battle power.

Using the upcoming VR System and the existing machine learning algorithms, a platform for judging battle power is created.

In his conception, the layering of battle power will be divided by numbers, purely marked with a simple number such as Rank 1 Rank 2 to facilitate subsequent extensions, and at the same time, it can directly address the cultivator of different battles and their battle. power for a comparison.

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